Page 14 - Aruba Today
P. 14


  LOCALSaturday 12 September

Gold Coast:
Aruba’s premiere Residential Community enters its final phase of development

MALMOK - When Gold          Cas Bon NV., expressed        community on the island.      ly days, developers note        construction Gold Coast is
Coast broke ground in the   their desire to make it into  They envisioned finely de-    with great satisfaction that    offering a not-to-be missed
mid 90s, local developers,  the premiere residential      signed high quality homes     their vision translated itself  opportunity with only a few
                                                          and infrastructure, and       into a beautiful neighbor-      lots available suitable for
                                                          later on, past the construc-  hood, populated by a            the construction of homes,
                                                          tion phase, providing high    satisfied and growing cus-      and only a few 2/3 bed-
                                                          quality services compat-      tomer-base, enhance by a        room condos for sale in its
                                                          ible with five star resorts,  sterling reputation among       inventory. The develop-
                                                          as homes and condos be-       financial institutions.         ment, now over 80% sold
                                                          come occupied.                Cas Bon NV was already          out, is inviting investors to
                                                          Looking back at those ear-    popular in the local mar-       visit the gated community,
                                                                                        ket delivering affordable       and tour its condos, town-
                                                                                        housing when it ventured        houses and luxury villas.
                                                                                        into the condo and villa        Your dream of a home to
                                                                                        market with its locally fi-     call your own on the Island
                                                                                        nanced Gold Coast proj-         paradise of Aruba may be-
                                                                                        ect on Malmokweg, and           come a reality, within the
                                                                                        remarkably throughout the       affordable premiere Resi-
                                                                                        many phases of construc-        dential Community, in pres-
                                                                                        tion, it remained true to       tigious Malmok, just blocks
                                                                                        the original Mediterranean      away from the scenic
                                                                                        and Caribbean architec-         Northwest Coastline and
                                                                                        tural master-plan, with spa-    the Island’s most beautiful
                                                                                        cious two level homes, and      sandy white beaches and
                                                                                        upscale condos, deliver-        crystal waters. For quality,
                                                                                        ing on all its promises for     design, style, security and
                                                                                        attractive amenities, from      convenience, the address
                                                                                        picturesque plazas and          is Gold Coast, and hurry up
                                                                                        fountains to lush landscap-     as the development just
                                                                                        ing.                            recently entered its final
                                                                                        Now in its final phase of       phase. q
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