Page 13 - ARUBATODDAY 22AUG,2015
P. 13

                                                                                                                  Saturday 22 August 2015

Aruba’s Hollywood Smokehouse featured in USA Today’s Travel Special

EAGLE BEACH – Recently,       sil and a piquant kick of    ing in an old time mason      high on Southern-style red   have a contemporary, on-
Aruba’s only authentic        jalapenos and ‘Ginger        jar. The fruity drinks pair   and white gingham-lined      trend edge, offering let-
smokehouse, the Holly-        Fizz’ with vodka, blueber-   real well with low-and-slow   plates. Thursday from 8      tuce wraps, taco wraps,
wood Smokehouse, was          ries and ginger beer invit-  brisket or pulled pork piled  p.m. to 11 p.m. it’s a spe-  and healthy salads.”
featured in a special travel                                                             cial Happy Hour ‘meat        The restaurant’s craft cock-
edition of USA Today high-                                                               and greet’ when pints and    tails and herb-infused li-
lighting some of the best                                                                pitchers are on sale and     quors (they grow their own
happy hours from bars/                                                                   the house band ‘Blackber-    herbs right on the patio at
restaurants throughout the                                                               ry Jam’ rocks the house.”    the restaurant) have been
Caribbean. Hollywood                                                                     “We are thrilled to receive  featured in several interna-
Smokehouse was the only                                                                  more international recogni-  tional television programs.
bar/restaurant to make the                                                               tion for what we are doing   The Hollywood Smoke-
list from Aruba:                                                                         here at Hollywood Smoke-     house, located near Eagle
“Making a big splash on                                                                  house,” said local owner     Beach at the Alhambra
Eagle Beach northwest of                                                                 Michael Bislick.             Casino & Shops, is open
the capital city of Oran-                                                                                             Tuesday through Thursday
jestad, Hollywood Smoke-                                                                  “Our authentic low-and-     from 5pm to 10pm, and Fri-
house is the only authentic                                                              slow barbecue is served      day, Saturday, and Sunday
smokehouse on the island.                                                                with traditional southern    from noon to 10pm.q
America meets Aruba, the                                                                 side dishes, but we also
owners are from North Car-
olina and the craft cock-
tails are made with local
ingredients like the juice
from the aloe plant that
grows everywhere on the
Happy Hour is a small win-
dow from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m.
but worth the pit stop for
two-for-one tequila ‘Aru-
ba Aloe’ drinks, ‘Farmer’s
Moon’ in an old time blue
mug filled to the brim with
Carolina Moonshine, ba-
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