Page 25 - ARUBATODDAY 22AUG,2015
P. 25

                                                                                                                                                             Saturday 22 August 2015

Eurozone economy resilient in face of Greece, survey shows

LONDON (AP) — The              — rose to 54.1 points in Au-    economy, and in some of        four years, “highlighting the                                      for the country. The final
19-country eurozone econ-      gust from 53.9 the previous     the countries that have        resilience of the economy                                          touches to the 86 billion-eu-
omy was resilient in the       month.                          been at the forefront of the   through last month’s roll-                                         ro ($93 billion) rescue deal
face of the recent crisis in   Anything above 50 means         region’s debt crisis over the  ercoaster events of the                                            were completed this week
Greece,                        the economy is expanding.       past few years.                Greek debt crisis and the                                          and the first funds arrived in
which saw the country on       Markit estimates the econ-      France, though, was a lag-     ongoing negotiations to tie                                        Athens.
the brink of a euro exit, a    omy to be growing at a          gard once again.               up the full details surround-                                      Now that the bailout has
closely watched survey         quarterly rate of 0.4 per-      Rob Dobson, senior econ-       ing the third bailout.”                                            been completed,
showed Friday.                 cent, slightly ahead of the     omist at Markit, said the      In July,                                                           Tsipras has resigned ahead
Financial information com-     0.3 percent recorded in the     survey suggests that the       Greece’s future in the euro                                        of likely elections next
pany Markit said its pur-      second quarter.                 eurozone is still experienc-   currency was under threat                                          month, which he hopes will
chasing managers’ index        The increase was largely        ing “one of its best periods   until Greek Prime Minister                                         see him secure a mandate
for the eurozone — a broad     due to a pick-up in Ger-        of economic growth and         Alexis Tsipras backed a                                            to push the reforms de-
index ofbusiness  activity     many, Europe’s biggest          job creation” over the past    third international bailout                                        manded by creditors.q

Japan’s finance minister warns China on currency moves 

ELAINE KURTENBACH              A woman using a smartphone walks by an electronic stock board of a securities firm in Tokyo,                                      on Thursday after its gov-
AP Business Writer             Friday, Aug. 21, 2015. Tokyo’s Nikkei 225 plunged 2 percent in the morning session as Asian stocks                                ernment decided to move
TOKYO (AP) — Japanese          fell further Friday after a survey showed Chinese manufacturing weakened this month.                                              to a free float to cope with
Finance Minister Taro Aso                                                                                                                                        big swings in global curren-
said Friday that recent                                                                                                                (AP Photo/Koji Sasahara)  cies and commodity pric-
moves by China to allow                                                                                                                                          es. Vietnam also allowed
its currency to depreciate     on Friday. The yen’s decline    China’s decision to widen      While most economists say                                          its currency, the dong, to
are a concern and could        has been hastened by mas-       the trading band for the       such concerns are exag-                                            weaken slightly.
pose problems for Tokyo.       sive monetary easing since      yuan, partly to make it        gerated, a few countries                                           The injection of massive
Japan’s Nikkei 225 stock       2013 by the Bank of Japan,      more responsive to market      have followed China’s                                              amounts of cash into the
index fell 3 percent to        which is buying trillions of    forces, has raised fears that  lead. Kazakhstan’s cur-                                            Japanese economy drove
19,435.83 on Friday, slip-     yen in assets each month,       other countries will also al-  rency plunged by over 20                                           the yen lower, while in turn
ping below the psycho-         seeking to spur growth.         low their currencies to fall.  percent against the dollar                                         boosting profits of major
logical 20,000 mark on                                                                                                                                           corporations that earn a
widespread selling. “Chi-                                                                                                                                        large share of their reve-
nese factors are a big part                                                                                                                                      nue overseas — and push-
of this, without a doubt,”                                                                                                                                       ing share prices higher.
Aso said at a regular news                                                                                                                                       The strategy is the back-
briefing.                                                                                                                                                        bone of Prime Minister
A further devaluation of                                                                                                                                         Shinzo Abe’s effort to
the Chinese yuan could                                                                                                                                           staunch deflation, or fall-
put Japan in a “tough                                                                                                                                            ing prices due to weak
spot,” the Nikkei newspa-                                                                                                                                        demand, and spur growth
per and other local media                                                                                                                                        by persuading consumers
quoted Aso as saying.                                                                                                                                            and companies to spend
It was unclear what sorts                                                                                                                                        more.
of choices Aso was imply-                                                                                                                                        The yuan’s decline against
ing Japan might face, but                                                                                                                                        the U.S. dollar has had a
the Japanese currency,                                                                                                                                           limited direct impact on
the yen, has fallen by over                                                                                                                                      the value of the yen. But
60 percent against the U.S.                                                                                                                                      uncertainty over future
dollar since hitting a peak                                                                                                                                      policy and over the im-
of 75.35 yen to the dollar in                                                                                                                                    pact of China’s economic
October 2011. It was trad-                                                                                                                                       slowdown is reverberating
ing near 123 yen per dollar                                                                                                                                      across global markets.q

Key Chinese manufacturing index falls to 77-month low

BEIJING (AP) — China’s         Numbers below 50 indicate       chief economist for Caixin     global crisis.                                                     possibility of capital out-
manufacturing contracted       a contraction. That was         Insight Group, a Chinese       Retail sales growth has                                            flows caused by expecta-
by an unexpectedly large       weaker than most analysts       financial news publisher, in   weakened and July ex-                                              tions of more devaluations
margin this month, a survey    expected.                       a statement. “The govern-      ports fell by an unexpect-                                         of the yuan following last
showed Friday, adding to       Output, new export orders       ment needs to fine tune fis-   edly large 8.3 percent.                                            week’s surprise change in
signs of economic weak-        and employment all de-          cal and monetary policies      “The old style policy eas-                                         exchange rate policy.
ness.                          clined at faster rates than in  to ensure macroeconomic        ing in the past three quar-                                        Shen and Wang said they
The preliminary version        July. The preliminary figure    stability and speed up the     ters haven’t been felt by                                          expect Beijing to respond
of the Caixin purchasing       is based on responses from      structural reform.”            the real economy yet,”                                             with two interest rate cuts in
managers’ index, formerly      85 to 90 percent of compa-      China’s economic growth        said Citigroup economists                                          the next year and a reduc-
sponsored by HSBC Corp.,       nies surveyed for the index.    held steady at 7 percent       Minggao Shen and Serena                                            tion in minimum reserves
fell to a 77-month low of      “There is still pressure on     in the latest quarter end-     Wang in a report.                                                  banks are required to hold,
47.1 in August from July’s     the front of maintaining        ing in July, its weakest per-  Chinese policymakers also                                          a move that would free up
47.8 on a 100-point scale.     growth rates,” said He Fan,     formance since the 2008        have to contend with the                                           more money for lending.q
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