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SPORTSSaturday 12 September

NFL clears Patriots of headset suspicion in opening game 

JIMMY GOLEN                                                                                                          something sinister is at work    “To take away from what
                                                                                                                     whenever something goes          those teams accomplished
AP Sports Writer                                                                                                     wrong against the Patriots.      ... it’s just not right,” Belich-
                                                                                                                     After describing the prob-       ick said.
FOXBOROUGH,       Mass.                                                                                              lem with the headsets on         The league agreed with
                                                                                                                     Thursday night, Tomlin told      the Patriots — at least in
(AP) — Philadelphia Ea-                                                                                              reporters, “That’s always        this case. NFL spokesman
                                                                                                                     the case.”                       Michael Signora said in a
gles coach Chip Kelly has                                                                                            “Here?” he was asked.            statement late Friday af-
                                                                                                                     “Yes,” Tomlin said.              ternoon that the audio in-
heard air traffic control                                                                                            Patriots coach Bill Belichick    terference was “entirely at-
                                                                                                                     responded on Friday that         tributable to an electrical
coming in over the head-                                                                                             “it’s just not right” for oppo-  issue made worse by the
                                                                                                                     nents and their fans to attri-   inclement weather.”
sets he uses to communi-                                                                                             bute the team’s success —        “It involved no manipula-
                                                                                                                     six trips to the Super Bowl,     tion by any individual,”
cate with his staff. Former                                                                                          and four NFL titles — to dirty   he said. “The Patriots had
                                                                                                                     tricks involving videotap-       nothing to do with it.”
Ravens coach Brian Billick                                                                                           ing, deflated footballs and      The latest accusations
                                                                                                                     now headsets.                    came just as the Patriots
said he once heard a pizza                                                                                           “I think it’s just sad com-      were trying to celebrate
                                                                                                                     mentary and it’s gone to         their fourth Super Bowl title
delivery guy.                                                                                                        a pretty low level. It’s sunk    and change the subject
                                                                                                                     pretty deep,” Belichick          from the deflated footballs
So when the Pittsburgh                                                                                               said, breaking his silence       scandal that dominated
                                                                                                                     on the “Deflategate” scan-       the last seven months.
Steelers coaches started                                                                                             dal and an ESPN report           Patriots quarterback — and
                                                                                                                     last week citing 90 sources      reigning Super Bowl MVP —
picking up the home radio                                                                                            around the league — many         Tom Brady was originally
                                                                                                                     of them anonymous, and           suspended four games in
broadcast on their head-                                                                                             many of them suspicious of       connection with the deflat-
                                                                                                                     the Patriots’ techniques.        ed footballs.q
sets, there shouldn’t have

been any cause for suspi-       In this photo taken Thursday, Sept. 10, 2015, Pittsburgh Steelers
                               head coach Mike Tomlin, center, talks to head linesman Kent
cion.                          Payne, right, in the first half of an NFL football game against the
                               New England Patriots in Foxborough, Mass. 
Except they were at the
                                                                                                   Associated Press
home of the twice-con-

victed New England Patri-

ots. “The whole world sees

it,” Cleveland Browns line-    to be kidding me.”            and a chorus around the
                               On the night the Super Bowl
backer Karlos Dansby said      champions were hoping to      NFL complaining that the
                               turn from “Deflategate” to
on Friday, a day after the     their title defense, the Pa-  headset technology seems
                               triots instead found them-
Steelers’ headsets went out    selves denying new allega-    to fail more often in New
                               tions of shenanigans from
in the Patriots’ 28-21 victo-  Steelers coach Mike Tomlin    England.

ry. “Everybody (saw) it last                                 Tomlin’s  clenched-jaw

night. You’re like, ‘What?                                   postgame news confer-

The headsets? What?’                                         ence gave new life to

C’mon, man. You’ve got                                       league-wide suspicion that
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