Page 14 - ARUBATODDAY 22AUG,2015
P. 14
LOCALSaturday 22 August 2015
‘The King is Coming’ & ‘The Door’ will be exhibited at Cas di Cultura
ORANJESTAD - Aruban lo- I did not feel ready yet to inside and out and I could
paint it because Decem- not hold the majestic splen-
cal artist, Sandra van der ber was approaching. So dor and power that came
I decided to leave it for out of there. In the dream
Linde, gives an explanation the next year. I looked at I said three times: “Oh, this
several photos of wild li- is not a galaxy! This is the
of her last two paintings: ons as model, but I could door of heaven”. I woke up
not get one that I liked at very shocked, wondering
“I can paint a lot, but I do that time. I decided to wait what it was. Then I decided
a while. Meanwhile I have to paint exactly what I saw.
not just paint for painting, given several workshops of But considering that I trav-
painting and during those eled a lot and saw many
I paint only what I have to workshops; I saw that many more galaxies, tunnels and
of my students wanted to new stars, I decided to try
paint. Re- paint lions and tigers. To me and paint some more on
my last painting. If you ask
garding “The King is com- me the goal of painting
ing” & “The Door”, they are my dreams and vi-
sions, I do not really
visions and experiences in know yet! But I real-
ized that painting
my Spirit to paint. some dreams and
visions, I received
Since 2014 November I saw from God, they
managed to touch
a lion roaring with power the heart of many
people, as a con-
and authority as a King. firmation that God
is a living and real
it was more than ob- God. Right through
vious that the signal my paintings, many
was approached people got answer
to paint “The King to their questions
Is Coming”. But I waiting long time.
still could not get There was also
the lion of my vi- confirmation of
sion. The painting the faithfulness of
shows (my interpre- God personally, for
tation of) the King- many. All this I do
dom of God estab- as an act of obedi-
lished here on earth. ence to God, and
A King, who will I paint what God
come soon. shows me to paint.”
My most recent- “I take this oppor-
ly painting, “The tunity to invite everyone
Door” is a dream to come and see one or
that changed my more of my latest paint-
life completely. It is ings. This will be possible in
the reflection of a an exhibition of visual art
dream I had in July of various participants who
2011. In this dream painted beautiful paintings
I saw a galaxy two in my workshops. Today we
times in the same can consider them as local
dream. I saw it from artists. The exhibition is in
charge of the foundation
“Muchila Creativo” and
“Sound the Alarm”, Satur-
day 22 and Sunday August
23, 2015 at Cas di Cultura,
from 6 to 9 pm.”
Admission is free.q