Page 16 - Aruba Today
P. 16


LOCALSaturday 12 September

Schwarts Family Honored by Aruba Tourism Authority

EAGLE BEACH - Recently          is presented in the name    of the Casa Del Mar Beach    senting the Aruba Tourism Melvin Colin representing
the Aruba Tourism Authority     of the Minister of Tourism  Resort, and they love Aru-   Authority together with Ms. the Casa Del Mar Beach
had the great pleasure of       as a token of appreciation  ba very much, because of     Lindsey Koolman and Mr. Resort.q
honoring a very nice cou-       to guests who visit Aruba   the extremely friendly peo-
ple whom are loyal and          for 20-to-34 consecutive    ple, the climate, beaches,
friendly visitors of Aruba, at  years. The honorees were    restaurants and Aruba and
the Casa Del Mar Beach          Mr. Mario and Mrs. Amer-    the Casa Del Mar is like a
Resort Beach Resort, as         ica Schwarts from Cara-     second home for them. The
Ambassadors of Goodwill.        cas, Venezuela. Mario and   certificate was presented
The symbolic honorary title     America are loyal members   by Mr. Ernest Giel repre-
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