Page 10 - ARUBATODDAY 22AUG,2015
P. 10


WORLD NEWSSaturday 22 August 2015

Afghan ties with Pakistan sour as Taliban gain strength 

Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghani sings the national anthem after putting flowers on the         of the relatively optimis-      the group. Taliban leaders
                                                                                                  tic outreach that Afghan        direct the war from Paki-
“Independence Minaret” monument during an Independence Day ceremony in Kabul,                     President Ashraf Ghani          stani soil, and send gun-
                                                                                                  launched when he took           men and suicide bomb-
Afghanistan. While leaders of the Afghan Taliban meet to resolve the leadership turmoil that has  office a year ago.              ers, weapons and money
                                                                                                  The relentless continuation     across the border every
engulfed the group since their one-eyed leader Mullah Mohammad Omar was revealed to be            of Taliban attacks — and        year for the Taliban sum-
                                                                                                  the surge in violence that      mer offensive. This year,
dead, Afghanistan’s relationship with Pakistan is deteriorating at a dangerous juncture in the    followed the transfer of se-    the warm-weather offen-
                                                                                                  curity control from NATO to     sive has been particularly
war. 								                           (AP Photo/Massoud Hossaini)                               Afghan forces at the end        ferocious, following the
                                                                                                  of 2014 — seems to have         NATO drawdown.
LYNNE O’DONNELL   year war by aiding Taliban forth across border regions                          exhausted Ghani’s pa-           On Tuesday, Pakistan’s
                                                                                                  tience.                         ambassador to Kabul,
Associated Press  militants in a cynical quest barely under the control of                        After a series of deadly at-    Syed Abrar Hussain, was
                                                                                                  tacks earlier this month in     summoned to hear a com-
KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) for influence.  Islamabad.                                                the Afghan capital, Ghani       plaint about border shell-
                                                                                                  accused Pakistan on live        ing, Afghan Foreign Ministry
— One of the world’s tes- Pakistan, which hosts mass- This has been a longstand-                  TV of being the source of       spokesman Ahmad Shekib
                                                                                                  the violence in his country.    Mostaghni confirmed.
tier strategic relationships is es of Afghan refugees, de- ing issue between the two              “The decisions the Pakistani    A day later — on Afghan
                                                                                                  government will be mak-         Independence Day — Af-
deteriorating by the day as nies the charge and says neighbors but a recent up-                   ing in the next few weeks       ghan Ambassador Janan
                                                                                                  will significantly affect bi-   Mosazai was summoned
Afghanistan accuses Paki- it cannot be expected to tick in stridency is striking —                lateral relations for the next  by Pakistan’s foreign minis-
                                                                                                  decades,” Ghani said at         try, where he heard a pro-
stan of meddling in its af- monitor the movement of and dangerous at a time                       the time. “We can no lon-       test about a “recent spate
                                                                                                  ger tolerate watching our       of Afghan government’s
fairs and prolonging a 14- Afghan militants back and when the Taliban seem to                     people bleeding in a war        allegations and media
                                                                                                  exported and imposed on         campaign to malign Paki-
                                        grow more militant and                                    us from outside.”               stan,” a ministry statement
                                                                                                  Amid the rhetoric, the ba-      said.
                                        NATO has pulled its com-                                  sic facts are not in dispute:   The “allegations undercut
                                                                                                  leaders of the Taliban have     mutual confidence and
                                        bat troops from Afghani-                                  been based in Pakistan          affect the environment
                                                                                                  — in Quetta, Peshawar           of bilateral relations that
                                        stan.                                                     and Karachi — since the         both countries had been
                                                                                                  U.S.-led invasion in 2001       working hard to improve,”
                                        It also represents a reversal                             toppled their regime and        said Pakistan’s foreign
                                                                                                  forced them to flee.            secretary, Aizaz Ahmad
                                                                                                  Recent events also have         Chaudry.
                                                                                                  made clear the extent of
                                                                                                  Pakistan’s influence over          Continued on Page 27

                                        UN decries ‘impunity’ after Darfur violence 

                                        JAMEY KEATEN                                              to take human rights viola-     ing in peace initiatives.
                                        Associated Press                                          tions seriously.”               Darfur has been in turmoil
                                        GENEVA (AP) — U.N. hu-                                    The report released Friday      since 2003, when ethnic
                                        man rights officials say Su-                              denounced violations of         Africans rebelled, accus-
                                        danese security forces that                               international law includ-       ing the Arab-dominated
                                        were allegedly involved                                   ing “indiscriminate” aerial     Sudanese government of
                                        in killings, sexual violence                              bombardment of civilian         discrimination. The United
                                        and other abuses in Darfur                                areas, burning of villages      Nations says 300,000 peo-
                                        last year have largely gone                               and destruction of other        ple have died in the con-
                                        unpunished.                                               civilian property.              flict and 2.7 million have
                                        The U.N. Human Rights Of-                                 It pointed to a “negligible”    fled their homes.
                                        fice, in a critical new report                            impact of steps by Sudan’s      The report noted an up-
                                        based on information from                                 government to reduce            surge in violence after Su-
                                        a joint U.N.-African Union                                impunity, and listed 15         danese forces deployed
                                        operation in Darfur, docu-                                recommendations to the          in Darfur in February 2014.
                                        mented 411 cases of al-                                   government such as a halt       According to the report,
                                        leged violations and abuse                                to aerial bombing, grant-       the joint A.U.-U.N. opera-
                                        by all parties and said                                   ing of access to areas of       tion documented 127 cas-
                                        “very few” ended in arrests                               human rights incidents,         es of sexual, gender-based
                                        or investigations.                                        and strengthening judicial      violence with more than
                                        United Nations High Com-                                  impartiality. Its five rec-     200 survivors, but found
                                        missioner for Human Rights,                               ommendations for rebel          only 12 of those cases went
                                        Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, said                               groups included refraining      to court.
                                        the report pointed to “the                                from violence against civil-    Authorities have repeat-
                                        systemic failure, or outright                             ians, cooperating with in-      edly cited a climate of im-
                                        refusal, by the authorities                               vestigators and participat-     punity over Darfur.q
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