Page 9 - ATD 27OCT,2015
P. 9

                                                                                                                                  Tuesday 27 October 2015

Migrant Balkan surge continues amid EU attempt to slow it

A man holds a boy and laughs as he waits with hundreds oth-                    mitments,” said Slovenian      how to handle the crisis.        achieve some results in
er migrants for registration at the central registration center for            Prime Minister Miro Cerar,     Croatian police said that        the coming weeks and
refugees and asylum-seekers in Berlin, Monday, Oct. 26, 2015.                  whose tiny Alpine nation       as of early Monday, more         months,” he said. “But, it is
Thousands of people who fled war and look for a better life are                has been overwhelmed           than 13,000 migrants had         clear that this crisis cannot
trying to reach central and northern Europe via the Balkans, but               since Hungary put up a         arrived from Serbia over         be solved in a few weeks
often have to wait for days in mud and rain at the Serbian, Croa-              fence on the border with       the previous 24 hours, while     or months, but will improve
tian and Slovenian borders.                                                    Serbia and Croatia, divert-    Slovenian police reported        step by step.”
                                                                               ing the flow to Slovenia.      nearly 10,000 arrivals from      Sunday’s meeting was
                                                  (AP Photo/Markus Schreiber)  Slovenia has hinted that       Croatia in the same pe-          called in response to a
                                                                               it will build a fence on the   riod. Further west, in Austria,  string of chaotic actions
                                                                               border with Croatia if the     some 3,500 people had to         taken by countries along
                                                                               migrant surge becomes          sleep outside in the cold        the route. With no real abil-
                                                                               too difficult to handle.       fall weather, while Germa-       ity to control Greece’s po-
                                                                               “OK, place a fence, but if     ny said it had seen 15,000       rous island border or stop
                                                                               you are not ready to shoot     arrivals over the weekend.       people leaving Turkey for
                                                                               at the people, it will not     Serbian Prime Minister Alek-     sanctuary or jobs in Europe,
                                                                               stop anyone,” Croatian In-     sandar Vucic warned that         the  EU  wants to restore
                                                                               terior Minister Ranko Ostojic  addressing the crisis will       some order and apply the
                                                                               said amid a spat between       take time.                       brakes on those passing
                                                                               the two neighbors over         “We will all be able to          through.q

DUSAN STOJANOVIC               Habibi Loh.
Associated Press
BELGRADE, Serbia (AP) —        Humanitarian  officials
With freezing weather set-
ting in, tens of thousands     warned of plummeting
of migrants surging across
Europe could face even         winter temperatures.
more hurdles after Europe-
an Union leaders pledged       “In the short term, the situ-
to stem their flow by intro-
ducing tighter border con-     ation is manageable,”
EU leaders committed at a      said Antonija Zaniuk of the
weekend summit to help-
ing the Balkans handle the     Slovenian Red Cross. “We
flow of people making their
way through the region en      have a lot of winter cloth-
route to more prosperous
countries. But with record     ing, blankets. We are dis-
numbers arriving from the
Middle East, Asia and Af-      tributing cups of tea, food.
rica, the moves will likely
make their journeys more       But, in the long term, who
On Monday, thousands of        knows.”
people, including many
women, children and el-        In a statement seeking to
derly, waited in long lines
at the Croatian and Slo-       paper over deep divisions
venia borders as the flow
of humanity continued un-      about how to handle the
“It is not difficult for me,   crisis, the  EU  and Balkan
but for people with families
and children, it is so hard,”  leaders meeting in Brus-
said a 19-year-old Afghan,
                               sels committed to bolster

                               the borders of Greece as

                               it struggles to cope with

                               the wave of refugees who

                               cross over through Turkey.

                               They also pledged to boost

                               the capacities of recep-

                               tion centers in Greece and

                               along the Balkans route

                               to shelter 100,000 more

                               people as winter looms

                               and additional  EU  border

                               watchdog agency officials

                               are deployed to monitor

                               the flow.

                               “This is a step in the right

                               direction and now it is cru-

                               cial to respect the com-
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