Page 17 - ARUBATODDAY 22AUG,2015
P. 17
Saturday 22 August 2015
MLB, players’ RARE TIGER
union announce SIGHTING
domestic Woods shares lead after two rounds at Wyndham
violence policy Tiger Woods watches his tee shot on the 16th hole dur-
ing the second round of the Wyndham Championship
NEW YORK (AP) — Ma- golf tournament in Greensboro, N.C., Friday, Aug. 21,
jor League Baseball can 2015.
suspend players with pay
when legal charges are Associated Press
pending in “exceptional Next Page
cases” under a new do-
mestic violence policy
signed Friday.
The 13-page deal signed
Friday by the league and
players’ association, which
followed a series of high-
profile domestic violence
cases involving NFL play-
ers, allows the baseball
commissioner to issue dis-
cipline for “just cause,” the
same standard used under
the sport’s collective bar-
gaining agreement. Disci-
pline is not dependent on
a criminal conviction.
“Major League Baseball
and its Clubs are proud
to adopt a comprehen-
sive policy that reflects
the gravity and the sensi-
tivities of these significant
societal issues,” Commis-
sioner Rob Manfred said in
a statement. “We believe
that these efforts will foster
not only an approach of
education and prevention
but also a united stance
against these matters
throughout our sport and
our communities.”
The commissioner can
place a player accused
of domestic violence, sex-
ual assault or child abuse
on paid “administrative
leave” for up to seven
days before a disciplinary
decision, which can be
appealed to the sport’s ar-
bitration panel, chaired by
an independent arbitrator.
The commissioner also may
defer a discipline decision
until the resolution of crimi-
nal charges.
Suspensions that are up-
held are without pay, and
there are no maximum or
minimum penalties.
Continued on Page 19