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U.S. NEWSMonday 1 February 2016
Sanders transforms into contender, still pitches revolution
KEN THOMAS But the Vermont senator far-fetched campaign, the
CATHERINE LUCEY now also has the sheen of democratic socialist has
Associated Press a contender. evolved into a more pol-
MASON CITY, Iowa (AP) He peppers audiences ished, more professional
— Bernie Sanders’ stump with his favorable poll num- candidate.
speech offers “radical” bers and describes what a His message of politi-
ideas and a voice rising in “Sanders administration” cal revolution still draws
outrage as he describes might offer. He takes selfies big crowds — more than
the plight of a disappear- along the rope line as David 14,000 people flocked to
ing middle class, retirees Bowie’s “Starman” blares a recent event in St. Paul,
scraping by on meager So- over the loudspeakers and Minnesota — but his Iowa
cial Security payments and now weaves quips into his events are more intimate
recent college graduates long-winded speeches. and personal. He asks for
struggling with debt. Eight months into a once names before people ask
Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt.,
speaks during a campaign rally at Delaware County Fair-
grounds, on Saturday, Jan. 30, 2016, in Manchester, Iowa.
Associated Press
their questions and he sur- takes the stage.
veys the crowd to find the
person with the largest col- Known for a serious de-
lege debt or health care
deductible, likening himself meanor, Sanders, 74, has
to a “Vermont auctioneer.”
Sanders rips into Republi- started showing more of a
can Donald Trump at most
stops. But he also copies playful side.
from the billionaire’s play-
book by rattling off poll When MSNBC’s An-
numbers that he says show
he’d be a tougher oppo- drea Mitchell asked him
nent against Trump than
Democratic rival Hillary about releasing a doc-
Sanders is also more willing tor’s letter attesting to
to jab in Clinton’s direction,
even while professing to his “overall very good
be running a positive cam-
paign. health,”Sanders clenched
He has all the trappings of
a major candidate, too: a his fists and broke into a
flush campaign bank ac-
count, a campaign bus, mock shadow boxing ses-
occasional rides on a char-
tered jet. sion. “Do I get involved in
Outside of events, vendors
hawk his image on T-shirts, senior boxing — challenge,
buttons and hats. Inside, a
series of on-theme songs — go for the light-heavy-
Tracy Chapman’s “Talkin’
Bout a Revolution,” for in- weight championship,
stance — play before he
or run for president?” he
Sanders told The Associ-
ated Press that he’s “not
always a grumpy old guy. I
do have a sense of humor.”
Part of his appeal has
been cultivated by co-
median Larry David’s por-
trayal of Sanders on “Satur-
day Night Live” as a blunt,
cranky politician scream-
ing of revolution.
Actor Justin Long noted
the similarities when he in-
troduced Sanders in Des
Moines this week.q