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                                                                                                                                        Monday 1 February 2016

In Vermont, thorn in side of powerful faces criminal probe

DAVE GRAM                         acronym meaning “strate-        The letter refers to the min-   In this Sept. 17, 2012 file photo, Annette Smith watches in court
Associated Press                  gic lawsuit against public      utes of town meetings last     during a conference hearing on the recount of the Progressive
MONTPELIER, Vt. (AP) — An-        participation.”                 year in Morgan — where         Party race for governor in Montpelier, Vt. 
nette Smith has been fight-       The complaint filed with the    Blittersdorf has proposed a
ing the power for more            state attorney general’s of-    solar project near Lake Sey-                                                                       Associated Press
than 15 years, tenaciously        fice alleges Smith has im-      mour, a prime recreation
opposing energy projects          properly provided legal         spot — that discuss “at-
she believes harm the envi-       advice to parties before        torney compensation” for
ronment or quality of life in     the state Public Service        Smith. Town officials called
Vermont.                          Board, a court-like regula-     the entry an error based on
Now she is the target of a        tory panel where utilities      a misunderstanding.
criminal investigation into       and project developers of-      Blittersdorf did not return
whether her efforts consti-       ten hire lawyers at $250 per    calls seeking comment.
tute unlicensed legal work        hour or more. Many resi-        The lawyer representing
— but her allies say her only     dents and small towns say       him said in an email Friday
offense is too often annoy-       they don’t have money           he could not comment.
ing a green power industry        like that, effectively barring  Richard Saudek, a former
that boasts deep pockets.         them from full participation    Public Service Board chair-
“Even though this is a pre-       in board cases.                 man who has also ap-
posterous charge, and will        By helping draft filings and    peared before it in private
likely be thrown out, its pur-    giving advice to those          practice, called Smith “ex-
pose will be fulfilled: to chill  making appearances be-          tremely knowledgeable.”
anyone’s free speech rights       fore the board, Smith is        But he noted that there
who dares to question the         “squarely within Vermont’s      can be pitfalls to going into
powerful in Montpelier,” at-      definition of the unauthor-     a legal proceeding with
torney Deborah Bucknam            ized practice of law,” ac-      amateur adviceq
wrote in an op-ed.                cording to a copy of the
Smith’s efforts to give towns     complaint letter sent to the
and local groups greater          attorney general that Smith
say in large-scale renew-         provided to The Associat-
able energy projects are          ed Press. Assistant Attorney
meant to “help those who          General John Treadwell
cannot afford the high            vouched for the letter’s au-
priced lawyers the devel-         thenticity.
opers can,” wrote Buck-           The complaint portrays
nam, who has represented          Smith as usually working in-
critics of a wind project in      directly with those before
northeastern Vermont.             the board, though it says
Smith, 59, uses a small so-       on at least one occasion
lar installation to power her     she attempted to directly
home in Danby, where she          participate because she
milks a cow by hand and           wanted to “streamline the
defies Vermont winters by         process,” according to a
growing citrus — limes and        transcript of a 2014 hear-
grapefruit — in a green-          ing on a wind turbine in
house. But she has been           Vergennes. Otherwise the
an outspoken critic of what       hearing could be “very
she sees as the negative          slow” while she consulted
effects of large-scale wind       with a couple bothered by
and solar projects: wildlife      the turbine on “questions
deaths and noise pollution        to ask and things to say,”
from wind turbines, visual        the letter said.
blight from sprawling solar       The complaint letter was
arrays.                           partially redacted and
She won’t comment on the          Treadwell would not say
specifics of the allegations      who had sent it. But other
— “Anything I say can be          documents and a footnote
used against me,” she said        in the letter point to a law
— but called the investiga-       firm representing David Blit-
tion “a government-spon-          tersdorf, a major solar and
sored SLAPP suit,” using an       wind developer.
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