Page 4 - ATD 27OCT,2015
P. 4
U.S. NEWSTuesday 27 October 2015
Indonesia’s Leader Says Country to Join Trade Pact
and takes effect — a pro- to tensions in the South Chi-
na Sea, where U.S. officials
cess that could take a cou- say a Navy ship is about to
sail inside what China con-
ple of years — it would cut siders its territorial waters
around the disputed Sprat-
tariffs and streamline trade ly Islands. China has built
artificial islands in the area
rules among nations that to bolster its sovereignty
account for 40 percent of In a joint statement, the
two presidents called for
global GDP. all parties to refrain from
actions that raise tensions,
It could prove a tough sell but did not mention China
by name. They affirmed the
in Indonesia, where Wido- importance of freedom of
navigation and overflight.
do faces stiff opposition Indonesia balances its rela-
tions between the U.S. and
to liberalizing the econo- China — which is an even
more important source of
my. According the World trade and investment than
America. Indonesia is not a
Bank’s 2015 Ease of Doing claimant in the South Chi-
na Sea, but is concerned
Business rankings, Indone- about China’s expansive
maritime claims that may
sia was 172nd out of 189 infringe on the territorial
waters of the Natuna is-
economies in the area of lands that is part of the In-
donesian archipelago.
contract enforcement. Widodo has put little focus
on foreign relations since he
Speaking at a separate won election last year on a
wave of popular support.
forum Monday, U.S. Trade His visit, which began Sun-
day, is a chance to build a
Representative Michael rapport with Obama, who
spent part of his childhood
Froman said the U.S. has in Indonesia.q
had “serious concerns”
President Barack Obama listens as Indonesian President Joko Widodo speaks during their meet- about investment barriers in
ing in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, Monday, Oct. 26, 2015. This is Widodo’s
first visit to the U.S. since becoming President of Indonesia. Indonesia. He did not spe-
(AP Photo/Susan Walsh) cifically address the pros-
pect of Indonesia joining
M. PENNINGTON Washington visit since win- Indonesian economy as TPP, but said “other coun-
Associated Press ning power a year ago, open.
WASHINGTON (AP) — In- and is keen to drum up Obama said Widodo was tries who are able and will-
donesia’s leader looked to American investment in leading Indonesia in the
cement his nation’s grow- a flagging economy. U.S. “right direction.” ing to meet its standards,
ing ties with the United companies complain that “We want to be a partner
States, declaring after a economic protectionism with you,” he said. can potentially accede.”
meeting Monday with Pres- makes it difficult to do busi- Indonesia had previously
ident Barack Obama that ness there. expressed interest in joining Obama and Widodo also
Southeast Asia’s largest “Indonesia intends to join TPP but this is the strongest
economy intended to join the TPP,” Widodo said in indication yet that it is seri- discussed climate change
a sweeping U.S.-backed the Oval Office, referring ous about joining the pact,
Pacific Rim trade deal. to the Trans-Pacific Partner- which the U.S. has negoti- and counterterrorism
Indonesian President Joko ship. He provided no other ated with 11 other nations.
Widodo is making his first details, but described the Once the pact is ratified against groups like the Is-
lamic State. Indonesia is
the world’s largest Muslim-
majority nation and largely
Another agenda item was
maritime security coopera-
tion, Obama said, alluding
Ex-UN General Assembly head charged in bribe case is freed
LARRY NEUMEISTER ditional charges. Earlier in the day, Assis- emonial role of U.N. Gener- 2011 through 2014 in which
Associated Press John Ashe, 61, was freed tant U.S. Attorney Janis al Assembly president until Chinese billionaire Ng Lap
NEW YORK (AP) — A for- at dusk after an electronic Echenberg told Judge Ver- September 2014. So far, he Seng and other business-
mer president of the United bracelet was attached non S. Broderick that pros- faces only tax counts that people paid him over $1
Nations General Assembly and the last of four co-sign- ecutors were “rather likely” carry a maximum penalty million in bribes to support
facing tax charges in a ers to his bail package was to bring additional charges of six years in prison. a multibillion-dollar U.N.-
bribery case was released approved. against Ashe, a former U.N. The U.S. government claims sponsored conference
Monday on $1 million bail He declined to comment ambassador from Antigua Ashe, of Dobbs Ferry, New center that Ng hoped to
even as a prosecutor said as he left Manhattan fed- and Barbuda who served York, was at the center of build as his legacy in Ma-
it was likely he will face ad- eral court. for a year in the largely cer- a bribery conspiracy from cau, where he lived.q