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UP FRONTFriday 26 February 2016

Biden: Campaign rhetoric on Mexico ‘dangerous’                                                                                US calls proposed sanctions on
                                                                                                                              North Korea a ‘major upgrade’ 
PETER ORSI                    poison the well and at the    said. “But here’s what I’m
Associated Press              same time work out a real     here to tell you: They do                                         MICHAEL ASTOR                  on North Korea’s “prolifer-
MEXICO CITY (AP) — Vice       estate agreement to buy       not, they do not, they do                                         Associated Press               ation network” by requir-
President Joe Biden said      the well,” he said.           not represent the view of                                         UNITED NATIONS (AP)            ing U.N. member states
Thursday that some  U.S.      Without naming names          the vast majority of the                                          — The United States on         to expel its diplomats and
campaign rhetoric about       Biden was generally critical  American people.”                                                 Thursday introduced a          functionaries of compa-
Mexico and immigrants         of Republican candidates,     Biden was accompanied                                             draft U.N. Security Council    nies found to be involved
has been “dangerous,          several of whom have pro-     by  U.S. Commerce Secre-                                          resolution that it said will   in illicit activities.
damaging and incredibly       posed measures from wall-     tary Penny Pritzker, Energy                                       significantly increase pres-   The draft resolution would
ill-advised” and is out of    ing the entire U.S.-Mexico    Secretary Ernest Moniz and                                        sure on North Korea in re-     also ban imports of avia-
step with most Americans’     border to deporting all 11    Interior Secretary Sally Jew-                                     sponse to its latest nuclear   tion fuel, with no excep-
attitudes.                    million people estimated      ell.                                                              test and missile launch.       tions, and exports of rare
                                                                                                                              Ambassador Samantha            earths and mineral by
U.S. Vice President Joe Biden, second from right, addresses the Mexican delegation at the start                               Power said the draft is        North Korea, the diplomat
of a meeting of the High Level Economic Dialogue between Mexico and the U.S., in Mexico City,                                 meant to ensure North Ko-      said.
Thursday, Feb. 25, 2016. Biden is heading up a high-level U.S. delegation that’s in Mexico for an-                            rea will be held account-      The official stressed that
nual talks on boosting economic and commercial ties between the two countries.                                                able for its actions.          the sanctions target the
                                                                                                                              “It is a major upgrade and     ruling elite and are de-
                                                                                                (AP Photo/Rebecca Blackwell)  there will be, provided it     signed not to add to the
                                                                                                                              goes forward, pressure         “grave hardship of the
Speaking in Mexico City       to be living in the United    Jewell and her Mexi-                                              on more points, tougher,       people of DPRK.”
at Cabinet-level talks on     States illegally. GOP front-  can counterparts signed                                           more comprehensive,            Items such as luxury
boosting economic and         runner Donald Trump said      agreements to cooper-                                             more sectors. It’s breaking    watches, snowmobiles,
commercial ties with one      last year that Mexico was     ate on energy issues, con-                                        new ground in a whole          recreational water ve-
of the United States’ top     sending crime, drugs and      servation and preparing                                           host of ways,” Power           hicles and lead crystal
trading partners, Biden re-   “rapists” north of the bor-   for the impacts of climate                                        said before heading into       were also added to a list
assured Mexican officials     der.                          change, the  U.S. Inte-                                           a closed-door meeting          of luxury goods that North
that such talk does not re-   “Some of the rhetoric com-    rior Department said in a                                         where the U.S. planned to      Korea is not allowed to im-
flect progress in the coun-   ing from some of the presi-   statement. The secretary                                          circulate the draft to all 15  port.
tries’ bilateral relations.   dential candidates on the     also commended recent                                             council members.               North Korea started off
“The main message I want-     other team are I think dan-   Mexican reforms opening                                           The draft is the result of an  the new year with what it
ed to say to you is that I    gerous, damaging and in-      its energy sector to private                                      agreement between the          claims was its first hydro-
understand that you can’t     credibly ill-advised,” Biden  investment.q                                                      United States and China,       gen bomb test on Jan.
                                                                                                                              North Korea’s main ally.       6 and followed that up
China accuses US chief of using smears                                                                                        The council is expected to     with the launch of a sat-
                                                                                                                              vote on it over the week-      ellite on a rocket on Feb.
C. BODEEN                     ing the economically and      seeking defense budget                                            end.                           7 that was condemned
Associated Press              strategically vital waterway  funds, but you can’t care-                                        A U.S. official familiar with  by much of the world as
BEIJING (AP) — China’s De-    and seeking “hegemony”        lessly smear  China  while                                        the draft, who asked           a test of banned missile
fense Ministry says the com-  in East Asia.                 asking for more money,”                                           not to be identified be-       technology.
mander of U.S. forces in      China  adamantly denies       Wu said.                                                          cause negotiations were        Over the past 10 years,
the Pacific smeared China     such accusations and says     In his testimony before the                                       ongoing, said the pro-         North Korea has conduct-
while seeking additional      Washington and its allies     House of Representatives                                          posed new sanctions are        ed four nuclear tests and
defense funding from Con-     are responsible for raising   on Wednesday, Harris com-                                         broader in scope than in       launched six long-range
gress, in the latest accusa-  tensions.                     mented on the Chinese                                             previous resolutions and       missiles — all in violation
tion in a war of words ac-    “I have noted that accord-    armed forces’ construc-                                           contain unprecedented          of Security Council resolu-
companying rising tensions    ing to media reports, Adm.    tion and extension of is-                                         enforcement provisions,        tions.
in the South China Sea.       Harris made his remarks       lands in the highly disputed                                      including a requirement        The U.N. draft follows a
Ministry spokesman Col. Wu    while seeking additional      South  China  Sea.  China  is                                     that countries inspect any     flurry of activity in Wash-
Qian on Thursday strongly     defense budget funds from     also adding airstrips, har-                                       cargo passing through          ington, including meet-
criticized Adm. Harry Har-    Congress,” Wu told report-    bors, radar stations and                                          their country on its way to    ings between China’s
ris Jr.’s testimony before    ers at a monthly news brief-  other infrastructure and                                          or from North Korea.           Foreign Minister Wang
Congress, in which Harris     ing.                          deploying surface-to-air                                          The draft also includes a      Yi and  U.S. Secretary of
said  China  was militariz-   “We don’t interfere in your   missiles on some. q                                               total ban on arms sales by     State John Kerry on Tues-
                                                                                                                              or to North Korea, closing     day, and with National Se-
                                                                                                                              a loophole for small arms      curity Adviser Susan Rice
                                                                                                                              and light weapons in ear-      on Wednesday.
                                                                                                                              lier sanctions resolutions.    The  U.S., its Western allies
                                                                                                                              It also would ban flights by   and Japan, also pressed
                                                                                                                              North Korean planes be-        for new sanctions that go
                                                                                                                              lieved to be carrying illicit  beyond the North’s nucle-
                                                                                                                              goods.                         ar and missile programs.
                                                                                                                              Taking aim at the coun-        But China, Pyongyang’s
                                                                                                                              try’s finances, the draft      neighbor and supporter
                                                                                                                              resolution requires states     on the council, is reluctant
                                                                                                                              to freeze assets that are      to impose measures that
                                                                                                                              determined to be associ-       could threaten the sta-
                                                                                                                              ated with North Korea’s        bility of North Korea and
                                                                                                                              ballistic missile program. It  cause the country’s econ-
                                                                                                                              also seeks to crack down       omy to collapse.q
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