Page 11 - ATD 27OCT,2015
P. 11
Tuesday 27 October 2015
After surprising election, top 2 Argentine candidates reset
‘change’ can be attractive remained mum on Mon-
day about who he might
in politics,” said Scioli, argu- support. Negotiations be-
tween him and Macri be-
ing that the state should fore the election fell apart.
Even with an eventual en-
continue to have a strong dorsement from Massa,
who his supporters might
hand in Argentine society. vote for in November is an
open question. Like Mas-
Scioli also invited Macri to a sa, they are adherents of
Peronism, a movement
debate, an about-face af- aligned with the working
class founded by three-
ter refusing to debate the time former president Juan
Peron, who have become
other five candidates a few disgruntled with Fernan-
dez’s rule.
weeks ago. Many Argentines are wor-
ried about high govern-
Macri called the vote ment spending and infla-
tion around 30 percent.
“transformative,” and Many have also grown tired
of a legal fight with credi-
promised to convince vot- tors in the U.S. that has kept
the country out of interna-
ers who didn’t choose him tional credit markets.q
on Sunday.
“We will correct the abuses
and the fraud of inflation,”
Macri said, reiterating one
of his common themes.
Over the next month, both
candidates will be heavily
courting Sergio Massa. The
former Fernandez loyalist
Top opposition presidential candidate Mauricio Macri speaks to supporters following election came in third on Sunday,
results in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
garnering 21.3 percent of
(AP Photo/Victor R. Caivano)
the vote.
The potential kingmaker
P. PRENGAMAN social contract but also
Associated Press drew sharp criticism for
BUENOS AIRES, Argentina widespread allegations of
(AP) — The top two presi- corruption in her adminis-
dential candidates in Ar- tration and for fights with
gentina reset their cam- political opponents and
paigns on Monday after a other nations that many Ar-
razor-close election vote gentines found tiresome.
forced a runoff and cast With 97 percent of polling
doubt on the legacy of places reporting Monday,
President Cristina Fernan- Scioli had 36.9 percent of
dez, a polarizing leader the vote, while opposition
who spent heavily on pro- candidate Mauricio Macri
grams for the poor but had 34.3 percent.
made enemies with her That forces a second round,
brash style and failure to since to win in the first round
solve economic ills. a candidate needs 45 per-
Sunday’s presidential elec- cent or 40 percent and a
tion shook up the politi- 10-point advantage over
cal landscape. Numerous the nearest competitor.
polls in recent months had “A runoff will be like reshuf-
projected that ruling party fling the cards and dealing
candidate Daniel Scioli again,” said Mariel Fornoni,
would win by 10 percent or director of consulting firm
more. Management & Fit. “The
Scioli, the governor of the political landscape will be
Buenos Aires province, very different on Nov. 22”
had been viewed as an Scioli reminded supporters
easy front-runner thanks to on Monday that he cap-
the support of Fernandez, tured the most votes, and
a charismatic two-term warned that Macri would
president. Fernandez won undo popular state pro-
admirers for rewriting the grams.
South American country’s “Sometimes the word