Page 19 - ARUBATODDAY 22AUG,2015
P. 19

                                                                                                                          Saturday 22 August 2015

Domestic Violence

Continued from Page 17

Players will not receive ser-  and one of the experts will    In this March 17, 2015, file photo, Tony Clark, executive director of the baseball players’ union,
vice time for the period of    submit a proposed treat-      talks to reporters before a spring training baseball game between the Detroit Tigers and the Wash-
the suspension.                ment plan to the full board   ington Nationals in Lakeland, Fla. 
Players can be suspended       for approval. Players who
with pay in “exception-        fail to comply with their                                                                                                                         Associated Press
al cases” while criminal       treatment plan may be
charges are pending if the     subject to discipline.        sioner or a team to impose     resisting arrest, battery, and  ment includes a provision
commissioner determines        “Players are husbands, fa-    discipline, but didn’t say of  assault.”                       that the player and union
“allowing the player to        thers, sons and boyfriends.   what sort, if a player was     Following the decision by       can be represented “only
play during the penden-        And as such want to set an    charged with a crime “in-      Alex Rodriguez to have          by in-house counsel of the
cy of the criminal or legal    example that makes clear      volving the use of physical    outside lawyers of his          players’ association and/
proceeding would result in     that there is no place for    force or violence, including   choice handle the arbitra-      or by outside counsel ap-
substantial or irreparable     domestic abuse in our so-     but not limited to, sexual     tion of his drug suspension     pointed by the players’
harm to either the club or     ciety,” players’ union ex-    assault, domestic violence,    two years ago, the agree-       association.”q
Major League Baseball.”        ecutive director Tony Clark
If the discipline becomes      said in the release. “We are
an unpaid suspension, the      hopeful that this new com-
player has the right to off-   prehensive, collectively-
set the time served against    bargained policy will deter
the penalty but must re-       future violence, promote
pay any salary he received     victim safety, and serve as
from his team during the       a step toward a better un-
paid suspension.               derstanding of the causes
The deal creates a joint pol-  and consequences of do-
icy board to provide treat-    mestic violence, sexual as-
ment, which could include      sault, and child abuse.”
mandatory counseling and       Previously, the labor con-
psychological evaluation.      tract included a voluntary
Three experts will serve on    treatment program for cer-
the board along with two       tain alcohol-related and
members appointed by           off-field violent conduct.
MLB and two by the union,      It also allows the commis-
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