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Monday 1 February 2016
Bettman says NHL would not take an application from Seattle
way fans can vote play- enforcer, getting a spot in
ers into the All-Star game the showcase.
following the fallout from “We’re focused on this
John Scott, the journeyman weekend,” Bettman said.q
NHL commissioner Gary Bettman answers a question during a news conference before the NHL
All-Star hockey game skills competition, Saturday, Jan. 30, 2016, in Nashville, Tenn.
Associated Press
LARRY LAGE orderly process,” Bettman gin building a facility.
AP Sports Writer said. “This is a very impor- “As things stand right now,
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — tant decision. A lot of things there’s no prospect of an
NHL Commissioner Gary have to be considered.” arena in greater Seattle,”
Bettman insisted Seattle is Bettman acknowledged Bettman said.
not in the running to land he doesn’t know whether Bettman has proposed an
an expansion team. the weakening Canadian expansion fee of $500 mil-
“If someone wanted to dollar will be a factor in lion, a significant jump from
give us an application right Quebec City’s bid. the $80 million fee paid by
now, we wouldn’t take Martin Tremblay, spokes- the Columbus Blue Jackets
it,” Bettman said Saturday man for Montreal-based and Minnesota Wild, when
at his state-of-the-league communications giant the NHL last expanded to
news conference. Quebecor, declined com- 30 teams in 2000.
Las Vegas and Quebec ment on the process. A The 2017-18 season would
City have submitted ex- message seeking com- be the earliest the league
pansion applications, but a ment was left for Michelle would expand, and Bet-
decision whether to grant Kersch, spokeswoman for tman and the owners
both, either or neither city the Bill Foley’s Black Knight aren’t feeling any pressure
an NHL franchise does not Sports & Entertainment in to make a decision. “We’re
appear to be imminent. Las Vegas. The Quebec not running a 60-minute
“The process is continu- Nordiques moved to Den- game where the clock is
ing,” Bettman said. “We’re ver in 1995, becoming going to run out,” he said.
not ready to make a rec- the Colorado Avalanche. The NHL and NHL Players’
ommendation.” Las Vegas has never had Association have about a
Bettman said a 10-owner a major pro sports team. year to figure out whether
executive committee will Seattle arena investor to participate in the 2018
eventually suggest the Chris Hansen, who has an Winter Olympics, accord-
league should add two agreement with the city ing to Bettman. Both par-
teams, one or none. and country through 2017 ties did have a discussion
Expansion was barely ad- for a downtown arena, with the International Ice
dressed at the NHL Board has been focused on get- Hockey Federation two
of Governors meeting Sat- ting an NBA team back. months ago, Bettman said,
urday morning after it was Hansen and Los Angeles leaving questions related
discussed extensively in De- businessman Victor Cole- to the cost to transport and
cember. Bettman bristled man have tried to come insure the players up to the
at a suggestion that the to an agreement on how IIHF and the International
league is struggling to de- to make an NHL-first pack- Olympic Committee.
cide whether to expand. age work in order to get a Bettman deflected ques-
“We’re going through an shovel in the ground to be- tions about whether the
NHL would change the