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10                                                 ADVERTENTIE                      Antilliaans Dagblad Woensdag 21 juni 2017

       <c`gj C`]\ Ck[ s 9iXeZ_ f]ÓZ\ :liXƒXf :fejfc`[Xk\[

       Financial Highlights | December 31, 2016

       Balance Sheet                                         Explanatory Notes
       (In Thousands of NAf)

       ADMISSIBLE ASSETS                      31/12/2016  31/12/2015  Basis of preparation
       1. Intangibles                                        Items included in the life insurance annual statements of the Curaçao branch of Elips Life Ltd. are stated in
       2. Investments                                        Antillean Guilders (ANG). All amounts are shown in thousands of ANG, rounded to the nearest thousand.
         2.1  Real  Estate                         ——      ——
         )%)   LeZfejfc`[Xk\[ 8]Óc`Xk\[ :fdgXe`\j Xe[ Fk_\i GXik`Z`gXk`fej   ——    ——   :lii\ek Xjj\kj Xe[ fk_\i Xjj\kj
         2.3  Stocks                               ——      ——   Cash on Hand and in Banks and Giro are recognised in the balance sheet at at nominal value.
         2.4   Bonds and Other Fixed Income Securities   ——    ——   Premiums receivable and reinsurance balances receivable are carried at nominal value less any allowance
         2.5   Participation in Non-Affiliated Investment Pools   ——    ——   for uncollectable amounts. A provision is made when there is objective evidence that the amounts due are
         2.6  Mortgage  Loans                      ——      ——   not collectible. Non-interest bearing receivables from affiliates are carried at nominal amounts.
         2.7  Other Loans                          ——      ——
         2.8   Deposits with Financial Institutions   ——    ——   Gifm`j`fej ]fi `ejliXeZ\ fYc`^Xk`fej
         2.9  Other Investments                    ——      ——   Net technical provisions for life insurances are calculated based on generally accepted actuarial principles
       *%  :lii\ek 8jj\kj                       6,864    7,256  and reflect the estimated ultimate cost of all claims incurred but not settled at the balance sheet date,
       4. Other Assets                            4        6    whether reported or not.
       ,%  =ifd J\gXiXk\ 8ZZflekj JkXk\d\ek
       Total                                    6,868    7,262  :lii\ek Xe[ fk_\i c`XY`c`k`\j
                                                             Current liabilities are carried at nominal values. Amounts included in current liabilities are ceded premiums
       EQUITY, PROVISIONS AND LIABILITIES                    payable to reinsurers and accrued expenses.
       -%  :Xg`kXc Xe[ Jligclj
         6.1  Capital                             ——       ——   K\Z_e`ZXc `e]fidXk`fe fe i`jb Zfm\iX^\ Xe[ i\`ejliXeZ\
         6.2  Surplus                            437      405  Elips Life Ltd reinsurs its portfolio, including business written through its Curaçao branch, through a 50 %
         6.3   Less Treasury Stock                ——       ——
                                                             quota share treaty with Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd.
       .%  JlYfi[`eXk\[ @ejkild\ekj
       /%  Gifm`j`fej ]fi @ejliXeZ\ FYc`^Xk`fej1             Profit and loss statement
         8.1   Net Technical Provision for Life Insurances  791  1,292  Earned premiums are net premiums for own account to be attributed to the financial year.
         8.2   Net Technical Provision for Accident and Sickness   ——    ——   Net other operational income comprises commission income for premiums ceded to reinsurers.
         8.3   Net Other Technical Provisions     ——       ——   Net operational expenditures include administration costs allocated to the Curaçao Branch of Elips Life Ltd.
         8.4   Other Net Policy and Contract Provisions  1,114  928
       0%  :lii\ek C`XY`c`k`\j                  4,526    4,637  Corporate taxes have been calculated in accordance with applicable tax legislation in force.
       10. Other Liabilities                      ——       ——   :fek`e^\ek c`XY`c`k`\j
       ((%  :fek`e^\ek C`XY`c`k`\j                ——       ——
       ()%  =ifd J\gXiXk\ 8ZZflekj JkXk\d\ek      ——       ——   There are no contingent liabilities as of 31 December 2016.
       Total                                    6,868    7,262
                                                             :Xg`kXc Xe[ fi jligclj Zfdd`kd\ekj
                                                             There are no capital and or surplus commitments as of 31 December 2016.
       Profit and Loss Statement                             JlYj\hl\ek \m\ekj
                                                             There have been no subsequent events that have affected the stated earnings of the company.
