Page 12 - ATD 27OCT,2015
P. 12
WORLD NEWSTuesday 27 October 2015
A member of the European Union Election Observation Mission observes electoral workers count- TV comic Jimmy Morales wins
ing ballots at a tabulation center in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Monday, Oct. 26, 2015. Final results are Guatemala presidential runoff
not expected until late November, according to the country’s Provisional Electoral Council.
(AP Photo/Ricardo Arduengo) Associated Press
GUATEMALA CITY (AP) — Now that former comedi-
Haiti faces long wait for election results an Jimmy Morales has ridden a tide of voter frustra-
tion to win Guatemala’s presidency, it remained un-
DAVID McFADDEN U.S. State Department and of ballots,” said Abdonel clear Monday about what political neophyte might
DANICA COTO a former U.S. ambassador Doudou, a member of the do once in office.
Associated Press to the country. umbrella group Citizen Ob- So far he’s given few clues, beyond hinting at reviv-
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (AP) Haitian and international servatory for Institutional- ing a dormant border dispute with neighboring Be-
— Haiti’s voters have spo- rights groups said Sunday’s izing Democracy, which lize, or attaching GPS locating devices to teachers
ken. But nobody’s quite vote was largely free of deployed 1,830 observers to ensure they’re in class.
sure what they’ve said. the violence and disorder across the country on elec- Morales’ campaign was heavy on style and light
Even tentative results of that has plagued previous tion day. on concrete policy proposals and as landslide vote
Sunday’s presidential elec- elections, including the first The Observatory estimated numbers rolled in on Sunday night, his campaign
tion likely won’t be known round of legislative elec- turnout at perhaps 29 or 32 headquarters looked a lot like a TV variety show,
for at least 10 days, despite tions in August. percent, an improvement with a band and dancers.
the fact that the election, Haiti appears to be “mov- from the 18 percent turnout His biggest campaign pledge — like that of nearly
which involved 54 presiden- ing in the right direction,” in August’s parliamentary all other candidates — was to fight the entrenched
tial candidates and tens of said Celso Amorim, chief of elections. Years of broken corruption that forced the resignation of his prede-
thousands of contenders the Organization of Ameri- promises by governments cessor, Otto Perez Molina, but Morales has spoken
for other races, went un- can States’ 125-member that have failed to provide little about his own party’s ties to some of the most
usually smoothly. observer mission. basic services have fed conservative sectors of Guatemala’s military, which
Few places in the world But watchdog groups said significant voter apathy in has been struggling to avoid being held account-
take longer to give citizens they are trying to keep a Haiti. able for massacres committed during the country’s
any hint of who won an close eye on transportation Richardson Dumel, spokes- 1960-1996 civil war.
election. and count of ballots. man for Haiti’s Provisional “Jimmy Morales has no concrete plans to fight cor-
One reason is that it’s Under guard by Haitian Electoral Council, said pre- ruption, or anything else, for that matter. He just
against the law for results police and U.N. peace- liminary results could be is- doesn’t have any,” said political analyst Renzo Ro-
to be released by anyone keepers, Sunday’s ballots sued in 10 days. Final results sal, who thinks the average voter went for Morales
other than the Provisional and polling-place counts are not expected until late because “it’s better to have him, than the other
Electoral Council, whose were being trucked from November, at least, due to gang of thieves.”
members are replaced ev- the countryside across of- political factions contesting He predicted that Morales, whose nationalistic Na-
ery election cycle. ten-dilapidated roads to a tallies. tional Convergence Front won few seats in Con-
“A lot of the learning that warehouse tabulation cen- Despite the relatively order- gress, will wind up cobbling together alliances with
is accrued every time they ter in the capital of Port-au- ly voting across the nation the very ruling elite that was targeted by mass anti-
go through an election Prince on Monday. of some 10 million people, corruption protests this summer.
process seems to be lost,” “Fraud can occur espe- there were some logistical National Convergence itself was founded by retired
said Kenneth Merten, Haiti cially during the transpor- problems and allegations army officers, some of whom have been implicated
special coordinator for the tation and certification of fraud.q in rights abuses during the 1960-1996 civil war that
pitted the army against leftist guerrillas. Former mili-
tary dictator Efrain Rios Montt is fighting genocide
charges for his role in the conflict, in which 200,000
Morales has sought to distance himself from the of-
ficers who founded the party, but one of them, Col.
Edgar Ovalle, was a close campaign adviser and
will head the party’s tiny, 11-member contingent in
the 158-seat Congress.
Morales caused alarm in neighboring Belize, which
has had a long territorial dispute with Guatemala,
when he appeared on a television cooking show
and said, “We are on the point of losing Belize.”
As he concentrated on chopping a tomato, Mo-
rales told host Beatriz Colmenares that Guatemala
can still go to international courts where “we can
fight for that territory, or at least a part of that terri-
tory,” though he clearly was speaking only of diplo-
matic action.q