Page 7 - ARUBATODDAY 22AUG,2015
P. 7

                                                                                                                                   Saturday 22 August 2015

Topless, painted women ignite

latest furor over Times Square 

VERENA DOBNIK                   activity there, have so far    A tourist poses for a photo with two women clad in thongs and body paint in New York’s Times
Associated Press                taken only one step: post-     Square. Topless women posing for photos in Times Square are causing headaches for politicians
NEW YORK (AP) — Top-            ing notices and handing        and law enforcement who wish to regulate their presence but have no clear idea how.
less women, often in body       out flyers informing visitors
paint, posing for photos in     that tips are not an obliga-                                                                                                       (AP Photo/Julie Jacobson)
Times Square are causing        tion. Legal experts say the
headaches for New York          quandary is whether the        acters, residency require-   Bunting acknowledged          body touching us. We also
politicians and police who      activity amounts to a street   ments and whether taxes      that a small group of top-    wouldn’t want somebody
wish to regulate their pres-    performance protected by       were being paid.             less women working there      touching our child. Abso-
ence but have no clear          the First Amendment or a       Nicole and Angel Bunting     display the kind of in-your-  lutely not.”
idea how.                       form of commercial activ-      are part of a threesome of   face behavior that is draw-   Nicole said she used to
Frustrated politicians would    ity that can be regulated.     friends who work the south   ing negative attention.       work in music manage-
like to regulate the pres-      There’s nothing illegal in     end of Times Square, ap-     “Some of the girls are may-   ment but lost her job and
ence of the women and           New York City about go-        proaching pedestrians with   be a little more aggressive,  couldn’t find other work
the many costumed char-         ing topless (with or with-     smiles and keeping a polite  but we do not work that       in the weak jobs market.
acters such as Elmo and         out body paint), parading      distance. Pointing at the    way,” Bunting, 32, said.      “And this is what I found.
Cookie Monster who pop-         around in a furry costume      other end of the square,     “We wouldn’t want some-       And now I love it.”q
ulate the plaza. But they       or even begging for money
have no clear idea how.         in most places.
New York Gov. Andrew            “There’s no clear legal path
Cuomo says he believes          to address this issue,” says
the women are engaging          New York-based civil rights
in an illegal activity that     attorney Ron Kuby. “It’s
harkens to the “bad old         hard to take two things that
Times Square.”                  are legal — being bare-
And Mayor Bill de Blasio this   breasted and begging for
week formed a task force        money — and turn them
to look at how to regulate      into something illegal.”
“aggressive solicitation.”      Police can do little to curb
The experience of millions      the behavior someone
of tourists “has been dimin-    complains of assault or ha-
ished by the proliferation of   rassment.
topless individuals and cos-    Last year, a Spider-Man
tumed characters who too        figure in the same area
often harass people and         punched a police officer
expose families to inap-        trying to prevent aggres-
propriate acts,” the mayor      sive solicitation, and a man
said.                           dressed as Cookie Mon-
City officials have already     ster attacked a 2-year-old
brainstormed solutions that     child whose parents had
include licensing those who     not tipped. Police Commis-
troll for tips or pushing them  sioner William Bratton told
out of the square. But the      1010 WINS radio Thursday
city and the Times Square       that he’s looking into the
Alliance, which regulates       labor practices of the char-
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