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WORLD NEWSFriday 26 February 2016

US: Puerto Rico could shut down if no debt restructuring 

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP)    Weiss said he supports a        file a bill to address Puerto                                     than $1 billion in onerous       delayed audited financial
— The U.S. Treasury Depart-   plan that would temporar-       Rico’s economic crisis. If                                        and unsustainable emer-          statements.
ment on Thursday warned       ily suspend litigation to pre-  debt negotiations fail, a                                         gency liquidity actions.”        “Congress is flying blind,”
of a potential government     vent a shutdown of basic        court-supervised structure                                        Puerto Rico has struggled        Rep. Jeff Duncan, a South
shutdown in Puerto Rico       government services on          would ensure what Weiss                                           with a financial crisis for      Carolina Republican, said
and lengthy litigation if     the U.S. territory and give     called an orderly resolution.                                     nearly a decade and fac-         during the hearing. “I don’t
Congress doesn’t approve      time for voluntary negotia-     He also said that an inde-                                        es a $72 billion public debt     believe we should take any
a debt restructuring plan     tions with debt holders.        pendent federal oversight                                         load that the governor           action.”
for the U.S. territory soon.  The plan also would create      board is needed if a debt                                         has said is unpayable and        The hearings were held on
Antonio Weiss, counselor to   a voting mechanism to pre-      restructuring plan is ap-                                         needs restructuring.             the same day the White
the U.S. Treasury secretary,  vent a handful of officials     proved.                                                           U.S. House Speaker Paul          House announced it would
issued the warning as House   from blocking a reasonable      “There is no room for error                                       Ryan has pledged action          speed up access to near-
Republicans held hearings     compromise, he said dur-        in this economy,” he said.                                        by end of March, although        ly $400 million for public
in Washington during a final  ing a hearing by the House      “The government remains                                           some legislators remain re-      works projects in Puerto
push to address the island’s  Committee on Natural Re-        open only because the                                             luctant, noting that Puerto      Rico to help spur economic
failing economy.              sources, which expects to       governor authorized more                                          Rico has not released long-      development.q

Jamaican prime minister fights for her job amid tough times 

In this photo, Jamaican Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller attends a multilateral meeting at                                  ment as she urged voters         The Jamaican dollar has
the Caribbean Energy Security Summit at the State Department in Washington. Simpson Miller is                                   to remain calm in a country      declined, the cost of living
fighting to keep her job amid high crime and unemployment in the largest country in the English-                                that has seen election day       has gone up and wages
speaking Caribbean.                                                                                                             violence in the past.            have been stagnant. The
                                                                                                                                “I want no intimidation. I       IMF, however, has praised
                                                                                                   (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)  want no trouble. I want          the government for cutting
                                                                                                                                everybody to go out and          debt and making other re-
H. CAMPBELL                   in the largest English-speak-   People’s National Party of                                        cast their vote in peace,”       forms to its economy and
Associated Press              ing country in the Carib-       Prime Minister Portia Simp-                                       she said while voting in her     the country’s stock market
KINGSTON, Jamaica (AP)        bean. Voters in Jamaica         son Miller and the opposi-                                        Kingston constituency.           was rated among the best
— The prime minister of Ja-   were choosing a new Par-        tion Jamaica Labor Party.                                         There were long lines at         performing in the world last
maica was fighting to keep    liament and polls showed        Simpson Miller predicted                                          polling stations across the      year. “It makes no sense
her job Thursday amid high    it was likely to be a close     her party would retain                                            country. Police said arson-      we stop the progress now,”
crime and unemployment        race between the ruling         power in the 21-seat Parlia-                                      ists set fire to a polling sta-  said 59-year-old voter Her-
                                                                                                                                tion in Hanover Parish on        bert Hall. “We’ve made
                                                                                                                                the island’s northwest cor-      a lot of progress with the
                                                                                                                                ner before dawn. Voting          economy and develop-
                                                                                                                                was moved to another lo-         ment. It would be chaos if
                                                                                                                                cation and no other major        we change now.” The op-
                                                                                                                                incidents were reported.         position, led by Andrew
                                                                                                                                Simpson Miller became the        Holness, expected a far
                                                                                                                                country’s first female lead-     better showing than in
                                                                                                                                er in 2006. That first term      2011, when it was swept
                                                                                                                                ended in 2007, but she re-       out by a 2-1 margin. “You
                                                                                                                                turned as prime minister         are going to see a far more
                                                                                                                                in 2011 amid a shrinking         energized Jamaica Labor
                                                                                                                                economy and one of the           Party base than in 2011 be-
                                                                                                                                highest levels of debt rela-     cause our members have
                                                                                                                                tive to GDP in the world.        been motivated by the is-
                                                                                                                                Her government negotiat-         sues we have raised in our
                                                                                                                                ed a $930 million aid pack-      campaign,” Holness said.
                                                                                                                                age with the IMF.                q

French president suggests Argentina help with Syrian crisis 

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina       Hollande lauded Argen-          those countries that can                                          Beginning in the early 20th      gration authorities. The pro-
(AP) — French President       tina’s history of receiving     help,” he added.                                                  century, Argentina took in       gram gives humanitarian
Francois Hollande suggest-    immigrants, mentioning Syr-     As Hollande spoke, Macri                                          thousands of Syrians and         visas for two years and ap-
ed this week that Argentina   ians and Lebanese who ar-       didn’t make any notable                                           Lebanese, waves of im-           pears to have mostly been
could take in some of the     rived in the South American     facial expressions. The two                                       migrants that continued          used by Syrians with rela-
hundreds of thousands of      nation decades ago.             leaders then left.                                                to come during times of          tives in Argentina.
Syrians fleeing civil war.    Then, without referring to      It wasn’t clear if the two                                        turmoil in the Middle East.      Hollande, who is on a tour
The idea appeared to be       Argentina by name, he           had discussed the issue pri-                                      Carlos Menem, who was            of South America, planned
an off-the-cuff comment       said through a translator       vately or if Argentina was                                        Argentine president in           to attend a ceremony
during a news conference      that “we must make an ef-       contemplating taking in                                           1989-1999, was born to Syr-      Thursday paying tribute
by Hollande and Argentine     fort wherever we are” to        some of the hundreds of                                           ian parents.                     to victims of Argentina’s
President Mauricio Macri      receive people in refugee       thousands of Syrian’s who                                         However, Argentina has           1976-1983 dictatorship. He
after they met privately      camps in Jordan and Syria.      have fled their country’s                                         not received many Syrian         also planned to meet with
and signed agreements on      With necessary controls im-     civil war. Receiving refu-                                        refugees in recent years.        Estela de Carlotto, head
issues ranging from fighting  plemented, refugees could       gees was not one of the                                           Since 2014, about 200 have       of the human rights group
terrorism to increasing cul-  be received in places with      agreements the two lead-                                          come in under “Program           Grandmothers of Plaza de
tural exchanges.              “existing communities from      ers mentioned.                                                    Syria,” according to immi-       Mayo. q
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