Page 9 - Aruba Today
P. 9

                                                                                                                          Saturday 12 September

Saudi Arabia: 87 dead in crane collapse at Mecca mosque 

ABDULLAH AL-SHIHR              Authorities did not provide                                                                                  ongoing expansion and
IADAM SCHRECK                                                                                                                               other construction work
Associated Press               details on the victims’ na-                                                                                  that has transformed the
RIYADH, Saudi Arabia (AP)                                                                                                                   area around the sanctuary.
— A towering construction      tionalities, but it was likely                                                                               Steep hills and low-rise tra-
crane collapsed on Friday                                                                                                                   ditional buildings that once
during a violent rainstorm     that the tragedy will touch                                                                                  surrounded the mosque
in Saudi Arabia’s city of                                                                                                                   have in recent years given
Mecca, Islam’s holiest site,   several countries.                                                                                           way to shopping malls and
crashing into the Grand                                                                                                                     luxury hotels — among
Mosque and killing at least    The Grand Mosque and                                                                                         them the world’s third-tall-
87 people ahead of the                                                                                                                      est building, a giant clock
start of the annual hajj pil-  the cube-shaped Kaaba                                                                                        tower that is the center-
grimage later this month.                                                                                                                   piece of the Abraj al-Bait
Videos and photos post-        within it draw Muslims of                                                                                    complex.
ed by social media users                                                                                                                    The construction giant Sau-
showed a grisly scene, with    all types from around the                                                                                    di Binladin Group is leading
police and onlookers at-                                                                                                                    the mosque expansion and
tending to bloodied bod-       world throughout the year,                                                                                   also built the Abraj al-Bait
ies on the polished mosque                                                                                                                  project.
floors.                        though numbers increase                                                                                      The Binladin family has
Saudi Arabia’s civil defense                                                                                                                been close to the ruling Al
authority provided a series    significantly in the run-up to                                                                               Saud family for decades
of rising casualty numbers                                                                                                                  and oversees major build-
on its official Twitter ac-    the hajj.                                                                                                    ing projects around the
count. As of late Friday, it                                                                                                                country. The Binladen fami-
said those injured in the di-  Performing the pilgrimage                                                                                    ly disowned one of its many
saster numbered 184.                                                                                                                        members, late al-Qaida
A photo posted online by       once during one’s lifetime                                                                                   leader Osama bin Laden,
the authority showed po-                                                                                                                    in the 1990s.
lice and workers in hard-      is a duty for all able-bodied                                                                                It was not immediately clear
hats inspecting a pile of                                                                                                                   who owned the crane that
collapsed concrete slabs       adult Muslims.                                                                                               collapsed or whether it was
inside a part of the sprawl-                                                                                                                involved in the expansion
ing, ornately decorated        Pan-satellite Al-Jazeera                                                                                     of the mosque or another
mosque.                                                                                                                                     project nearby. q
                               Television      broadcast

                               footage from inside the

                               mosque compound said to

                               be from the aftermath of

                               the accident, showing the

                               floor strewn with rubble and

                               what appear to be pools of


                               Another video, on a Twit-

                               ter posting, captured the

                               apparent moment of the          A collapsed crane is seen over the Grand Mosque in Mecca,
                                                               Friday, Sept. 11, 2015. The accident happened as pilgrims from
                               crane’s collapse during         around the world converged on the city, Islam’s holiest site, for
                                                               the annual Hajj pilgrimage, which takes place this month, killing
                               a heavy rainstorm, with a       dozens. The civil defense authority announced the collapse and
                                                               a series of rising casualty numbers on its official Twitter account.
                               loud boom, screams and
                                                                                                      (Saudi IMGD of Civil Defense via AP)

                               Other Saudi officials

                               could not immediately be        to the civil defense state- Several cranes surround

                               reached or referred queries     ments.                        the mosque to support an

Saudi-led airstrikes and rebel shelling kills 35 in Yemen 

AHMED AL-HAJ                   In the stricken area, many      sions,” Badawy said.          fighters loyal to exiled Presi-                vincial capital, also called
Associated Press               residents had fled their        Another Sanaa resident,       dent Abed Rabbo Mansour                        Marib, killing 25 civilians
SANAA, Yemen (AP) —            homes for safer neighbor-       Hoda Saleh, said she, her     Hadi, as well as southern                      and wounding others, tribal
Two days of airstrikes by a    hoods, away from rebel          husband, and their children   separatists, local militias                    and independent security
Saudi-led coalition target-    posts, while others have left   left their home in al-Nahda   and Sunni extremists.                          officials said.
ing Yemen’s Shiite rebels      the rebel-held Sanaa en-        neighborhood. They are        The Houthis took over Sa-                      Pro-government forces
killed seven civilians in the  tirely, according to those      now staying at a hotel in     naa last September, tak-                       control most of the city and
country’s capital, Sanaa,      who stayed behind.              another area of the Yeme-     ing control of government                      large areas of the province.
independent security and       “We’ve lived a night full of    ni capital.                   buildings there. As the reb-                   The Houthi-run Saba news
health officials said Friday.  fear,” said Ammar Badawy,       Al-Nahda has seen intense     els advanced around the                        agency said the Katyushas
The strikes targeted camps     a resident of western Sonay-    airstrikes over the past few  country, a Saudi-led coali-                    targeted and killed al-Qai-
and weapons depots used        na neighborhood where           days targeting Houthi lead-   tion launched an airstrikes                    da and other fighters there.
by the rebels, known as        the Saudi-led airstrikes hit    ers’ homes, weapons de-       campaign against them in                       The pro-government forces
Houthis, which are located     an air force academy, also      pots, and camps.              March.                                         say they are looking to take
near residential areas in the  controlled by the Houthis.      Yemen has been torn by                                                       all of Marib, before push-
city, the officials said. The  “The windows and doors          a ferocious war pitting the    In the key central Marib                      ing onto the adjoining Jawf
death toll included those      in my house came off and        Houthis and forces fight-     province, the Houthis on Fri-                  province, which connects
killed on Friday and Thurs-    were destroyed from the         ing for former President Ali  day fired several Katyusha                     Marib to Saada province
day, they said.                sheer power of the explo-       Abdullah Saleh against        missiles into a residential                    — the Houthi heartland. q
                                                                                             neighborhood in the pro-
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