Page 6 - ARUBATODDAY 22AUG,2015
P. 6
U.S. NEWSSaturday 22 August 2015
Florida woman says she secretly recorded Jared Fogle
handled the investiga- him to prison for more than
tion into Fogle would not
confirm whether she was a decade.
involved in their case, but
they have said their inves- Herman-Walrond told
tigation began several
months ago based on a tip WWSB-TV in Sarasota, Flor-
to Indiana State Police re-
garding Russell Taylor, the ida, that she recorded her
then-executive director of
the Jared Foundation. conversations with Fogle
However, Fogle’s plea
agreement does mention for the FBI over more than
that witnesses in Florida,
Georgia and Washington four years. The FBI in Flori-
state provided record-
ings and information it da did not return requests
says show Fogle “repeat-
edly discussed with them for comment. FBI Special
his interest in engaging in
commercial sex acts with Agent Wendy Osborne in
minors or stated that he
has done so in the past.” It Indiana said the agency
says the recordings “were
produced beginning in or cannot discuss “anything
about 2007 and continu-
ing thereafter.” related to the investiga-
The suburban Indianapolis
man is expected to enter tion” into Fogle.
a formal plea at a later
date to one count each Herman-Walrond said she
of traveling to engage in il-
licit sexual conduct with a didn’t know why Fogle
minor and distribution and
receipt of child pornog- would have confided in
raphy. The case has de-
stroyed Fogle’s career with her.
Subway and could send
“He would tell me the ages
he was interested in, boy
or girl,” Herman-Walrond
told ABC News. “He indi-
cated the fact that he has
done it before and told
Former Subway pitchman Jared Fogle leaves the Federal Courthouse in Indianapolis following me in gross detail what
a hearing on child-pornography charges. A Florida woman says Fogle told her years ago about transpired.”
his interest in having sex with minors and that she went to authorities who told her to record the Fogle attorney Ron Elberg-
conversations. (AP Photo/AJ Mast) er declined to comment
INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — A Rochelle Herman-Wal- 16 and received child por- on the reports.
Florida woman says former rond, a former journal- nography produced by
Subway pitchman Jared ist, told media outlets she the former director of his Assistant U.S. Attorney Ste-
Fogle told her years ago wore a wire to record charitable foundation.
about his interest in having conversations of Fogle, It is unclear how Herman- ven DeBrota said he can-
sex with minors and that who agreed Wednesday Walrond knew Fogle. The
she went to authorities to plead guilty to allega- Associated Press could not not confirm the names of
who told her to record the tions that he paid for sex reach her for comment.
conversations. acts with girls as young as Authorities in Indiana who any sources the govern-
ment used in its investi-
gation, including the wit-
nesses who provided the
Police: Man who beat homeless Mexican said ‘Trump was right’
BOSTON (AP) — The Mexi- ico in Boston, confirmed and then saw the Leaders a wall between the United “I think that would be a
can government con- the victim was a Mexican walk away laughing, pros- States and Mexico to crack shame,” he said, but de-
demned an attack on a citizen. He said his govern- ecutors said. The victim down on illegal immigra- clined to condemn the at-
sleeping homeless man ment would “take the nec- was treated for a broken tion. He recently said he tack. “I will say, the people
that police said was com- essary measures to defend nose, serious bruises and would deport the millions that are following me are
mitted by two brothers, the rights and interests of other injuries. of people already in the very passionate. They love
one of whom said that Mexicans,” The Boston Scott Leader told troopers United States illegally, sort this country. They want this
Donald Trump was right Globe reported. after his arrest, “Donald them into groups of “good country to be great again.
about deporting “all these The brothers, Scott Leader Trump was right, all these ones” and “bad ones” and And they are very passion-
illegals.” and Steve Leader, were illegals need to be deport- then allow those deemed ate.”
The brothers urinated being held without bail on ed,” according to a state good to re-enter the coun- He took a harder-line ap-
on the 58-year-old man, charges including assault police report filed in court. try. proach on Friday.
punched him and beat and indecent exposure. Trump, a Republican presi- Asked about the home- “Boston incident is terrible.
him with a metal pole while They pleaded not guilty. dential candidate, has in- less man’s beating before We need energy and pas-
he slept near a Boston train Witnesses flagged down flamed Latinos by describ- a New Hampshire town sion, but we must treat
station, police said. a state trooper at about ing Mexican immigrants as hall on Wednesday night, each other with respect,”
Daniel Hernandez Joseph, 12:30 a.m. Wednesday “criminals” and “rapists” he said he hadn’t heard Trump tweeted Friday
the consul general of Mex- after they saw the attack and saying he would build about it. afternoon.q