Page 27 - ARUBATODDAY 22AUG,2015
P. 27

Taliban                           ners, like  China, as well as               CLASSIFIED A27
                                  global lenders and credit                                                                                        Saturday 22 August 2015
   Continued on Page 27           rating agencies.
                                  Ghani’s recent harsh rheto-    Classifieds DOCTOR
Earlier, Ghani had told Ka-       ric appeared to have been                                                    ON DUTY
bul-based ambassadors             sparked by the appar-                                                                                    Oranjestad
that Pakistan “has three op-      ent failure of a high-level                                                                                          Dr. Cayama
tions: freeze, deep freeze or     delegation sent last week       FOR SALE                             PARADISE BEACH VILLAS                           Catunastraat 11
hostility” if it failed to reign  to Islamabad to work out        Renaissance                          For Sale                                        Tel. 583-2772
in the Taliban, according         an “action plan” for end-                                            2 bedroom week 29 Room 125
to three people who were          ing the war. The group re-       Week 32 / 1 Bedr                    pool side $6.500 O.B.O.             EMERGENCIA
present at the meeting, in-       turned empty-handed.            Pool & Ocean View                    Divi Phoenix
cluding two ambassadors.          Earlier this year, Ghani sent   US $ 7,800.00                        For Sale 1 bedroom Room 502              911
All spoke on condition of         Pakistani Prime Minister        Call 734-7777                        week 29 $5.000 O.B.O.
anonymity because they            Nawaz Sharif an eight-point                                          For Sale 1 bedroom Room 502         POLICE            100
were not authorized to talk       proposal, extracts of which          week 32 $5.000 O.B.O.               POLICE            581-1100
to the media.                     have been seen by The As-                                                                                ORANJESTAD        582-4000
“We are at ‘freeze’,” said        sociated Press, in which he      ________________________2_06_9_80_  ________________________2_0_35_4_9  NOORD             587-0009
one of the ambassadors.           said that both countries                                                                                 STA. CRUZ         585-4710
“Relations could still go         were engaged in an unde-        Sliding Gate Opener                  TIMESHARE                           SAVANETA          584-7000
down — for instance, if           clared war. The letter also     582-4544/ 749-3907                   FOR SALE/RENT                       SAN NICOLAS       584-5000
there is a new bombing in         called on Islamabad show        Solar & 110v                         Divi Golf and Beach                 POLICE TIPLINE    11141
Kabul.”                           its commitment to peace         Opener Motor                         week 36/ sept.5 start Eagle 3                         115
The diplomat said that un-        by placing Taliban leaders      For car entrance                     2 room suite unit 4206. lock off    FIRE DEPT.        582-1108
less the Pakistanis “deliver      under house arrest, with-       sliding gate                         master b/r, granite kitchen, two    FIRE DEPT.        527-4000
what they are saying they         drawing rights extended                        baths, 24 hour security, gated,     HOSPITAL          582-1234
are willing to do, to com-        to Taliban figures — such       alucaribe                            washer/dryer luxury furnishing s    AMBULANCE
bat terrorism and extrem-         as freedom of movement          ________________2_06_98_4            sleeps 4, 34 left on contract       SAN NICOLAS       911
ism,” Afghanistan’s allies        and access for fighters to                                           steps to affinity pool/bar $5250    AMBULANCE
could ask the United States       medical care — and cur-        VACATION SPECIAL                      sale (equity value $12000)
and the world to classify         tailing the activities of the   wk 36 Sept.5-12                      Rent $1200                            PHARMACY
Pakistan as a provider of         Haqqani network, argu-          Divi Dutch Village and               email:
“sanctuary to terrorists.”        ably one of the most brutal     Aruba Beach Club $625 4p             508-651-0016                        Oranjestad: Sta. Cruz Tel: 585-8028
Such a classification could       terror groups in the region.    wk 37 Divi Phoenix $750
lead to diplomatic and fi-        Mostaghni, the Afghan           all weeks                            ________________________2_0_6_96_7  San Nicolas: San Nicolas Tel: 584-5712
nancial isolation for Paki-       spokesman, said Kabul is        Call 583-4403 / 560-3297
stan and complicate its           still hoping to receive a                                            TIMESHARE FOR SALE                  INFORMATION       118
relationship with other part-     response to these points        ________________________2_0_6_98_8   RENAISSANCE                         TAXI              582-5900
                                  “very soon.”q                                                        Week room price                     TAXI-TAS          587-5900
                                                                 FOR SALE                              26 507 $3,500                       PROF. TAXI        588-0035
                                                                 La Cabana                             26 543 $5,300                       TAXI D.T.S.       587-2300
                                                                 Deluxe 1 Bedroom                      40 105 $5000                        SERVICE ARUBA     583-3232
                                                                 Week 33; Ocean View                   48/49 119 $4,500
                                                                 US $ 5,800.00                         23 343 $3,000                       CRUISESHIP
                                                                 Call 734-7777                         35 314 $4,000
                                                                                                       30 515 $4,900                                  August 22
                                                                   30 311 $5,000                                  Freewinds
                                                                                                       23 343 $4,500
                                                                 ______________________20_6_98_0       27 103 $4,000                       Aruba Aiport      524-2424
                                                                                                       29 134 $4,500                       American Airline  582-2700
                                                                 FOR RENT                              20&21 347 $4,500                    Avianca           588-0059
                                                                 Beautiful and cozy 2 beadroom         27 341 $4,000                       Aruba Airlines    583-8300
                                                                 house, Hooiberg Plaza, $1200          Contact Brian Cell: 593-0200        Jet Blue          588-2244
                                                                 p/m . Fully furnished. Gated                   Surinam           582-7896
                                                                 community. Max. 4 persons.                                                Tiara Air         588-4272
                                                                 Call WBA. Broker                      ________________________20_3_5_48_  Venezolana        583-7674
                                                                 (part of White Beach
                                                                 Apartments)                           TIMESHARE                           Aruba Foundation
                                                                 +297-660-8411                                                             For those Visually Incapasitated

                                                                 ________________________20_6_98_3_                                        Tel: 582-5051

                                                                 For Rent                              FOR SALE/RENT                       FUNDACION
                                                                 Last Minute Deal!!!                   Divi Golf and Beach                 Anti-Droga
                                                                 La Cabana                             week 40, oct. 3 start Eagle 3       Aruba
                                                                 1 Bdr (4px)                           ground floor unit 4106. 2 baths,
                                                                                                       lock off master b/r, granite        (FADA) Tel: 583-2999
                                                                 (Aug 22- 29 only $ 650                kitchen, gated, elegant
                                                                                                       furnishing, washer/ dryer, steps    FUNDACION
                                                                 Ground floor                          to affinity pool and bar sleeps 4   Respetami
                                                                                                       sale $5250 (equity value
                                                                 Call 734-7777                         $11400) rent $1200                  Tel: 582-4433
                                                                  508-651-0016                         Centro Diabetic Arubano

                                                                 ___________________2_06_9_85_         ________________________2_0_6_96_8    Tel: 524-8888

                                                                                                       FOR SALE                            Narcotics Anonymous
                                                                                                       La Cabana
                                                                                                                                           Tel: 583-8989
                                                                                                       1 Bedroom
                                                                                                       Wks 32 & 33; Ocean V                 QUOTA Club
                                                                                                       US $ 9,000 (Both weeks)
                                                                                                       Call 734-7777                         Tel: 525-2672

                                                                                                       Women in Difficulties
                                                                                                                                           Tel: 583-5400

                                                                                                                                           Bloodbank Aruba

                                                                                                                                           Tel: 587-0002
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