Page 23 - ARUBATODDAY 22AUG,2015
P. 23

                                                                                                              Saturday 22 August 2015

Experts: Deleted online information never actually goes away 

BREE FOWLER                     think about protecting it    or when Web browsers          speak, isn’t a credit card      Security Numbers for both
AP Technology Writer            everywhere you go on the     automatically fill in forms   or consumer goods. The          identification and ac-
NEW YORK (AP) — The Ash-        Internet.”                   with their name, address      capital is personal informa-    cess?” he questions. “Any
ley Madison hack is a big       That means taking a look at  and other details, says Pe-   tion that if released could     data that can never be
reminder to all Web users:      a website’s business to get  ter Tyrrell, chief operating  be ruinous personally, and      changed can be used for
If you submit private data      an idea of how much they     officer of the data secu-     financially too.”               identity, but should never
online, chances are it will     value information secu-      rity firm Digital Guardian.   Breaches, whether they          be used for access.”
never fully be deleted.         rity and even asking them    Meanwhile, worries about      be at a major retailer such     And no matter how legiti-
The hackers, who stole the      about their data retention   data theft and loss have      as Target Corp., a health       mate a company or web-
data about a month ago          practices. Banks, which      prompted companies to         insurance company such          site may be, people need
and then posted it online       deal in financial informa-   back up important infor-      as Anthem Inc., or Ashley       to be aware that they’re
this week, claimed in a
statement that part of the      A June 10, 2015 photo from files showing Ashley Madison’s Korean web site on a computer screen in Seoul, South Korea. U.S.
reason for the theft was        government employees with sensitive jobs in national security or law enforcement were among hundreds of federal workers
Ashley Madison’s fraudu-        found to be using government networks to access and pay membership fees to the cheating website Ashley Madison, The
lent promise to fully delete    Associated Press has learned. The list includes at least two assistant U.S. attorneys, an information technology administrator in the
users’ information if they      White House’s support staff, a Justice Department investigator, a division chief, and a government hacker and counterterrorism
paid the company a $19          employee at the Homeland Security Department. Others visited from networks operated by the Pentagon. 
fee. The website — whose
slogan is “Life is short. Have                                                                                                                                                                       Associated Press
an affair” — is marketed
to people looking for ex-       tion, and large retailers,   mation in multiple places.    Madison, have become            rolling the dice every time
tramarital relationships. It    who have a vested interest   But both practices increase   so common that people           they hand over personal
purports to have about 39       in getting people to shop    the likelihood that informa-  should give some serious        information.
million members.                online, are probably safer   tion could be leaked or       thought before putting          Scott Vernick, partner and
The hackers said the com-       bets than a dating site.     shared. And it means that     personal information on-        head of the data security
pany failed to delete the       “Ashley Madison actually     even when a person thinks     line, says Caleb Barlow, a      and privacy practice at
information, even though        charges you to remove        that their information has    vice president at IBM’s se-     the law firm Fox Rothschild
it collected the fees. Toron-   your information when you    been permanently delet-       curity division.                LLP, says consumers have
to-based Avid Life Media        remove your account,”        ed, chances are there are     And while Social Security       the right to expect a cer-
Inc., Ashley Madison’s par-     he says. “That’s a big clue  still copies floating around  numbers weren’t involved        tain level of online security,
ent company, hasn’t com-        about how they feel about    somewhere.                    Ashley Madison hack,            depending on the industry
mented on the hackers’          your personal information.”  “Ashley Madison is a com-     people should be espe-          standards of the company
accusation. A company           People also need to some-    pany with a service that’s    cially wary of using them       they’re dealing with.
spokesman didn’t respond        times take a pass on con-    completely predicated on      as a backup password to         “But those expectations
to multiple emails seeking      venience in the name of      privacy,” Tyrrell says, add-  access online information,      have to be muted by the
comment.                        online security.             ing that that characteristic  given the potentially disas-    knowledge that they’re al-
It’s virtually impossible to    Many consumers like it       sets it apart from many tra-  trous consequences that         ways taking a risk, whether
exist in modern society         when e-commerce sites        ditional e-commerce sites     could result if they’re inter-  they’re ordering from Am-
without putting at least        have their credit card and   such as retailers.            cepted, he says.                azon Prime or from Ashley
some personal information       other information on file,   “Here the capital, so to      “Why are we using Social        Madison,” Vernick says.q
online. Many people can’t
get through a day without
using the Internet to shop,
pay a bill, or check their
credit card balance.
People have become ac-
customed to trusting their
most precious personal in-
formation to companies.
But they also need to know
that all of that information
is being shared more than
they would expect, priva-
cy experts say.
Before you hit “submit,”
stop and think before giv-
ing up your personal infor-
mation to any kind of web-
site, said Michael Kaiser,
executive director of the
National Cyber Security Al-
liance, an industry-funded
group that educates con-
sumers about cybersecu-
“Personal information is like
money, and you don’t just
give away your money,”
Kaiser says. “In the environ-
ment we’re in right now,
you have to value it and
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