Page 10 - ATD 27OCT,2015
P. 10
WORLD NEWSTuesday 27 October 2015
Officials say bombing targets Shiite pilgrims, killing 7
VIVIAN SALAMA the dead, a police official ed to the extremist group. of the Iraqi security forces of restaurants killing two
Associated Press said. At least 19 people The Islamic State group has as it seeks to destabilize the people and wounding at
BAGHDAD (AP) — A man were wounded in the at- already claimed a num- Shiite-led government in least 11.
wearing an explosive belt tack. ber of attacks on pilgrims its push to expand its self- Also in the southern neigh-
attacked a tent serving The Islamic State group and other Shiite gatherings styled caliphate. borhood of Latifiyah, an im-
refreshments to pilgrims in claimed responsibility for since the start of the holy Elsewhere in the capital, provised explosive devise
Baghdad observing an an- the attack, in a communi- period of Muharrem, com- another three people were triggered next to a passing
nual Shiite ritual Monday, que distributed on Twitter memorating the death killed in two separate at- military vehicle, killing one
killing at least seven peo- Monday, identifying the at- of the Imam Hussein, the tacks. soldier and wounding five.
ple, officials said. tacker as “Abu Thabit.” grandson of the Prophet The first happened in Ma- Hospital official corrobo-
The attack happened in The statement could not Muhammed and an iconic dain, a neighborhood in rated all the casualties. The
Baghdad’s eastern al- immediately be verified but Shiite martyr. southeast Baghdad. Po- officials spoke anonymous-
Shaab neighborhood. Two the Twitter accounts used The group has also fre- lice said a roadside bomb ly as they were not autho-
police officers were among are known to be connect- quently targeted members detonated outside a strip rized to brief the media.q
Israel premier orders review of status for east Jerusalem
JOSEF FEDERMAN Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu attends the official with clashes at Jerusalem’s estinian population, about
Associated Press memorial ceremony marking the 20th anniversary of the assas- most sensitive holy site, a 100,000 people, live outside
JERUSALEM (AP) — Prime sination of the late Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin in the Mt. Herzl hilltop compound in the the barrier.
Minister Benjamin Netan- Cemetery in Jerusalem, Monday, Oct. 26, 2015. Old City that is revered Israel captured east Jeru-
yahu has ordered a review by Jews and Muslims. The salem and the West Bank
of the status of certain Pal- (Debbie Hill/Pool Photo via AP) clashes quickly spread to from Jordan in the 1967
estinian neighborhoods in other areas of east Jerusa- Mideast war. It immediately
east Jerusalem, an official neighborhoods. Any move unrest and draw interna- lem, across Israel and into annexed east Jerusalem as
confirmed Monday, a de- to change the status of the tional condemnations. the West Bank and Gaza part of its capital in a move
cision that could poten- city’s Palestinians would The current round of vio- Strip. In all, 10 Israelis have that has never been inter-
tially strip tens of thousands threaten unleashing new lence began last month been killed, mostly in stab- nationally recognized.
of Palestinians of their Israeli bings, while 52 Palestinians, Few Palestinians accepted
residency rights. including 30 identified by Israeli citizenship, fearing it
Such a move is unlikely Israel as attackers, have would recognize Israeli oc-
to overcome Israeli legal been killed by Israeli fire. cupation, and the vast ma-
hurdles, but the very pros- Palestinian neighborhoods jority now holds residency
pect has unnerved Pales- in east Jerusalem have ex- rights. As residents, they
tinians in the city. The re- perienced frequent clash- enjoy freedom of move-
view comes after weeks of es between stone-throwing ment, the right to work in
Israeli-Palestinian violence, youths and Israeli security Israel and access to Israeli
much of it concentrated forces. social services and health
in east Jerusalem, the sec- The Israeli official said that care. But Palestinians claim
tion of the city claimed by Netanyahu recently or- that this status is fragile,
the Palestinians for their fu- dered a review of Palestin- noting that people can be
ture capital. Many of the ian neighborhoods located stripped of residency if they
Palestinian attackers in- outside of Israel’s West Bank leave the city for extended
volved in deadly assaults separate barrier. Roughly- periods of time. Israeli rights
came from east Jerusalem one third of the city’s Pal- groups, q
Suicide bomb rocks Saudi Arabia mosque, killing at least 1
ABDULLAH AL-SHIHRI Najran, near the country’s He said several wounded the blast. significant bombings, tar-
Associated Press southern border with Ye- victims were being treat- Suspicion is likely to fall on geting mosques in Saudi
RIYADH, Saudi Arabia (AP) men. It was the latest in ed in nearby hospitals, the Islamic State militant Arabia and another in
— A suicide bomber deto- a series of bombings that and that authorities have group. neighboring Kuwait since
nated his explosives at a have targeted mosques in launched an investigation. It considers Shiites to be May.
mosque in southern Saudi the oil-rich kingdom in re- Najran is the capital of a heretics and seeks to The most recent hap-
Arabia on Monday, killing cent months. border region of the same weaken the ruling Al-Saud pened in August when a
one person and wounding Interior Ministry spokesman name that is home to a family’s legitimacy and suicide bomber blew him-
several others, according Maj. Gen. Mansour al-Turki large concentration of the custodianship of Islam’s self up at a mosque inside
to the Saudi Interior Minis- said the bomber detonat- Sunni-ruled kingdom’s Is- holiest sites in Mecca and a police compound in
try. ed his device as worship- maili Shiite minority. Medina the southern city of Abha,
The blast went off shortly pers were leaving sunset There was no immediate The group’s two Saudi af- some 350 miles south of the
after nightfall in the city of prayers. claim of responsibility for filiates have claimed three holy city of Mecca.q