Page 18 - ARUBATODDAY 22AUG,2015
P. 18
SPORTSSaturday 22 August 2015
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Woods claims share of lead at Wyndham after shooting 65
JOEDY McCREARY Tiger Woods lines up a putt on the 17th hole during the second round of the Wyndham “It will look boring on the
AP Sports Writer Championship golf tournament in Greensboro, N.C., Friday, Aug. 21, 2015. card ... but I made some
GREENSBORO, N.C. (AP) — nice putts for par, and
Tiger Woods signed up for Associated Press some good up and downs,
his first Wyndham Cham- and kept the round to-
pionship knowing a win people.” He took advantage of He settled for birdie on the gether,” Love said.
would definitively keep his Davis Love III and Chad some prime scoring condi- par-5 fifth when his 10-foot Hoge, who was born about
season from ending. Campbell were a stroke tions during the first round, eagle putt lipped out, then 70 miles away in Statesville
He’s halfway there. back. Campbell shot 65, shooting that 64 on a missed a 15-foot birdie putt but grew up in North Da-
Woods shot a 5-under 65 and the 51-year-old Love course softened by show- on the next hole. kota, shared the first-round
on Friday to share the sec- had 66. ers that morning. That left He left a 10-foot birdie putt lead with William McGirt
ond-round lead with rookie Brandt Snedeker matched him two strokes off the lead. an inch from the hole on and two-time heart trans-
Tom Hoge. the tournament record And then, playing under the ninth. plant recipient Erik Comp-
“I’m only at the halfway with a 61 that put him in a hot afternoon sun that “I’ve shot 59 and I left a ton.
point,” Woods said. “Only a group of six players two sped up those undulat- couple shots out there,” Hoge, who had two top-10
36 holes. We’ve still got a strokes behind Woods and ing greens, Woods almost Woods said. “The great finishes in the past month,
long way to go.” Hoge. matched it. thing about golf, you can followed his opening-round
Woods and Hoge were at But for the second straight “I wasn’t quite as sharp as I always get a little bit bet- 62 with another low num-
11-under 129. Hoge shot a day, the big story at Sedge- was yesterday,” he said. ter.” ber with birdies on three of
67. field Country Club was He capped that run of con- Love, a former University his final five holes.
The sport’s biggest name Woods. secutive birdies with a 25- of North Carolina player “Obviously, a new position
put himself in prime posi- He missed the cuts in the foot putt on the 13th that whose two wins in the for me,” Hoge said.
tion to contend for his first last three majors and hasn’t drew a mighty roar from tournament came across Snedeker — who won the
victory in more than two finished better than a tie the huge gallery. town at Forest Oaks Coun- Wyndham in 2007, its last
years, one that would send for 17th at the Masters. At Then came his eagle. try Club, played a prac- year at Forest Oaks — shot
him into the FedEx Cup No. 187 on the FedEx Cup He placed his second shot tice round with Woods on just the fifth 61 in the his-
playoffs. points list, he would defi- about 10 feet behind the Tuesday. Several times this tory of the event and the
Woods followed his best nitely crack the top 125 hole and, after his downhill week, Woods has referred first since Tim Herron three
round since 2013 — a first- with a win and qualify for putt fell into the hole, he to pointers Love gave him, years ago.
day 64 — with one almost the Barclays next week in followed with his trademark notably He finished his round with
as good. New Jersey. Depending on fist pump. Love reeled off three back-to-back birdies on
He made his big move up how the math works out, And as strong as his round straight birdies early in his the eighth and ninth holes,
the leaderboard on the a solo second-place finish was, it also easily could round before closing with closing by sinking a 50-foot
back nine, with birdies on also might be enough. have been even better. 10 straight pars. putt.
Nos. 12 and 13 and an ea- “I was trying to shoot 7 un-
gle on the par-5 15th that der in my mind, get back in
gave him a share of the the mix, and to shoot 9 (un-
lead. der) was definitely some-
“I just couldn’t get any- thing I wasn’t expecting on
thing out of my rounds (be- the range this morning, but
fore this tournament) and great to get it,” Snedeker
a couple lucky bounces said.
here, take advantage of For some players, the pri-
those opportunities — it’s ority was to earn enough
just the flow,” Woods said. points to qualify for the
Now he’ll spend Saturday playoffs or keep their tour
playing with an unfamiliar card for next year.
rookie. When asked if he Luke Donald, at No. 124 on
would recognize Hoge to the points list, made the cut
see him, Woods respond- of 3 under. So did No. 129
ed: “No, I wouldn’t. What is Camilo Villegas — the de-
it, or him?” fending champion — and
“I look on the Champions No. 125 Charl Schwartzel.
Tour leaderboard and I For others, their bubbles
know every one of those burst: No. 131 Billy Hurley III,
guys because I played who came to Greensboro
against them and I played the day after his father’s
with them,” Woods said. funeral in an attempt to
“Now I come out here, I secure his card, shot a 70
don’t really know a lot of and missed the cut.q