Page 22 - Aruba Today
P. 22
SPORTSSaturday 12 September
Mayweather insists Berto is last fight of perfect career
TIM DAHLBERG up to the bout.
Part of that is the hangover
AP Boxing Writer from Pacquiao, though
part of the blame has to go
LAS VEGAS (AP) — Floyd to Mayweather’s choice of
an opponent. Berto may
Mayweather Jr. insists this is be a former champion, but
he has lost three of his last
it, though he may be one six fights — two of them to
fighters Mayweather beat
of only a few who really easily — and is a lopsided
20-1 underdog in man-to-
seem to believe it. man betting.
To try and sell the fight to
Nineteen years and 48 those at home for a sug-
gested price of $74.95,
fights haven’t taken a big Mayweather has played
up Berto’s aggressive style
toll on Mayweather, but and vowed to seek a
he’s not taking any chanc- “Berto is not a pushover,”
Mayweather insisted. “No
es. He has seen what tak- matter who I chose the
media was going to have
ing too many punches did something to say; the crit-
ics were going to have
to his uncle, Roger, and is something to say.”
The promotion for Berto
determined to leave box- has been so low key it al-
most seems as if the fight
ing with his brain fully in- is an afterthought to May-
weather. He bristles when
tact. it is suggested that it takes
a name opponent for him
Rich beyond belief, May- to sell a fight, especially
when his last five fights on
weather doesn’t need to Showtime have closed in
on 10 million pay-per-view
fight anymore. And he says buys with total revenue of
nearly $750 million.
he’s comfortable walking “Nobody’s forced to
watch,” Mayweather said.
away from the sport he “Watch if you want to
watch. If you don’t want to
began learning before he watch, don’t watch.”
Berto says people should
could even walk. Boxers Floyd Mayweather Jr., left, and Andre Berto pose for photographers during a news tune in, especially if they
want to see Mayweather
“Not gonna miss it at all,” conference Wednesday, Sept. 9, 2015, in Las Vegas. Associated Press get beat. Though a huge
underdog, he has nev-
Mayweather said. “I feel retire after facing Andre mark of 49-0 and — per- says, even though an ear- er been afraid to trade
punches, something op-
like I’ve been dealt a royal Berto on Saturday. They haps more importantly — lier retirement ended after ponents don’t normally do
against Mayweather.
flush.” wonder how he can re- resist the huge money an- 21 months. “I’ve been counted out
from Day 1,” said Berto,
Those not on the inside in sist trying to break the late other fight would bring. “Why can’t a man go out who represented Haiti in
the 2004 Olympics. “I’m
the Mayweather camp heavyweight champion Those who know him best when he’s had an illustri- coming for my respect and
for everything I deserve.
scoff at the thought he will Rocky Marciano’s perfect say he means what he ous career, accomplished He’s sharp but I have cer-
tain tools that will make
everything that he needs things difficult for him.”
If so, Berto will do some-
to accomplish and be thing Pacquiao couldn’t
do. Mayweather was at
Gougeard wins Vuelta stage 19, done?” Mayweather con- the top of his game when
fidante Leonard Ellerbe he beat his longtime rival in
the richest fight ever, and if
Dumoulin retains overall lead said. “And he’s done it his he does retire as planned
way.” it will be with a 49-0 record
that matches Marciano.q
Of that, there is little de-
AVILA, Spain (AP) — Alexis Gougeard of bate. Mayweather man-
France broke away from the pack and aged, in a career that
stayed ahead to win the 19th stage of the dates to his pro debut in
Spanish Vuelta on Friday, while Tom Du- 1996, to reinvent himself
moulin extended his slender overall lead. several times and make
Gougeard was followed across the line in more money than any
the medieval walled city of Avila by Nel- fighter before him despite
son Oliveira, with Maxime Monfort com- a defensive style that bor-
ing third in the rolling 185.8-kilometer (115- ders on boring in the ring.
mile) stage. He earned some $220 mil-
Dumoulin set a fast pace on the final lion in his last fight alone,
scramble while his main rival, Fabio Aru, a staggering figure that
lagged on the cobblestone surface. Al- dwarfs all his other pay-
though Aru retained second overall, he days. It happened be-
lost three seconds to go six seconds be- cause the desire to see
hind the Dutchman. Joaquin Rodriguez of him fight Manny Pacquiao
Spain is third overall. was so frenzied that peo-
A pile-up after 70 kilometers (43 miles) of ple paid up to $39,000 for
the stage affected both Dumoulin and ringside tickets and 4.6
Aru. million households bought
“I was behind the crash and needed to the pay-per-view at the
go into the gravel at the side of the road princely price of $99.95.
and ended up having to fix my bike,” said The frenzy has long passed,
Dumoulin, while Aru was seen receiving replaced by a sour taste
medical attention for slight injuries. most got from watching
“These are hard days and everyone is at- Mayweather methodi-
tacking me,” Dumoulin said, “but I can cally dispose of Pacquiao.
Team Giant/Alpecin rider Tom Dumoulin handle it.” There’s so little demand
from The Netherlands wearing the red jersey Saturday’s stage 20 is a 175.8-kilometer to see him fight Berto that
for overall leader stands at the podium after (109.2-mile) mountainous ride from San tickets were both available
finishing the 185.8 kilometers (115 miles) 19th Lorenzo de El Escorial to Cercedilla that and plentiful direct from
stage between Medina del Campo and Avila, includes four category 1 peaks. the MGM Grand in almost
during the Spanish La Vuelta cycling tour in The 21-stage Vuelta ends Sunday with a every section of the hotel’s
Avila, Spain, Friday, Sept. 11, 2015. ride into downtown Madrid.q arena in the days leading
Associated Press