Page 4 - ARUBATODDAY 22AUG,2015
P. 4
U.S. NEWSSaturday 22 August 2015
Momentum for Iran deal
grows as NY lawmaker
declares support
ERICA WERNER lions in international sanc-
Associated Press tions relief. Israeli Prime Min-
WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi- ister Benjamin Netanyahu
dent Barack Obama’s is vehemently opposed to
nuclear agreement with the agreement.
Iran won an important “In our conversations, Jerry
raised specific concerns
Rep. Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y. relating to Israeli security
speaks during a news and the U.S. commitment
conference on Capitol Hill to countering Iran’s desta-
in Washington. Nadler has bilizing activities in the re-
announced he is backing gion,” Obama said Friday.
President Barack Obama’s “I wanted to respond to the
Iran nuclear deal. Nadler thoughtful questions Jerry
says in a statement on Friday raised, and I am pleased
that the agreement “gives us that our discussions were
the best chance of stopping ultimately productive.”
Iran from developing a Nadler’s announcement
nuclear weapon.” comes at the end of a
(AP Photo/Lauren Victoria week that’s seen the deal
Burke) pick up a steady stream of
Democratic support in the
endorsement Friday from House of Representatives
Democratic Rep. Jerrold and Senate despite furious
Nadler of New York, who opposition from Republi-
bucked opposition from cans who say it makes too
fellow New York Jewish many concessions to Iran
lawmakers including his and could actually enable
home state’s senior sena- that country to go nuclear.
tor, Chuck Schumer. Congress faces a vote
Nadler’s endorsement fol- next month on a resolu-
lowed a personal appeal tion disapproving of the
from Obama, who sent him deal, but Obama will veto
a letter earlier this week such legislation if it prevails.
defending the deal and Congressional Republicans
pledging that the U.S. will would then need to gather
continue to put economic two-thirds majorities in both
pressure on Iran and keep the House and the Senate
military options open. to overturn Obama’s veto,
“I bring to my analysis the a steep bar that even Sen-
full weight of my responsi- ate Majority Leader Mitch
bilities as a member of Con- McConnell says Republi-
gress, and my perspective cans are unlikely to over-
as an American Jew who come.
is both a Democrat and a Obama’s letter to Nadler
strong supporter of Israel,” also said the U.S. would
Nadler said in a statement. uphold sanctions target-
He said he’d concluded ing Iran’s non-nuclear ac-
that of the alternatives, the tivities, such as its support
agreement “gives us the for Lebanon’s Hezbollah
best chance of stopping and what Obama called
Iran from developing a nu- Iran’s “destabilizing role in
clear weapon.” Yemen.”q
The deal seeks to keep Iran
from building a nuclear
bomb in exchange for bil-