Page 5 - ATD 27OCT,2015
P. 5

                                                                                                                                      Tuesday 27 October 2015

Speaker Boehner’s last deal: 2-year budget, debt ceiling 

WASHINGTON (AP) —               ing cuts for the 2014-2015     House Speaker John Boehner of Ohio arrives for a caucus meeting on Capitol Hill in Washington.
House Speaker John Boeh-        budget years. A lot of         Boehner is pushing to finalize a budget agreement with President Obama before handing
ner is pushing to finalize      conservatives disliked the     Congress’ top job over to Rep. Paul Ryan this week, congressional officials said Monday.
a far-reaching, two-year        measure and many on the
budget agreement with           Repubicans’ right flank are                                                                                                           (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)
President Barack Obama          likely to oppose the new
before handing Congress’        one, which would apply         there are equal defense         Obama wants roughly $74         and domestic programs.
top job over to Rep. Paul       to the 2016-2017 budget        and nondefense increas-         billion in additional defense   Instead, aides said, the
Ryan this week, congressio-     years.                         es.” At the White House,        and nondefense spend-           framework would permit
nal officials said Monday.      The closely-held talks had     press secretary Josh Ear-       ing this year. The measure      $50 billion in additional
The budget pact, in con-        appeared to be proceed-        nest said: “Not everything      wouldn’t provide full relief    spending in 2016, about a 5
cert with a must-pass in-       ing slowly but took on ur-     has been agreed to. That        demanded by defense             percent increase, and $30
crease in the federal bor-      gency over the weekend         means nothing at this point     hawks and would award           billion above current limits
rowing limit, would solve       as House Republican lead-      has been agreed to.”            equal increases to defense      for 2017. q
the thorniest issues await-     ers looked ahead to a debt
ing Ryan, who is set to be      limit vote this week that      AP-GfK Poll: Trump is hard sell for Hispanics 
elected speaker on Thurs-       they feared they might not
day. The position is the        be able to pass as a stand-    JILL COLVIN                     Even so, most in the field      rights advocacy group,
hightest in Congress and        alone measure.                 EMILY SWANSON                   are unknown to enough           said the findings are no sur-
the second in line of suc-      “Fiscal negotiations are on-   Associated Press                Hispanics that they might       prise and “consistent from
cession to the president.       going,” Republican Majori-     NEWARK, New Jersey (AP)         have a shot at proving          what we’ve heard from the
The budget pact would           ty Leader Mitch McConnell      — Republican front-runner       themselves.                     community.”
also take budget show-          said as he opened the Sen-     Donald Trump is widely          That’s a particular struggle    Trump’s provocative com-
downs and government            ate on Monday afternoon.       unpopular among the na-         for Trump, who began his        ments about the charac-
shutdown fights off the         “As the details come in and    tion’s Hispanics, a new AP-     campaign for president by       ter of immigrants and his
table until after the 2016      especially if an agreement     GfK poll finds, challenging     calling some immigrants         plans for mass deportation
presidential election, a po-    is reached, I intend to con-   the billionaire’s oft-repeat-   from Mexico rapists and         and construction of a wall
tential boon to Republican      sult and discuss the details   ed assertion that he will win   has vowed to deport all         all along the Mexican bor-
candidates who might oth-       with our colleagues.”          the Hispanic vote if he be-     of the estimated 11 million     der stirred a backlash from
erwise face uncomfortable       Negotiators hoped to of-       comes his party’s nominee.      people living in the coun-      Hispanic groups. He also
questions about messes in       ficially file the legislation  The survey finds many of        try illegally if he is elected  bailed on an event with His-
the Republican-led Con-         Monday night, but it’s not     the Republican candidates       president.                      panic business leaders.
gress. Congress must raise      clear whether they’ll meet     running for president would     Trump is viewed unfavor-        Nonetheless, Trump says
the federal borrowing limit     the goal. House Republi-       probably struggle to win        ably by 72 percent of His-      Hispanics love him.
by Nov. 3 or risk a first-ever  can leaders announced a        significant support among       panics, with 6 in 10 having     “I have fantastic relation-
default, while money to         closed-door meeting Mon-       Hispanics in a general elec-    a very unfavorable opin-        ships with the Hispanics,”
pay for government opera-       day night to gauge support     tion. Former Florida Gov.       ion of him, the AP-GfK poll     Trump said last week. “I
tions runs out Dec. 11 unless   among rank and file.           Jeb Bush and  U.S. senator      finds. Only 11 percent view     employ thousands of His-
Congress acts. The emerg-       Party defense hawks are        from Florida Marco Rubio        him favorably.                  panics right now, tens of
ing framework would give        a driving force, intent on     are their favorites, but even   Janet Murguia, president        thousands over the years
both the Pentagon and           reversing automatic bud-       they are a hard sell, the poll  of the National Council of      I’ve employed. They’re fan-
domestic agencies two           get cuts. Democrats and        suggests.                       La Raza, the Hispanic civil     tastic people.”q
years of budget relief in ex-   the White House are press-
change for cuts elsewhere       ing hard as well, demand-
in the budget.                  ing increases for domestic
The measure under discus-       agencies on par with any
sion would suspend the          Pentagon hikes. The mea-
current $18.1 trillion debt     sure is aimed at undoing
limit through March 2017.       the automatic cuts, which
After that it would be re-      are a byproduct of a 2011
set by the Treasury Depart-     budget and debt deal and
ment to reflect borrowing       the failure of Washington
over that time.                 to subsequently tackle the
The emerging budget side        government’s fiscal woes.
of the deal resembles a         “It is past time that we do
pact that Ryan himself put      away with the harmful,
together two years ago in       draconian sequester cuts,”
concert with Democrat-          said Democratic Senate
ic Sen. Patty Murray that       Minority Leader Harry Reid.
eased automatic spend-          “We must also ensure that
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