Page 14 - ATD 27OCT,2015
P. 14


LOCALTuesday 27 October 2015

        Enjoy a Happy Halloween at Palm Beach Plaza Mall!

PALM BEACH - The mall            and costume contest,          ber 30 or 31.
most known for special           both offering super prizes    Palm Beach Plaza Mall will
events on Aruba is the           to the winners! There will    be transformed into full
Palm Beach Plaza Mall.           be plenty of music, a fun     Halloween ambiance for
Spook-tacular Halloween          dance show, fun games         the evening courtesy of
fun will be on tap from          and a whole lot more!         Kerekentenchi Party Explo-
6pm to 9pm on Saturday,          Families must sign up their   sion.
October 31, offering fun         children for the events. You  All families are invited to
for kids of all ages! ‘Trick or  can sign up between 6pm       visit Palm Beach Plaza Mall
Treating’ begins at 6pm,         and 7pm at the stage at       on Saturday, October 31
with all shops participating     Palm Beach Plaza Mall on      for a super-fun Halloween
with treats for the kids. Also   Friday or Saturday, Octo-     evening!q
in store will be the famous
pumpkin carving contest
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