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LOCALFriday 26 February 2016

Expedia PartnerCentral App Now Available in Dutch, Spanish & French

ORANJESTAD - The Expedia     available for Caribbean      time, anywhere. The real-     reservations, arrivals and     tory and rate update as
group, one of the world’s    hotel partners in multiple   time, critical data helps     cancellations; move last       well as a quick glance of
largest online travel com-   languages including Span-    partners to stay informed     minute inventory fast with     daily activities for the prop-
panies, announced this       ish, French and Dutch as of  and competitive with re-      Sell Tonight; help increase    erty.”
week that the Expedia®       February 23, 2016.           al-time insights about the    visibility by creating tar-
PartnerCentral (EPC) App,    The EPC App allows hotel     market; read and respond      geted promotions; receive      --“The app’s quick features
which originally rolled out  partners to manage their     instantly to feedback from    notifications with time-sen-   allow me to spot trends
in June 2015, will now be    business with Expedia any-   guests; stay up to date with  sitive information; and ac-    and measure hotel per-
                                                                                        cess data quickly with an      formance,” said Rachel
                                                                                        efficient single login.        Schnure, market director
                                                                                        “To drive value to our hotel   of Travel Industry Sales at
                                                                                        partners The Expedia group     Marriott Caribbean & Lat-
                                                                                        is constantly investing in     in America Resorts. “I also
                                                                                        new technology to help         love how easy it is to toggle
                                                                                        provide partners with bet-     between multiple hotels.”
                                                                                        ter insights and customer      The EPC App is free for
                                                                                        service, as well as increase   download in Spanish,
                                                                                        demand,” said Demetrius        French and Dutch at the
                                                                                        Canton, market manage-         Apple App Store and
                                                                                        ment director for the Ca-      Google Play and requires
                                                                                        ribbean. “We’re always         an iPhone running iOS 7
                                                                                        looking for ways to make       or higher, or an Android
                                                                                        it easier for our partners to  phone running OS 4.1.2 or
                                                                                        utilize data and create a      higher. The app is the latest
                                                                                        better experience for their    innovation demonstrating
                                                                                        guests.”                       Expedia’s ability to trans-
                                                                                        Several Expedia group ho-      form travel through tech-
                                                                                        tel partners in the English-   nology. Expedia’s product
                                                                                        speaking Caribbean have        team utilizes an unprec-
                                                                                        already tested the app         edented amount of data
                                                                                        and are thrilled with its      and insights to solve every-
                                                                                        quick response time and        day problems on behalf
                                                                                        easy usage.                    of travelers and suppliers.
                                                                                                                       Products are developed by
                                                                                        --“I’m a frequent traveler     applying data through a
                                                                                        and I would always have to     three-step framework: em-
                                                                                        find a hotel in order to con-  pathize, hypothesize, test
                                                                                        nect to a computer and         and learn. The outcomes
                                                                                        make changes on the Ex-        solves problems consum-
                                                                                        pedia site. Because of the     ers and suppliers may not
                                                                                        app, I now only have to log    have even been aware of,
                                                                                        on through the app on my       resulting in user delight, in-
                                                                                        phone, make the changes,       creased engagement and
                                                                                        and in a few minutes I’m       time optimization.
                                                                                        on the road again,” said       By working with Expedia
                                                                                        Paul Graber, national sales    group, hotels in the Carib-
                                                                                        manager at Bolongo Bay         bean gain exposure from
                                                                                        Beach Resort in St. Thomas.    the more than 200 travel
                                                                                                                       booking sites in more than
                                                                                        --Sasha Cole, marketing        75 countries in 35 languag-
                                                                                        manager at Silver Point Ho-    es, in addition to a myriad
                                                                                        tel in Barbados said “I’ve     of mobile sites and apps,
                                                                                        been using the EPC App         from brands such as Expe-
                                                                                        for a couple of months now     dia®,®, Trave-
                                                                                        and find it very convenient    locity®, Orbitz®, Hotwire®,
                                                                                        when I am away from my         Egencia®, Expedia® Affili-
                                                                                        desktop for a quick inven-     ate Network and others.q
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