       (In Thousands of NAf)
                                                 2016    2015
       1.   Premium and Other Policy Considerations  –20  827  I\gfik f] k_\ Xl[`kfi fe k_\ Zfejfc`[Xk\[ =`eXeZ`Xc ?`^_c`^_kj f] k_\ YiXeZ_ f]]`Z\ Xj g\i
       2.  Net Investment Income and Realized Capital Gains and Losses  ——  ——  ;\Z\dY\i *(# )'(- f] <c`gj C`]\ Ck[ 9iXeZ_ f]]`Z\ :liXZXf
       3.  Net Other Operational Income           –4      169
       +%  E\k 9\e\Ókj @eZlii\[                  154      ——  We have audited the consolidated Financial Highlights of the branch office consisting of balance sheet,
       5.  Change In Provisions for Insurance Obligations  –501  252  explanatory notes to the balance sheet, profit and loss statement and analysis of unassigned earnings
       6.  Net Operational Expenditures Incurred  93      366  of Curacao branch of Elips Life Ltd, for the year ended December 31, 2016. These consolidated Financial
       7.  Net Other Operational Expenditures Incurred  ——  ——  Highlights of the branch office have been prepared by management in accordance with the Provisions
       8.  Net Transfers to or from Separate Accounts  ——  ——  for the Disclosure of Consolidated Financial Highlights of Insurance Companies, issued by the Central Bank
       9.  Other Changes Affecting Net Results    ——      ——  of Curaçao and Sint Maarten (“CBCS”) and were derived from Central Bank’s Annual Reports Automated
       ('%  GifÓk J_Xi`e^ kf Gfc`Zp_fc[\ij       198      431  Statements (“ARAS”) system. In our auditor’s report dated June 12, 2017 we expressed an unqualified
       11. Extraordinary Results                  ——      ——  opinion on those ARAS. The consolidated Financial Highlights do not contain all the disclosures required
       12.  Net Operational Results Before Corporate Taxes    by the ARASs Annual Statement Instructions and Valuation Guidelines, Issued by the CBCS. Reading
         and Net Results From Separate Accounts   32      –53  the  consolidated Financial Highlights of Curacao branch of Elips Life Ltd, therefore, is not a substitute for
       13.   Corporate Taxes Incurred             ——      57  reading the audited financial statements of Curacao branch of Elips Life Ltd.
       14.  Net Operational Results After Corporate Taxes    32  -110
         and Before Net Results From Separate Accounts       Management’s responsibility for the Disclosure of Consolidated Financial Highlights
       15.  Net Results from Separate Accounts    ——      ——  Management is responsible for the preparation of the financial highlights derived from the audited ARAS
       16.  Net Operational Results               32      –110  pursuant to the Provisions for the Disclosure of Consolidated Financial Highlights of Insurance Companies,
       17.  Net Unrealized Gains or Losses        ——      ——  issued by the Central Bank of Curaçao and Sint Maarten (“CBCS”).
       18.  Net Profit or Loss                    32      –110
                                                             Auditor’s responsibility
       ANALYSIS OF UNASSIGNED EARNINGS                       Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the consolidated Financial Highlights of the branch office
       19.  Unassigned Earnings (Beginning of Year)  5    115  based on our procedures, which were conducted in accordance with generally accepted audit standards
         8% E\k GifÓk fi Cfjj                     32      –110  applicable in the Principality of Liechtenstein and with Liechtenstein Law.
         B.  Distribution of Accumulated Earnings  ——     ——
         C.  Other Changes In Unassigned Earnings  ——     ——  Opinion
       20. Unassigned Earnings (End of Year)      37       5  In our opinion the consolidated Financial Highlights of the branch office derived from audited ARAS
                                                             of Curacao branch of Elips Life Ltd. for the year ended December 31, 2016, are consistent, in all material
                                                             respects, with those ARAS.
                                                             PricewaterhouseCoopers AG
                                                             Enrico Strozzi      Michael Stämpfli
                                                             Audit expert, Auditor in charge   Audit expert
                                                             Zurich, 12 June 2017

       Elips Life Ltd, Branch office Curaçao
       c/o Intertrust Curaçao, Zeelandia Office Park, Kaya W.F.G. (Jombi) Mensing 14, 2nd Floor, Willemstad, Curaçao  your insurance
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