Page 12 - Aruba Today
P. 12
WORLD NEWSSaturday 12 September
Brazil police want to question former president Silva LATIN BRIEFS
STAN LEHMAN Silva. questioning, it dramatically by businessmen to obtain Car bomb goes off
Associated Press According to parts of the ratchets up the investiga- Petrobras contracts, proj- without injuries in
SAO PAULO (AP) Brazil’s Su- request published by the tion that has already seen ects that then subsequent- El Salvador capital
preme Court on Friday said magazine, police believe high-level executives of ly ballooned in costs.
that federal police have Silva “may have obtained Petrobras and Brazil’s mas- Additionally, more than 50 SAN SALVADOR, El Salva-
asked for its permission to advantages for himself, sive construction and engi- federal deputies, senators dor (AP) — El Salvador of-
and other top political fig- ficials are investigating a
Daniel Scioli, governor of Buenos Aires province, right, speaks with Brazil’s former President ures are under investigation car bomb that exploded
or have been charged. As outside the country’s Trea-
Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Brazil’s Supreme Court on Friday said that yet, no charges have been sury Ministry. No one was
brought against President hurt, and the building was
federal police have asked for its permission to question da Silva for possible involvement in the Dilma Rousseff, Silva’s not damaged. Police say
hand-chosen successor, three unidentified men left
Petrobras kickback scheme. (AP Photo/Natacha Pisarenko) who served as the chair- the vehicle near the minis-
woman of the Petrobras try in northeastern San Sal-
question former President his party ... and the gov- neering firms jailed. board for several years as vador late Thursday, just
Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva for ernment while he was “The fact that they want the scheme played out. before midnight. No group
possible involvement in the president by maintaining to question him shows She and Silva have repeat- immediately claimed re-
kickback scheme that has a base of political support they have something edly denied any wrongdo- sponsibility, but authorities
engulfed state-owned oil sustained by illicit business” pretty solid against him up ing, and Rousseff has en- have been engaged in an
company Petrobras. at Petrobras. their sleeves,” said David couraged investigators to intense battle with street
The court’s press office Silva is a two-term presi- Fleischer, a professor emer- carry out their inquiry ag- gangs. The car had been
confirmed the request, dent who left office in 2011 itus of political science at gressively and “hurt who- reported stolen. National
which was first reported with an approval rating of the University of Brasilia. ever must be hurt.” Civil Police director Mau-
by weekly newsmagazine 86 percent and who has “This if the first chapter of The Federal Police in ricio Ramirez Landaverde
Epoca on its website on made it clear he’s willing the end of Lula and by Brasilia and the Sao Paulo- said Friday that the bomb
Friday. The court received to run again for the presi- extension the end of Dil- based Lula Institute both shows criminal groups
the request on Wednes- dency in 2018 for the ruling ma and the considerable said they had no com- have access to explosives.
day. It has not indicated Workers’ Party, known as weakening of the PT.” ment on the request. Un- Police deactivated anoth-
when it would rule on the the PT, he helped found. Prosecutors allege over $2 der Brazilian law, all federal er car bomb Aug. 28 out-
police request to question If the court permits the billion was paid in bribes politicians and some at side the Justice and Public
other levels can only be in- Security Ministry. Authorities
vestigated if the Supreme say that device was made
Court approves the inqui- of C-4 plastic explosives.q
ry, and eventually only be
charged by the top court Chile sees clashes
and tried in it. on military coup’s
While Silva is no longer 42nd anniversary
a sitting politician, legal
analysts say that such a SANTIAGO, Chile (AP) —
request would need to go Clashes have broken out
to the Supreme Court if the as Chileans mark the 42nd
questioning of the former anniversary of the coun-
president is linked to an on- try’s military coup. Officials
going investigation into an report that vandals set up
active politician.q flaming barricades over-
night. Police responded
Cuba releasing 3,522 prisoners ahead of pope’s visit with water cannons and
tear gas. At least one po-
ANDREA RODRIGUEZ violations of state security. Catholic Bishops expressed ers were published in an lice officer was injured by a
ANNE-MARIE GARCIA The final category is often “profound satisfaction” order signed by President bullet that grazed an ankle.
LA HABANA (AP) — Cuba applied to people consid- with the decision. Raul Castro in the coun- The anniversary of the Sept.
announced Friday that it ered political prisoners by Cardinal Jaime Ortega, try’s government gazette. 11 coup is often marked
is releasing 3,522 prisoners Cuban and international the archbishop of Havana, The order described the by violence. Officials say
ahead of next week’s visit human rights groups. said in an interview on Cu- pardons as a “humane this year’s incidents so far
by Pope Francis, the third Also excluded from pardon ban television last week and sovereign act.” State have been isolated and
time Cuba has granted in- were those convicted of il- that he had given the gov- media said Friday morning less violent than in previous
mates freedom before a legally killing government ernment a list of prisoners that the prisoners would be years. The 1973 coup oust-
papal trip. cattle, a crime that often for possible pardon ahead released over the following ed democratically elected
The Council of State an- bears heavy punishment of the pope’s Sept. 19- 72 hours. President Salvador Allende
nounced in state media in Cuba, which suffers from 22 visit ahead of a trip to Former President Fidel Cas- and launched the 17-year
Friday that the prisoners to widespread shortages of the United States. He said tro released more than dictatorship of Gen. Au-
be freed include a mix of milk and meat, particularly many were being held for 3,000 prisoners described gusto Pinochet. The gov-
women, people younger beef. The government says economic crimes such as as “counterrevolution- ernment estimates 3,095
than 20, inmates suffering the group includes some corruption or stealing re- aries” in 1978 and 1979. people were killed during
from illnesses and people foreigners whose home sources from the state, His brother and successor Pinochet’s dictatorship. Pi-
whose terms were coming countries have agreed to both widespread problems released 53 this year as nochet died in 2006 under
to an end next year. repatriate them. in a country where most part of the declaration of house arrest, without ever
The government won’t re- A Vatican spokesman did workers hold state jobs detente with the United being tried on charges of
lease people convicted not immediately respond bringing in between $20 States. Rights groups say illegal enrichment and hu-
of serious crimes like mur- to a request for comment and $30 a month. about 70 political prisoners man rights violations.q
der, child sexual abuse or but Cuba’s Conference of The names of the prison- remain in the country.q