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                                                                                                                Monday 1 February 2016

Cameron, Tusk fail to strike deal on British reform demands 

JILL LAWLESS                  tinctively British dinner of   Britain’s Prime Minister David Cameron, right, meets with European Council president, Donald
Associated Press              smoked salmon, fillet of       Tusk, at his official London residence, 10 Downing Street, ahead of crunch talks to finalise an EU
LONDON (AP) — European        beef and fruit crumble, Tusk   reform package that could be backed by the rest of the 28-country bloc, Sunday Jan. 31, 2016.
Council President Donald      tweeted that “intensive
Tusk and British Prime Min-   work” over the next day                                                                                                                             Associated Press
ister David Cameron failed    would be crucial.
Sunday to strike a deal       Britain and the EU have        flocked to the U.K. are         tion and other countries’     day that the meeting with
aimed at keeping the U.K.     been hoping to reach a         straining schools, hospitals    desire to maintain the prin-  Tusk had made progress on
in the EU — but agreed to     final pact at a Feb. 18-19     and social services.            ciple of free movement.       that key issue, but “there
extend talks between the      summit — an increasingly       On Friday, top EU officials     Cameron said the proposal     is still more hard work re-
two sides for another day.    unlikely prospect unless       offered Britain a mecha-        was positive, but didn’t go   quired.”
Both sides had hoped the      there is quick progress.       nism known as an “emer-         far enough.
dinner meeting would          Welfare benefits have be-      gency brake” that would         Britain wants the “emer-      Britain also wants more
close the gap over Britain’s  come the key issue, and        let the U.K. temporarily limit  gency brake” to take ef-      power ceded from Brussels
demand for more control       main sticking point, in Brit-  tax credits — given to work-    fect immediately after a      to national parliaments,
over immigration. But Tusk    ain’s negotiations with the    ers in low-paid jobs — and      British vote to stay in the   exemption from the EU’s
emerged from 10 Downing       rest of the EU before a U.K.   housing benefit to immi-        EU, and last for as long as   commitment to “ever-clos-
St. and told reporters there  referendum on whether to       grants if the country’s wel-    it takes to reduce the level  er union,” a reduction in
was “no deal.”                remain in the bloc.            fare system comes under         of migration. Cameron’s       EU red tape and protec-
Cameron tweeted that it       The referendum must be         pressure.                       initial proposal was for a    tion for the nine EU coun-
had been a “good meet-        held by next year and          The proposal could satisfy      four-year halt on benefits    tries, including Britain, that
ing” and said late Sunday     could come as early as         Britain’s goal of regaining     to new EU immigrants.         do not use the euro single
the two men had agreed        June.                          some control over immigra-      Cameron’s office said Sun-    currency.q
on “another 24 hours of       Cameron wants to limit Brit-
talks” before proposals       ish welfare benefits to mi-
were published.               grants from other EU coun-
Before the meeting, Tusk      tries — but other EU lead-
had said that if the two men  ers say that undermines
reached an agreement, he      the right of EU citizens to
would present a draft text    work and live freely among
to the 27 other EU member     member nations.
states on Monday.             Britain’s Conservative gov-
After the two politicians     ernment says hundreds of
failed to resolve their dis-  thousands of people from
agreements over a dis-        Eastern Europe who have
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