Page 8 - ARUBATODDAY 22AUG,2015
P. 8


WORLD NEWSSaturday 22 August 2015

Greek election looms as parties struggle to form government 

ELENA BECATOROS                 Outgoing Greek Prime minister Alexis Tsipras arrives at the headquarters in Athens, on Fri-     bailout’s ratification in par-
Associated Press                day, Aug. 21, 2015. Greece’s president asked the main opposition party Friday to try to form    liament last week, which
ATHENS, Greece (AP) —           a new government, a day after Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras resigned and called an early        was only approved with
Greece’s main opposition        election next month to deal with a governing party rebellion over Greece’s third bailout deal.  backing from opposition
party launched efforts to       (Costas Baltas/ InTime News via AP)                                                             parties. Faced with such
form a new government                                                                                                           dissent, it became only a
Friday following Prime Min-     majority he could have to        with a new government          ing that the budget sav-        matter of time before Tsip-
ister Alexis Tsipras’ resigna-  seek a new coalition.            that would not be hobbled      ings and reforms Tsipras        ras called an election or
tion, but made no progress      His decision to call a vote      by internal dissent.           agreed to for the bailout       confidence vote to confirm
in what appears a doomed        so early — just hours after      The rebels announced Fri-      Iare exactly what they had      his mandate to implement
task — which will pave the      Greece started tapping           day they were splitting to     vowed to fight when they        the bailout reforms.
way for another potentially     loans from its 86 billion euro   form their own anti-austeri-   came to power with Syriza       Some analysts are con-
destabilizing election.         ($95 billion) rescue pro-        ty movement.                   in January.                     cerned that the election
Tsipras resigned late Thurs-    gram — amounts to a bet          They want to scrap the         About one in four Syriza law-   could delay reforms need-
day and called an early         that he can regain power         bailout altogether, argu-      makers refused to back the      ed to get rescue loans,
election next month to                                                                                                          which are only disbursed
deal with a rebellion in his                                                                                                    after quarterly reviews.
radical left Syriza party over                                                                                                  “A September election
the terms of Greece’s new                                                                                                       would occur before the first
bailout deal.                                                                                                                   program review in October
Although no date has                                                                                                            and may well hamper and
been set, outgoing govern-                                                                                                      delay the technical work
ment spokeswoman Olga                                                                                                           and political decisions nec-
Gerovassili said Friday she                                                                                                     essary for its completion,”
expects Greeks will go to                                                                                                       said the Fitch ratings agen-
the polls on Sept. 20.                                                                                                          cy.
The opposition has few                                                                                                          “The likely pause in legislat-
chances of uniting and                                                                                                          ing for reforms during the
forming a government,                                                                                                           election campaign com-
meaning that after more                                                                                                         ing so soon after the agree-
than five years of a worsen-                                                                                                    ment was concluded may
ing financial crisis, Greece                                                                                                    rekindle or reinforce some
is headed for its fifth na-                                                                                                     creditors’ concerns about
tional election in six years.                                                                                                   Greece’s ability to meet
Tsipras is widely tipped to                                                                                                     the program’s require-
win the vote, though if he                                                                                                      ments,” Fitch said.q
fails to secure an outright

Turkey’s Erdogan says he will call a new election for Nov. 1 

SUZAN FRASER                    Davutoglu abandoned ef-          obstructing the coalition-     five months after the last      PKK. Last month, Turkish jets
Associated press                                                 building efforts, a charge     polls may not alter the dis-    raided IS targets in Syria and
ANKARA, Turkey (AP) —           forts to build a coalition       Erdogan denies.                tribution of seats too much     PKK targets in Iraq while U.S.
Turkish President Recep                                          Erdogan appears to be          and a majority for the ruling   jets also launched their first
Tayyip Erdogan said Friday      government,  following           betting that a new ballot      party is far from guaran-       airstrikes against IS targets
that the nation will hold an                                     could revive the fortunes of   teed.                           from a Turkish air base near
early election Nov. 1, after    the failure of talks with the    the Islamic-rooted Justice     News of the new election        Syria.
no group won a majority                                          and Development Party, or      comes amid escalating           Opponents have accused
from voters in June and Er-     leaders of two smaller par-      AKP, he founded and led        violence between Turkey’s       Erdogan of attacking the
dogan’s party was unable                                         for more than a decade,        security forces and Kurd-       PKK in a bid to win nation-
to find a coalition partner.    ties. The ruling party lost its  and thus put him back on       ish rebels, and as Turkey is    alists’ support and discredit
Erdogan said he will meet                                        course to reshape Turkey’s     taking a more active role       a pro-Kurdish party, whose
with the parliament speak-      parliamentary majority in        democracy into a system        in the U.S.-led campaign        gains in the June elections
er on Monday, the day af-                                        where the president would      against Islamic State group     deprived the ruling party of
ter the deadline for form-      June for the first time since    have executive powers.         extremists.                     its majority.
ing a new government, to                                         A coalition government         Dozens of people have           The political uncertainty
complete the formalities.       it came to power in 2002,        would also have limited his    been killed in renewed          caused the Turkish lira to
The widely expected an-                                          ability to influence the gov-  clashes between Turkey’s        drop to record lows against
nouncement comes days           forcing it to seek a coalition   ernment.                       military and rebels of the      the dollar this week.q
after Prime Minister Ahmet                                       But a new election held just   Kurdistan Workers’ Party, or

                                The June result was a slap

                                to Erdogan’s ambitions to

                                increase the powers of the

                                largely ceremonial presi-

                                dency. He is believed to

                                have favored a new elec-

                                tion, and Turkey’s main

                                opposition leader has ac-

                                cused the president of
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