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                                                                                                       Saturday 12 September

Rick Perry first to exit 2016 Republican presidential race 

STEVE PEOPLES                    after disappointing finishes   Republican presidential candidate, former Texas Gov. Rick Perry speaks at the Eagle Council
Associated Press                 in the Iowa caucuses and       XLIV, sponsored by the Eagle Forum in St. Louis Friday, Sept. 11, 2015. During the speech Perry
ST. LOUIS (AP) Former Texas      New Hampshire primary,         said he is ending his second bid for the Republican presidential nomination, becoming the first
Gov. Rick Perry ended his        Perry this time couldn’t       major candidate of the 2016 campaign to give up on the White House.
second bid for the Repub-        even make it to the sec-
lican presidential nomina-       ond debate night of the                                                                                                                   (AP Photo/Sid Hastings)
tion on Friday, becoming         2016 race after failing to
the first major candidate of     poll well enough to qualify.
the 2016 campaign to give        In a debate four years ago,
up on the White House.           he couldn’t remember the
The longest-serving gover-       third federal agency he’d
nor in Texas history told a      promised to close if elect-
group of conservative ac-        ed and muttered, “Oops”
tivists in St. Louis that “some  a moment that doomed
things have become clear”        his bid.
and he was suspending his        The 2016 Republican cam-
campaign.                        paign has been dominat-
“We have a tremendous            ed by billionaire Donald
field of candidates prob-        Trump, who stole away Per-
ably the greatest group of       ry’s Iowa campaign chair-
men and women,” Perry            man after Perry was forced
said.                            to suspend paying mem-
 “I step aside knowing our       bers of his staff as his cam-
party is in good hands, as       paign fundraising dried up.
long as we listen to the         A group of super PACs,
grassroots, listen to that       largely funded by three big
cause of conservatism. If        Perry backers, had briefly
we do that, then our party       kept Perry afloat by rais-
will be in good hands.”          ing $17. His decision Friday
Well over a dozen Republi-       came as a surprise to those
cans are competing for the       groups, which are barred
party’s nomination.              from communicating di-
Four years after his first bid   rectly with the campaign.
for the White House ended        q

Justice Department affirms Clinton
had right to delete personal emails 

WASHINGTON (AP) — The            cy supervision and could
Justice Department is af-        have done so even if she’d
firming that former Secre-       been using a government
tary of State Hillary Rod-       server.
ham Clinton had the right        Judicial Watch had asked
to delete personal emails        a federal judge to issue
from her private server.         an order ensuring that all
Government lawyers made          Clinton’s emails were pre-
the assertion in a court fil-    served.
ing this week in a public re-    The Justice Department
cords lawsuit filed by Judi-     said there was no need for
cial Watch, an advocacy          such an order given that
group.                           Clinton had the right to de-
The legal filing says “there     lete personal emails and
is no question” that Clinton     that those messages are
could have deleted per-          not subject to the public
sonal emails without agen-       records law.q
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