Page 15 - Aruba Today
P. 15
Saturday 12 September
An incredibly good deal:
Enjoy a Most Delicious Sunday Brunch at Hadicurari!
PALM BEACH - Hadicu- it in right from the ocean), it of Hadicurari’s Brunch at Hadicurari is an all-you-
rari Restaurant is one of now offers a fabulous, deli- Menu: there are Breakfast can-eat feast, starting at
Aruba’s `your feet in the cious Sunday Brunch. items, Appetizers like Cevi- 11 am and going on until
sand’ restaurants. Locat- This is no ordinary Brunch, che, Asian Salad, a Cala- 3 pm.
ed between the Marriott’s we can tell you. It is made mari basket, Prosciutto Hadicurari is ready to sur-
Surf Club and the Holiday up of the best of the best ham with Watermelon, a prise you with its surprisingly
Inn Resort, it overlooks the and the price is a steal. Caribbean fish consommé good deal, its new, fantas-
pier where the fishermen Drink as many Mimosas or and a Mahi Mahi salad tic Sunday Brunch.
unload their catch and orange juice as you like precede the Main Course Enjoy!q
where the brightly colored and move your hips a bit options, like Grilled Tender-
sails of the windsurfers dot to the mellow sounds of DJ loin, Juicy Chicken Breast,
the horizon. Already fa- Mista’s lounge music. a Pan-seared Grouper, the
mous for its fresh fish (logi- We’ll just tease you a bit Catch of the Day and Gar-
cal, as the fishermen bring with a few fantastic items lic Shrimp. Don’t forget to
keep some space for des-
sert: Cheese Cake, Apple
Pie, Chocolate Cake or Ice
The festive Sunday Brunch