Page 29 - ARUBATODDAY 22AUG,2015
P. 29

                                                                                                                          Saturday 22 August 2015

Patrick Stewart flexes his comedy muscle in ‘Blunt Talk’ 

DERRIK J. LANG                   This photo provided by Starz Entertainment, LLC shows, Patrick Stewart as Walter Blunt, in a scene                                    change the world, but his
AP Entertainment Writer          from “Blunt Talk. The show debuts Saturday, Aug. 22, 2015, at 9 p.m. ET/PT on Starz.                                                  private life is a complete
LOS ANGELES (AP) — Pat-                                                                                                                                                disaster,” said Stewart.
rick Stewart never really                                                                                                                            Associated Press  “That’s where a lot of the
considered himself a funny                                                                                                                                             humor comes from in the
guy.                             career onstage than in the     “It’s no different,” said       my relief, it works.”                                                  show. How can he possi-
After commanding a star-         X-Mansion or on the USS        Stewart. “It’s just a lot more  In “Blunt Talk,” which de-                                             bly balance his journalistic
ship and a team of mu-           Enterprise. Besides playing    fun. I was talking about        buts Saturday (9 p.m. EDT),                                            passions and keep his life
tants in sci-fi and super-       everyone from Claudius to      this with Jason. The funda-     Stewart plays a cheeky                                                 in somewhat reasonable
hero franchises, Stewart’s       Macbeth, he’s performed        mentals don’t change be-        Falklands War veteran and                                              order?” The series was cre-
newest mission is starring       a one-man rendition of         cause going for truth, real-    host of a cable news show.                                             ated by Seth MacFarlane,
in his first-ever TV comedy.     “A Christmas Carol” and        ism and spontaneity is all      In the first episode, the                                              who worked with Stew-
With his role in Starz’ “Blunt   finished a West End and        still the objective, but now    booze-and-cocaine-loving                                               art on “Family Guy” and
Talk” as naughty newsman         Broadway run last year of      it’s also about going for hu-   anchorman is caught in a                                               “American Dad,” and Jon-
Walter Blunt, the classically    Harold Pinter’s “No Man’s      mor. I’ve found the more        car with a prostitute and                                              athan Ames, who created
trained theater actor is dis-    Land” and Samuel Beck-         serious you play the words      attempts to rehabilitate                                               the HBO comedy “Bored
covering at age 75 that he       ett’s “Waiting for Godot”      from the script, the funnier    his image by interviewing                                              to Death.” Ames collab-
can make folks laugh.            with buddy Ian McKellen.       they can become, so to          himself. “Walter wants to                                              oratively fashioned the role
“It’s a fairly recent develop-                                                                                                                                         of Blunt with Stewart.
ment,” Stewart said earlier                                                                                                                                            “I wrote this show for Pat-
this summer on the show’s                                                                                                                                              rick Stewart and created
set during a break from                                                                                                                                                the character for him. It
filming a scene with guest                                                                                                                                             was the actor first, then the
star Jason Schwartzman.                                                                                                                                                character. It began with
“When I first worked for the                                                                                                                                           how he looked. Patrick
Royal Shakespeare Com-                                                                                                                                                 Stewart has always played
pany, I started in what’s                                                                                                                                              leaders and heroes. I want-
called ‘low comedy’ roles,                                                                                                                                             ed to make Walter Bunt a
like Touchstone, Grumio                                                                                                                                                hero but a confused hero,
and Lancelot. Then, some-                                                                                                                                              a Don Quixote,” he said.
thing happened, and I was                                                                                                                                              During a visit to the show’s
only playing deeply dis-                                                                                                                                               newsroom set, Stewart
turbed kings and neurotics.                                                                                                                                            was downright giddy as
I never really went back.”                                                                                                                                             he observed Schwartzman
While he’s best known as                                                                                                                                               improvising at the end of
Professor Charles Xavier                                                                                                                                               each take while they were
and Captain Jean-Luc                                                                                                                                                   filming a scene where Blunt
Picard from the “X-Men”                                                                                                                                                meets Schwartzman’s eco-
and “Star Trek” series, Stew-                                                                                                                                          activist character for the
art has spent more of his                                                                                                                                              first time.q

Lily Tomlin isn’t buying
      her own hype 

NICOLE EVATT                     over after finding out their   where he’ll play Fonda’s        In this Wednesday, June 10, 2015 file photo, Lily Tomlin, a cast
Associated Press                 husbands are in love with      old flame.                      member in “Grandma,” poses at the premiere of the film on
LOS ANGELES (AP) — At 75,        each other.                    “It’s a treat,” said Elliott,   the opening night of the Los Angeles Film Festival
Lily Tomlin is loving the roles  Tomlin relished the chance     71, of working with Tomlin.
coming her way, but not          to break new ground in         “I think that we do a real                                                                          Associated Press
necessarily the spotlight.       an industry obsessed with      disservice to ourselves and
Tomlin stars in the upcom-       youth.                         certainly to the audience       established before we                                                  the hype.
ing indie film “Grandma”         “That’s what we wanted to      when we think that these        venture into something like                                            “It probably seems larger
and recently scored her          do ... to show (older) wom-    older people, it’s time         that. ... We don’t have any                                            to other people on the
first lead actress Emmy          en, to show our sexuality, to  to put them out to pas-         definite plans right now,                                              outside because I’m sort
nomination for her hit Net-      show our resourcefulness,      ture rather than embrac-        but it’s always in the backs                                           of always working, thinking
flix series.                     our resilience to bounce       ing what they may have          of our minds.”                                                         about what I’m doing. But I
“Well, it’s kind of uncom-       back and start over again,”    picked up along the way.”       Though Tomlin is quick to                                              keep reading about what
fortable in the fact that        she said. “’Grandma’ does      Dolly Parton recently ex-       downplay her recent suc-                                               a year it’s been for me.
everybody in our show            the same thing.”               pressed interest in reuniting   cesses, she joked that she’s                                           You’ve finally convinced
‘Grace and Frankie’ is so        In the film, out Friday, Tom-  with her “9 to 5” co-stars on   finally starting to believe                                            me.”q
good,” said Tomlin of her        lin stars as an irreverent     “Grace and Frankie.”
nomination. “Everybody           grandma road tripping          Tomlin said the timing sim-
is great about it and they       around Los Angeles to rus-     ply isn’t right — yet.
tease me about it. So that’s     tle up cash for her teenage    “Dolly’s a wonderful person
good.”                           granddaughter’s abortion.      and we’ve been friends
The veteran comedian             Sam Elliott plays Tomlin’s     with her ever since ‘9 to 5,’
teams with Jane Fonda            ex-husband in “Grandma”        all three of us,” said Tom-
for the streaming series         and joins her for season two   lin. “We just want to get
about two friends starting       of “Grace and Frankie,”        ‘Grace and Frankie’ more
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