Page 7 - Aruba Today
P. 7
Saturday 12 September
Man gets 12 years in prison for air-traffic facility fire
CHICAGO (AP) — A Fed- cause of the incident. ban Aurora. in the Chicago suburb of cannot explain why I did it.”
eral Aviation Administration Brian Howard pleaded Dan Palmer testified he was Bartlett. According to court filings,
contractor who admitted guilty in May to willfully de- forced to drive to Texas to Howard read a statement Howard walked into the
setting a fire at a Chicago- stroying an air navigation visit his dying sister because apologizing for his actions, radar facility where he
area radar facility that dis- facility and using fire to his flight was canceled. which caused $100 million worked as a telecommuni-
rupted flights nationwide commit a felony. U.S. Dis- Palmer sobbed when he in damage, saying he was cations contractor before
was sentenced Friday to trict Judge Gary Feinerman said his sister died before he in a fog of depression at dawn on Sept. 26, carrying
12 1/2 years in prison after sentenced Howard, 37, of reached her Dallas home. the time. a gas can, a lighter and
hours of testimony, includ- Naperville, after a lengthy “I want Mr. Howard to know “I lost myself and I snapped. knives; he cut cables and
ing by a man who said his hearing that included testi- how his actions affected I decided to take my own set fire to a telecommuni-
sister died before he could mony from those impacted many people in many ways life,” he said. “I did not act cations room before trying
reach her deathbed after by the fire at the Chicago that he cannot even imag- out of anger. to slit his throat.q
his flight was canceled be- En Route Center in subur- ine,” said Palmer, who lives I acted out of despair. I
Man charged in plot to bomb Sept. 11 memorial in Missouri
JASON DEAREN 11, 2001, attacks, the com- police, they interviewed
Associated Press plaint says. No bomb was
ORANGE PARK, Florida (AP) produced. a witness who said Gold-
— A U.S. man who claimed Goldberg, claiming to be
in online forums to have in Perth, Australia, said he berg was an “online troll”
inspired terrorists in Austra- thought a pressure cooker
lia and Texas was arrested bomb would be the best who liked to stir up trouble
after telling an informant option and suggested at-
how to build a homemade tacking a 9/11 memorial through hoaxes.
bomb to attack a 9/11 me- event in Kansas City, ac-
morial in Missouri, accord- cording to the messages. On Wednesday, federal
ing to a criminal complaint. Australian Federal Po-
Joshua Ryne Goldberg, 20, lice confirmed they were agents served a search
was arrested and charged contacted by the FBI. In
with distributing informa- a statement, the AFP said warrant at the home Gold-
tion relating to explosives, Goldberg will be charged
destructive devices and with providing information berg shares with his parents
weapons of mass destruc- online in an attempt to fa-
tion, the U.S. Attorney’s Of- cilitate and encourage ter- and two younger siblings,
fice said Thursday. rorist acts in Australia.
Goldberg, of Florida, be- Two federal public defend- taking the suspect into cus-
gan communicating on- ers appointed to represent
line with an FBI informant in Goldberg did not imme- tody.
July, giving information on diately respond to emails
how to build a bomb us- seeking comment. A judge Goldberg admitted under
ing a pressure cooker and set a Tuesday bail hearing
shrapnel dipped in rat poi- for Goldberg. questioning that he had
son, according to the com- According to Australian
provided the informant
with bomb-making infor-
Ronald Hoose, 52, speaks of neighbor Joshua Ryne Goldberg mation and used the on-
in Orange Park, Fla., Friday, Sept. 11, 2015. This week, Goldberg
was arrested and charged with distributing information relating line aliases associated with
to explosives, destructive devices and weapons of mass de-
struction. The complaint says Goldberg told an informant how to their conversations, ac-
build a bomb and suggested the informant target a commemo-
ration of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks in Kansas City. No bomb was cording to the complaint.
Goldberg told agents that
(AP Photo/Jason Dearen)
he believed the instructions
plaint. Goldberg instructed Kansas City, Missouri, com-
the informant to place the memorating the 14th an- would create a working
bomb at a memorial in niversary of the September
However, Goldberg
claimed that he didn’t in-
tend for the Missouri attack
to be carried out.q
Mistrial for US officer who slammed Indian man to ground
PHILLIP LUCAS Madeline Haikala an- A neighbor who saw Patel took Patel to the ground Video showed Patel turn-
Associated Press nounced the decision Fri- called police and reported because he was resisting ing to look at Parker while
HUNTSVILLE, Alabama (AP) day in the trial of officer a thin black man walking officers and reached to- his hands were behind his
— A judge has declared Eric Parker after jurors said through the neighborhood ward his pockets. back just before he was
a mistrial in the case of an three different times that and acting suspiciously Patel denied that through slammed to the ground
Alabama police officer they were unable to reach Parker slammed Patel an interpreter. and seriously injured.
charged with violating an a unanimous decision. down face-first during the Parker took the stand in Defense attorney Robert
Indian man’s civil rights and Sureshbhai Patel, 58, had ensuing suspicious person his own defense and said Tuten has said the con-
using unreasonable force traveled from India and investigation. Police tried he lost his balance while frontation was an unfortu-
as he slammed him to the was visiting relatives when questioning Patel, but the he was trying to take Patel nate escalation of police
ground. he was approached by po- man said he doesn’t speak to the ground and didn’t tactics and not a criminal
U.S. District Court Judge lice during a morning walk. English. Parker has said he mean to hurt him. offense.q