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WORLD NEWSMonday 1 February 2016

Former president of El Salvador Francisco Flores dies at 56 

MARCOS ALEMAN                   In this Jan. 13, 2005 file photo, former President of El Salvador                     was innocent and others        when he was still in his 20s.
Associated Press                Francisco Flores announces his candidacy for Secretary Gen-                           that he was guilty,” Herrera   Just a few days into his new
SAN SALVADOR, El Salva-         eral of the Organization of American States (OAS) at the presi-                       said. “Now he’s before di-     position, a guerrilla attack
dor (AP) — Former Salva-        dential house in San Salvador, El Salvador.                                           vine justice.”                 killed his wife’s father. In the
doran President Francisco                                                                                             Flores had a meteoric rise     1990s, he served as an Are-
Flores, whose five years in                                                                         Associated Press  to the presidency, but once    na legislator and in 1997
power were tarnished by                                                                                               there gained a reputation      was elected president of
accusations of corruption       thrombosis, the clotting of   volvement of others.                                    for being arrogant and dis-    the legislature.
and elitism, died Saturday      blood in veins. He was hos-   On Sunday, ARENA law-                                   tant from his people. He       He won the presidency in
in the capital after suffering  pitalized for it in October   maker Ernesto Muyshondt                                 became El Salvador’s first     1999, beating former guer-
a cerebral hemorrhage, his      2014. He was hospitalized     expressed sadness that                                  president to be charged        rilla commander Facundo
party said. He was 56.          again Dec. 22, 2015, for an   Flores had died under the                               and put on trial for acts of   Guardado.
The former leader had           internal hemorrhage.          cloud of criminal charges.                              corruption during his time in  Flores took office at the
been in a coma since un-        Loyda Robles, one of the      “Over the past few years                                office.                        age of 39 as Arena’s third
dergoing emergency sur-         plaintiff lawyers against     he was plagued, vilified,                               “The people will remember      consecutive president. He
gery.                           Flores, said last week that   accused by these people                                 him for the terrible dollar-   left office in 2004.
Flores, who led El Salvador     his death would end the       who wanted to harm him,”                                ization, for the Firm Hand     During his time in power, El
from 1999 to 2004, was un-      criminal prosecution, but     Muyshondt said. “I’m sorry                              (to combat crime) and as       Salvador was hit with suc-
der house arrest on charg-      that the civil litigation     that he has left us before                              corrupt,” said Angelica Ri-    cessive natural disasters.
es of embezzlement and          would continue.               he could clear his name                                 vas, who works with a non-     Earthquakes in January
illegal enrichment. He was      Robles also said that plain-  and prove his innocence.”                               profit organization promot-    and February 2001 killed
accused of diverting more       tiffs had asked the coun-     Retired teacher Tomas Her-                              ing women’s rights.            more than 1,000 people
than $15 million, which had     try’s Supreme Court to add    rera awoke to the news                                  Jeannette Aguilar, of the      and left 200,000 homeless.
been donated by Taiwan          the charge of money laun-     Sunday and also expressed                               University Institute of Pub-   Later a severe drought de-
to help the victims of earth-   dering to the case. That      regret Flores had died be-                              lic Opinion at the Central     stroyed coffee crops.
quakes in 2001. A court says    could expand the criminal     fore the prosecution could                              American University Jose       The corruption scandal
$10 million of that went to     prosecution beyond Flores     run its course.                                         Simeon Canas, said that        and alleged theft of the
the party backing him and       to include the possible in-   “His friends said that he                               various studies showed         earthquake-relief funds
the remainder to him.                                                                                                 Flores’ presidency to be       sealed his reputation with
The conservative Nation-                                                                                              among the worst based on       many. The switch to the
alist Republican Alliance,                                                                                            public opinion.                U.S. dollar as the country’s
better known as ARENA,                                                                                                “He was a leader with an       currency also received a
which carried Flores to the                                                                                           arrogant style, a lot of hu-   huge popular backlash.
presidency, mourned his                                                                                               bris, not close to the peo-    Salvadorans were encour-
death and said it would                                                                                               ple, who responded to the      aged to see the attempts
support his family. Cur-                                                                                              interests of the economic      to bring Flores to justice, but
rent Salvadoran President                                                                                             elite who at that time domi-   he did not live long enough
Salvador Sanchez also                                                                                                 nated Arena,” Aguilar said.    to see out the process.
offered his condolences                                                                                               Born to a well-off, conser-    “Our justice system has
through his official Twitter                                                                                          vative and anti-communist      been slow, has obeyed the
account.                                                                                                              family, Flores rose quickly    interests that do not obey
Doctors last week said                                                                                                through the ranks of Arena,    the interest of justice of the
Flores had suffered irrevers-                                                                                         which ruled El Salvador be-    people and some try to
ible neurological damage                                                                                              tween 1989 and 2009. He        make him out to be the vic-
and that his chances of                                                                                               started in the government      tim,” said Miguel Montene-
survival were minimal.                                                                                                of Arena’s first president,    gro from the El Salvador Hu-
Flores had suffered from                                                                                              Alfredo Cristiani, in 1989,    man Rights Commission.q
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