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LOCALMonday 1 February 2016

           New tasting menu debuts at Windows

Windows on Aruba’s new         been bought to their cul-
3-course tasting menu is       ture.   Food, the prepara-
divine!  You will be amazed    tion, the love and care for
at the menu’s variety, the     each dish, shines through
size of the portions, the      at Windows on Aruba.   It’s
quality of the dishes and      something we prepare for
the small price tag!   Win-    every day and hope our
dows on Aruba has long         guests can taste in every
been a favorite of visitors    bite.” 
and locals alike.                With great starters like
The upscale ambiance           Window’s famous Shrimp
and incredible 180-degree      Cocktail or a light and re-
sunset views overlooking       freshing Tomato Caprese,
the stunning golf course       and entrees like the Latin
and ocean vistas - as well     inspired Chicken Adobo
as their attention to detail   or the all time favorite
and attentive service have     Veal Oscar - you can’t go
won Window’s praise and        wrong!  To finish, the deca-
awards of excellence.          dent Dessert Sampler defi-
  “My new 3-course tasting     nitely completes the meal. 
menu is all about flavor       With this new three-course
and value”, says Regional      menu for only $49, dining at
Executive Chef Matt Bo-        Windows on Aruba should
land.   “The price tag may     be on the top of every-
be small, but the same         one’s dining list!
farm to table, dock to dish      Windows on Aruba is lo-
philosophy is found in each    cated at Divi Village Golf
dish. Many of my staff         & Beach Resort. For more
were born on this beauti-      information and reserva-
ful island, they are proud of  tions, please call  523-5017
their heritage and the myr-    or email to  clubhouse@di-
iad of influences that have 
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