Page 16 - ARUBATODDAY 22AUG,2015
P. 16


LOCALSaturday 22 August 2015

    Family Baldwin Honored at the Marriott Surf Club

PALM BEACH - Recently           a token of appreciation to       dren having a great time     paradise.  The certificates  together with family mem-
the Aruba Tourism Author-       guests who visit Aruba for       in Aruba, and they love      were presented by Mr. Er-    bers of the honorees and
ity had the great pleasure      10-to-19 consecutive years.      Aruba very much because      nest Giel and Ms. Nadia      Ms. Jenny Boekhoudt, rep-
of honoring a very nice         The honorees were Mr.            of the friendly people, the  Dabboussi representing       resenting the Marriott Surf
family whom are loyal and       John and Mrs.                    climate, beaches, restau-    the Aruba Tourism Authority  Club.q
friendly Visitors of Aruba, at  Yvonne Baldwin, and their        rants and the safety. The
the Marriott Surf Club, as      daughter Sarah Baldwin,          say Aruba feels like a sec-
Distinguished Visitors. The     from Pinckney, Michigan.         ond home and that the
symbolic honorary title is      Loyal members of the Mar-        employees at the Marriott
presented in the name of        riott Surf Club, this beautiful  Surf Club are like a family
the Minister of Tourism as      family is here with their chil-  to them and the Resort is
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