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                                                                                                                Monday 1 February 2016

Facebook announces stricter policy on firearms sales

BRANDON BAILEY                 woman said the new pol-         n this May 16, 2012 file photo, the Facebook logo is displayed on                     praise Friday from Every-
AP Technology Reporter         icy arose from the com-         an iPad in Philadelphia.                                                              town for Gun Safety, a
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) —           pany’s review of its rules                                                                                            group formed by the merg-
Facebook says it’s crack-      following its recent efforts                                                                        Associated Press  er of Watts’s organization
ing down on online gun         to encourage new forms                                                                                                with another group started
sales, announcing Friday a     of commerce on the site.                                                                                              by former New York Mayor
new policy barring private     Facebook expanded its                                                                                                 Michael Bloomberg, and
individuals from advertis-     digital payments service                                                                                              from a leader of the Brady
ing or selling firearms on     last summer, allowing users                                                                                           Campaign and Center to
the world’s largest social     of its Messenger service to                                                                                           Prevent Gun Violence.
network. The new policy        send electronic payments                                                                                              “It is simply too easy for
applies also to Facebook’s     to other individual users.                                                                                            virtually anyone to buy
photo-sharing service Ins-     “Over the last two years,                                                                                             any gun they want online
tagram. It comes after gun     more and more people                                                                                                  without a Brady back-
control groups have long       have been using Face-                                                                                                 ground check,” said the
complained that Face-          book to discover products                                                                                             Brady group’s president,
book and other online sites    and to buy and sell things                                                                                            Dan Gross. “Facebook just
are frequently used by un-     to one another,” Moni-                                                                                                took an important step in
licensed sellers and buyers    ka Bickert, who oversees                                                                                              addressing that challenge
not legally eligible to buy    Facebook product poli-                                                                                                and we call on others to
firearms. Facebook “was        cies, said in a statement.                                                                                            follow suit.”q
unfortunately and unwit-       “We are continuing to de-
tingly serving as an online    velop, test, and launch         Obama wants $4B to help students learn computer science 
platform for dangerous         new products to make this
people to get guns,” said      experience even better for      DARLENE SUPERVILLE              President Barack Obama speaks in the Eisenhower Executive
Shannon Watts of Moms          people and are updating         Associated Press                Office Building on the White House complex in Washington, Fri-
Demand Action for Gun          our regulated goods poli-       WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi-        day, Jan. 29, 2016, during a ceremony marking the 7th anniver-
Sense in America, a group      cies to reflect this evolu-     dent Barack Obama said          sary of the signing of the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act. 
that launched a public         tion.”                          Saturday he will ask Con-
campaign to convince the       Watts, however, said her        gress for billions of dol-                                                                          Associated Press
social network to change       group had urged Face-           lars to help students learn
its policies two years ago.    book to take stiffer mea-       computer science skills         The federal budget pro-                               this year will start spending
Watts said her group has       sures, during a series of       and prepare for jobs in a       posal for 2017 that Obama                             $135 million to train teach-
found numerous cases           low-key contacts.               changing economy.               plans to send Congress on                             ers over five years.
of felons and minors who       “They were very, very open      “In the new economy,            Feb. 9 will seek $4 billion                           Obama also wants gover-
were able to buy guns          to our thoughts on policy       computer science isn’t an       for grants to states and                              nors, mayors,
on the site, including two     and to the research we          optional skill.                 $100 million for competitive                          business leaders and tech
cases in which the buyers      have been compiling,”            It’s a basic skill,” Obama     grants for school districts                           entrepreneurs to become
used the guns to slay oth-     Watts said. “I think they       said in his weekly radio and    over the next three years to                          advocates for more wide-
ers. Representatives of two    definitely saw this was an is-  Internet address.               teach computer science                                spread computer science
gun-owner rights groups,       sue, but an incredibly com-     Obama said only about           in elementary, middle and                             education.
including the National Rifle   plicated issue. I think that’s  one-quarter of K-12 schools     high schools, administra-                             Brad Smith, president of Mi-
Association, did not imme-     why it’s taken two years.”      offer computer science          tion officials said.                                  crosoft, said computer sci-
diately respond to requests    Facebook, which is based        instruction, but that most      Separately, the National                              ence education is an “eco-
for comment.                   in Menlo Park, California,      parents want their children     Science Foundation and                                nomic and social impera-
Facebook had an-               cited the need to balance       to develop analytical and       the Corporation for Nation-                           tive for the next generation
nounced some restrictions      free expression with public     coding skills.                  al and Community Service                              of American students.”q
on gun sales and advertis-     safety when it announced        “Today’s auto mechan-
ing in 2014, saying it would   the 2014 policy change in       ics aren’t just sliding under
block minors from seeing       a blog post. At the time,       cars to change the oil.
posts that advertised guns.    some gun-control advo-          They’re working on ma-
But the social network did     cates complained Face-          chines that run on as many
not ban private sales at       book didn’t go further,         as 100 million lines of code,”
that time.                     while news reports quoted       Obama said. “That’s 100
Licensed firearms retailers    a spokesman for the Na-         times more than the Space
can still promote their busi-  tional Rifle Association who    Shuttle. Nurses are analyz-
nesses on Facebook, but        declared victory over what      ing data and managing
they aren’t allowed to ac-     he called a campaign to         electronic health records.
cept orders or make sales      stifle constitutionally pro-    Machinists are writing com-
on the site.                   tected speech.                  puter programs.”
A Facebook Inc. spokes-        The latest policy drew
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