Page 9 - ARUBATODDAY 22AUG,2015
P. 9
Saturday 22 August 2015
6 killed in Syria after Israel retaliates for rocket attack
Associated Press war that rockets from Syrian Arnabeh, near Kom, and casualties but said it carried deal.
DAMASCUS, Syria (AP) — territory have slammed into destroyed the car. out a raid Friday morning In the demarche, Israel said
Israeli airstrikes in southern Israel. There was no imme- The Britain-based Syr- on “part of the terror cell it has “credible information
Syria killed six people and diate claim of responsibility ian Observatory for Human responsible for the rocket that the attack was car-
wounded seven, Syrian for the attack. Rights, which tracks the fire at northern Israel.” ried out by the Palestinian
state TV reported Friday, Syrian state TV said an Is- country’s war, said the five Also Friday, Israel submitted Islamic Jihad” and “was
in retaliation for a rocket raeli drone strike on Friday dead were members of the a demarche to the United facilitated and directed by
attack on Israel the pre- targeted a “civilian car” pro-government National States and five other na- an Iranian operative.”
vious day that Israeli offi- close to a busy market in Defense Forces. It did not tions that negotiated last Since the rocket fire, Israel
cials blamed on militants the village of Kom, killing elaborate. month’s Iran nuclear deal, has named Saeed Izaadhi,
backed by Iran. five people. Ahmad Sheikh Syrian state TV also said blaming Tehran for Thurs- who it says heads the Pales-
Four rockets exploded in an Abdul-Qader, governor of an Israeli air raid overnight day’s rocket attack from tinian division of Iran’s elite
open field in northern Gali- the southern region of Qu- in Quneitra killed a soldier Syria. The rare diplomatic Quds Force, as having or-
lee on Thursday. There were neitra, said the attack hap- and wounded seven. action comes as Israel is in- chestrated the attack but
no injuries but it was the first pened on the road lead- The Israeli military did not creasingly at odds with its has produced no evidence
time since the 1973 Mideast ing to the village of Khan comment on the reported U.S. ally over the nuclear to back that claim.q
Iraq’s top cleric says ‘battle’ for reforms must continue
BAGHDAD (AP) — Iraq’s Protesters chant in support the Shiite spiritual leader Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, in the poster, cities to press demands
top Shiite cleric urged the during a demonstration in Basra, 340 miles (550 kilometers) southeast of Baghdad, Iraq, Friday, for reforms, better services
government on Friday to Aug. 21, 2015. Thousands rallied in Iraq’s capital and a string of other cities to press demands for and an end to corruption.
press ahead with reforms reforms, better services and an end to corruption. The rallies were the latest in
and fighting corruption, a series of peaceful gath-
but cautioned against do- (AP Photo/Nabil al-Jurani) erings over the past month
ing so at the expense of demanding change.
the fight against the Islamic Baghdad’s rally attracted
State group, which is tena- up to 10,000, many waving
ciously holding on to large Iraqi flags and chanting
swaths of Iraqi territory. the national anthem. The
In a sermon delivered by rallies in the southern city
a representative, Grand of Basra, in Karbala and
Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani Najaf, also south of the
urged the government to Iraqi capital, were small-
continue the reforms and er. In Baghdad, hundreds
swiftly go after the “big of army and police cor-
thieves of public funds.” doned off the rally, sealing
Hours after the sermon in off roads leading to the
the holy city of Karbala, venue, the central Tahrir
thousands rallied in Bagh- Square, as army helicop-
dad and a string of other ters hovered above. q
Aid group makes dramatic plea after 65 killed in Yemen
SANAA, Yemen (AP) — A reach the hospitals in Taiz, to provide assistance,” the were not authorized to talk es in the eastern neighbor-
leading international aid Yemen’s third largest city, aid group, also known as to reporters. hood of Sala, from where
group on Friday made a where fighting intensified Medecins Sans Frontieres or The shelling provoked air- the rebels launched their
dramatic appeal to Ye- on Thursday. MSF, said in a statement. strikes by the Saudi-led attacks earlier Thursday,
men’s warring factions to “We call on the warring Yemeni security officials coalition, which has been the officials added.
halt attacks on civilians, a parties to stop attacking said the violence in Taiz targeting the Houthis since Among those killed, at least
day after heavy fighting in civilian targets, especial- began with Shiite rebels, March, when Yemen’s crisis 17 were children and 20
a key city killed more than ly hospitals, ambulances also known as Houthis, first escalated amid the rebel were women, according
65 people and wounded and densely populated shelling residential areas advance and land grab. to Doctors Without Borders,
at least 23. neighborhoods and allow and killing 23 civilians. The The subsequent airstrikes which added that more
Doctors Without Borders medical personnel and hu- officials spoke on condition killed at least 35 people than 65 people were killed
also said it was unable to manitarian organizations of anonymity because they and demolished five hous- in Taiz on Thursday. q