Page 11 - Aruba Today
P. 11
Saturday 12 September
Harsh sentence for protest leader a gamble for Venezuela
Lilian Tintori, wife of jailed opposition leader Leopoldo Lopez, Guyana, alarming even al- sanctions on top officials in nest said the country was
lies in the Caribbean. To the the spring for human rights using the justice system to
speaks to her husband supporters, in Caracas, Venezuela, west, he’s closed much of abuses connected to last attempt to silence critics.
the border with Colombia, year’s protests. Venezuelan officials re-
Friday, Sept. 11, 2015. Lopez was convicted late Thursday of accusing the U.S. ally of Venezuela reacted to that acted furiously, accusing
nurturing smuggling gangs action, as it often does, by the U.S. of coup-monger-
inciting violence during a wave of protests against the South that he blames for causing denouncing those sanc- ing.
widespread shortages by tions as part of an attempt “The U.S. has erased the
American country’s socialist administration in 2014, and was hauling cheap, subsidized to topple the government. small steps taken toward
gasoline and other prod- U.S. Secretary of State John regularizing bilateral rela-
sentenced to the maximum punishment of nearly 14 years in ucts across the border. Kerry met with Lopez’s wife tions with this insolent med-
The conviction of Lopez last week and phoned dling,” Rodriguez said on
military prison. (AP Photo/Ariana Cubillos) is likely to end, for now, a Venezuelan Foreign Minis- Twitter.
behind-the-scenes push by ter Delcy Rodriguez ahead Meanwhile, conservative
the U.S. to normalize rela- of the verdict to express lawmakers, including Flor-
tions with the country it de- displeasure about the na- ida Sen. Marco Rubio, be-
clared a national security ture of the trial, which the gan calling for a new round
threat in March. The U.S. defense said was marred of sanctions in response to
has not exchanged am- by irregularities. what the Republican presi-
bassadors with Venezuela On Friday, White House dential contender called a
since 2010, and it imposed Press Secretary Josh Ear- “show trial.”q
HANNAH DREIER Jose Miguel Vivanco,
Americas director at Hu-
Associated Press man Rights Watch. “In a
country that lacks judicial
CARACAS, Venezuela independence, a provi-
sional judge convicts four
(AP) — The stiff sentence innocent people after a
trial in which the prosecu-
handed down to Ven- tion did not present basic
ezuela’s most prominent The court rejected all but
two defense witnesses,
jailed opposition leader both of whom ultimately
declined to testify, while
brought a cascade of criti- letting the prosecution call
more than 100 during the
cism on Friday as President closed-door sessions, ac-
cording to Lopez’s attor-
Nicolas Maduro’s govern- neys.
Lopez insists he called only
ment continued along a for peaceful protests and
his backers blame armed
combative path despite government supporters for
much of the bloodshed.
a crushing economic cri- Government officials said
Lopez implicitly encour-
sis, feuds with neighboring aged the violence.
The Maduro administra-
countries and accusations tion has grown increas-
ingly combative in recent
of authoritarianism. months as it grapples with
a dysfunctional economy
Leopoldo Lopez was con- that has plummeted along
with oil prices, contributing
victed late Thursday of in- to the world’s highest infla-
tion and chronic shortages.
citing violence during a The embattled president
has revived Venezuela’s
wave of protests against long-dormant claim to half
of its eastern neighbor,
the South American coun-
try’s socialist administra-
tion in 2014, and was sen-
tenced to the maximum
punishment of nearly 14
years in military prison.
Critics at home immediate-
ly said the sentence should
rally anti-government vot-
ers to the polls for crucial
December elections. From
abroad, the White House
said it was “deeply sad-
dened” by the ruling. Am-
nesty International, the Eu-
ropean Union and U.N. hu-
man rights officials joined in
“This case is a complete
travesty of justice,” said