Page 5 - ARUBATODDAY 22AUG,2015
P. 5
Saturday 22 August 2015
Autopsy: Suspect killed by St. Louis police was shot in back
JIM SUHR St. Louis police chief Sam Dotson, left, appeals for calm alongside mayor Francis Slay at West that’s strong,” he told the
Associated Press AP. “There’s strong third-
ST. LOUIS (AP) — An autopsy Side Missionary Baptist Church in St. Louis. An autopsy showed that an 18-year-old who was shot party review, and we want
showed that an 18-year- to make everything above
old who was shot and killed and killed by an officer helping serve a search warrant in a violence-plagued neighborhood reproach.”
by an officer helping serve Messages left with the Ball-
a search warrant in a vio- died from a single wound in the back, police said Friday. (AP Photo/Jeff Roberson) Bay family’s attorney, Jer-
lence-plagued neighbor- maine Wooten, were not
hood died from a single he was running away,” Dot- full autopsy or toxicology able Friday by The Associ- immediately returned. Woo-
wound in the back, police son told the St. Louis Post- tests yet, and have not ex- ated Press, has pledged a ten has insisted to media
said Friday. Dispatch. “What I do know plained why they don’t yet thorough internal investi- outlets that Ball-Bay was not
The shooting occurred less is that two officers were in- have statements from the gation. “We have a policy armed when he was shot.
than two weeks after vio- volved and fired shots, but officers. Dotson, unreach- that’s strong, a process The law gives police officers
lence marred the anniver- I don’t know exactly where latitude to use deadly force
sary of the day Michael they were standing yet and when they feel physically
Brown was fatally wounded I won’t know until I get their endangered. The Supreme
by a white officer in nearby statements.” Court held in a 1989 case
Ferguson — a killing which Police haven’t released the that the appropriateness
sparked protests and a na- of use of force by officers
tional debate over police “must be judged from the
treatment of minorities. perspective of a reasonable
St. Louis Police Chief Sam officer on the scene,” rath-
Dotson cautioned that the er than evaluated through
location of Mansur Ball-Bey’s 20/20 hindsight.
wound neither confirms nor Officers have been cleared
disproves two officers’ ac- in cases in which suspects
counts that Ball-Bey pointed were shot in the back, in-
a gun at them before they cluding the St. Louis killing
shot at him Wednesday. nearly a year ago of black
Dotson said Thursday that 18-year-old VonDerrit Myers
a stolen handgun linked to Jr. by Jason Flanery, a white,
Ball-Bey — with one round in off-duty officer.q
the chamber and 13 more in
the magazine — was found
at the scene.
“Just because he was shot
in the back doesn’t mean
NY Police: Man shoots security
guard, self at a federal building
JAKE PEARSON hospital; his condition was
COLLEEN LONG not immediately known.
Associated Press Police said the motive for
NEW YORK (AP) — A man the shooting remained
walked into a federal unclear.
building in New York City The federal office building
late Friday afternoon and on Varick Street houses an
opened fire, wounding immigration court, pass-
a security guard in the port processing center
head, before turning the and a regional office for
gun on himself, police the Department of Labor.
said. The guard had a weapon
The unidentified man died but it doesn’t appear he
in the building in Manhat- was able to fire, accord-
tan, police said. ing to police.
The man walked through O’Neil, speaking at a
a side entrance of the news conference at the
building around 5 p.m. scene, said it appeared
and shot the security the shooter acted alone.
guard in the head, New He said nothing gave po-
York Police Department lice any reason to believe
Chief James O’Neil said. the shooting was terrorist-
The man then walked related.
through the security area Employees at the building
and headed to an eleva- said they were told to get
tor, where he encoun- down on the ground when
tered another employee, the shots rang out. A short
O’Neil said. The man then time later, the building
shot himself in the head. was placed on lockdown
The guard was taken to a and then evacuated.q