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                                                                                                           LOCAL Friday 16 June 2017

                Aruba Tourism Authority Honors Special Island Guests!

             Continued from page 13      it  their  ‘home  away  from  Costa  Linda  Beach  Resort,  resenting  the  Aruba  Tour-  Luigi  Heredia,  Ms.  Miriam
            Some  of  them  have  even  home’.”    She  concludes,  it was such a delight to be  ism  Authority  presented  Rodriquez  and  Ms.  Gloria
            purchased weeks at Costa  “We want to thank the Aru-      honored today by you!        the  certificates  together  Janga  from  the  Costa  Lin-
            Linda  and  now  consider  ba  Tourism  Authority  and  Ms.  Darline  de  Cuba  rep-   with  Resort  Manager  Mr.  da Beach Resort.q
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