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WORLD NEWSSaturday 12 September

Catalan separatists rally in Barcelona to secede from Spain

JOSEPH WILSON                  People wave pro-independence Catalan flags, known as the Estelada flag, during a rally call-                                     pendence aspirations must
ALAN CLENDENNING               ing for the independence of Catalonia, in Barcelona, Spain, Friday, Sept. 11, 2015. Advocates of                                 be put on hold if backers
Associated Press               independence for Spain’s region of Catalonia on Friday launched their campaign to try to elect a                                 fail to win a majority in the
BARCELONA, Spain (AP) —        majority of secessionists in regional parliamentary elections on Sept. 27.                                                       regional parliament.
Hundreds of thousands of                                                                                                                                        The central government in
separatist-minded Cata-                                                                                                              (AP Photo/Francisco Seco)  Madrid has consistently in-
lans swarmed Barcelona                                                                                                                                          sisted that independence
on Friday, giving enthusi-     directly express their senti-  Pro-independence par-         of independence for the                                             for the region is unconsti-
astic backing to indepen-      ment.                          ties need 68 seats in the     highly industrialized north-                                        tutional. Spanish officials
dence advocates who are        But since the central gov-     135-member parliament to      eastern region, which has                                           have also said they won’t
hoping to elect a majority     ernment in Madrid refused,     push forward their agenda.    a population of 7.5 million                                         let citizens who live in Cat-
of secessionists in the re-    “the only way we can           Polls show them on track to   and about 18 percent of                                             alonia be stripped of their
gional parliamentary elec-     know what the people           win a slim majority.          Spain’s economic output,                                            Spanish citizenship.
tion this month.               want is to use the elections   Independence backers          could be made by the par-                                           Deputy Prime Minister Sora-
The campaign for the           on the 27th,” said the can-    say a win would give the      liament by 2017, separatists                                        ya Saenz de Santamaria
Sept. 27 ballot began on       didate, Raul Romeva.           lawmakers a mandate to        say.“I am willing to go to                                          told reporters Friday that
the same day as the Cata-                                     start drafting a Catalan      the end of this process if we                                       a regional parliamentary
lan National Day holiday,                                     constitution and attempt      have the majority of seats                                          majority for separatists
which separatists have                                        secession negotiations with   in parliament,” said Artur                                          won’t help them pull the
used for years to rally hun-                                  the central government.       Mas, Catalonia’s regional                                           region away, because
dreds of thousands to call                                    A unilateral declaration      leader. But Mas said inde-                                          Spain’s autonomous re-
for the creation of a new                                                                                                                                       gions don’t have the legal
European nation.                                                                                                                                                power to do so.
Barcelona police estimat-                                                                                                                                       Polls have shown Catalans
ed that almost 1.4 million                                                                                                                                      overwhelmingly support
people participated but                                                                                                                                         the right for a secession
the Spanish Interior Ministry                                                                                                                                   referendum but are evenly
said the demonstration at-                                                                                                                                      divided over whether they
tracted between 520,000                                                                                                                                         actually want the region
and 550,000 protesters.                                                                                                                                         to be independent. Polls
The top candidate on a                                                                                                                                          show they are against it if
list representing a block of                                                                                                                                    it means a Catalan state
pro-independence parties                                                                                                                                        would be outside the
told reporters that separat-                                                                                                                                    28-nation European Union.
ists wanted to stage an in-                                                                                                                                     Protester Noelia Godoy, 25,
dependence referendum                                                                                                                                           a transportation compa-
so Catalonia’s voters could                                                                                                                                     ny worker, said she would
                                                                                                                                                                vote for a pro-indepen-
                                                                                                                                                                dence party because she
                                                                                                                                                                believes Catalonia doesn’t
                                                                                                                                                                get back what it pays in
                                                                                                                                                                taxes. q

                                                              Greece Poll:
                                                              Syriza pulling ahead in election run-up

                                                              ATHENS, Greece (AP) — The     poll questioned 1,300 peo-                                          any seats.
                                                              radical left Syriza party of                                                                      A failure by the party to
                                                              former prime minister Alexis  ple by telephone and had                                            gain representation could
                                                              Tsipras is pulling ahead of                                                                       complicate Tsipras’ options
                                                              the conservative main op-     a margin of error of 2.8 per-                                       if he falls short of an overall
                                                              position party in the run-up                                                                      majority.
                                                              to Greece’s snap general      centage points. Other polls                                         Tsipras resigned barely
                                                              election on Sept. 20, ac-                                                                         seven months into his four-
                                                              cording to an opinion poll    have shown the two main                                             year term. He triggered the
                                                              published Friday.                                                                                 election after Syriza hard-
                                                              The poll conducted for        parties in a dead heat.                                             liners rebelled over his de-
                                                              the left-leaning Efimerida                                                                        cision to sign a third bailout
                                                              ton Syntakton newspaper       Friday’s poll shows an im-                                          deal with creditors that re-
                                                              showed Syriza at 28.5 per-                                                                        quired spending cuts and
                                                              cent compared to 23.5         provement for both Syriza                                           tax hikes despite his prom-
                                                              percent for the center-right                                                                      ises to end austerity.
                                                              New Democracy party.          and New Democracy. In                                               The Syriza hardliners have
                                                              Nazi-inspired Golden Dawn                                                                         formed a new party, Pop-
                                                              was in third place with 6.5   late August, a similar poll                                         ular Unity, advocating
                                                              percent, while 17.5 percent                                                                       Greece’s exit from Europe’s
                                                              of respondents were unde-     from the agency had Syriza                                          joint currency, the euro. Fri-
                                                              cided or would not answer.                                                                        day’s poll showed the party
                                                              Conducted by ProRata on       at 23 percent and New De-                                           at 2.5 percent, not enough
                                                              Sept. 7-9, the nationwide                                                                         to get into parliament.q
                                                                                            mocracy at 19.5 percent.

                                                                                            All polls conducted so far

                                                                                            show no party able to win

                                                                                            enough  parliamentary

                                                                                            seats to govern without co-

                                                                                            alition partners.

                                                                                            The nationalist Indepen-

                                                                                            dent Greeks, Syriza’s gov-

                                                                                            erning coalition partner,

                                                                                            was polling at 2.5 percent

                                                                                            — short of the 3 percent

                                                                                            threshold required to win
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