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Monday 1 February 2016
U.S. pledges $97M to
combat Ethiopia’s drought
PAUL SCHEMM we are up against very met with farmers and relief Ziway Dugda district communities waiting for food distribution at
ELIAS MESERET tight timelines,” she said at workers. Ogolcha food centre in a drought stricken area in Ziway Dugda
Associated Press a briefing during the an- “This challenge may last district, during UN Secretary General, Ban Ki moon’s visit to Ethi-
ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia nual African Union summit, some time. With the contin- opia, Sunday, Jan. 31, 2016.
(AP) — The U.S. has boost- which ended Sunday. “This ued and concerted effort,
ed its emergency food aid is the worst El Nino in history I think we can overcome. Associated Press
to Ethiopia by nearly $100 and it has affected the Afri- And I (am) very much
million to combat one of can continent in particular, moved to have seen how ple. Since October 2014, been met by donors.
the worst droughts in de- most dramatically in Ethio- hard the people are work- the U.S. has given $532 mil- Smith said the U.S. will urge
cades, the U.S. Agency for pia where 11 million people ing,” Ban said. lion in humanitarian aid to other international do-
International Development have been affected.” The El Nino warming over Ethiopia. The U.N. has is- nors to step in and support
announced Sunday. On Sunday, U.N. Secretary- the Pacific Ocean has sued an international ap- Ethiopia’s efforts to deliver
The aid is urgently needed General Ban Ki-moon visit- been particularly severe peal for $1.4 billion in emer- food aid and preserve the
to head off a humanitarian ed Ethiopia’s Ziway-Dugda this year with spring and gency funding for Ethiopia, development gains of the
disaster brought on by the region, one of the areas hit summer rains failing in Ethi- of which less than half has last two decades.
El Nino climate phenome- by drought, where he was opia and causing crops to
non that has affected sea- welcomed by thousands fail and killing livestock.
sonal rains, USAID adminis- of residents in the streets of The $97 million from USAID
trator Gayle Smith said. Ogolcho, the biggest town will include about 176,000
“The funding for this is not there. Ban visited a food metric tons of food to be
where it needs to be and distribution center, and distributed to 4 million peo-
Oxfam: $1.9B in Ebola aid
not delivered by donors
ROBBIE COREY-BOULET In this Wednesday, March 11, 2015 file photo, health workers
Associated Press carry a body of a person that they suspected died form the Ebo-
ABIDJAN, Ivory Coast (AP) la virus at a new graveyard on the outskirts of Monrovia, Liberia.
— International donors
have failed to deliver $1.9 Associated Press
billion in promised funds to
help West African countries Guinea — the three hard- ola Recovery Conference
recover from the Ebola est-hit countries — to pro- in New York last July. At
epidemic that killed more vide detailed information least $1.9 billion of that “still
than 11,000 people and on how aid is being pro- has not been allocated
decimated already weak vided. to a specific country in a
health care systems, the More than $5 billion was pledge statement let alone
U.K.-based charity Oxfam pledged by the interna- through more firm commit-
said Sunday. tional community as part of ments to specific recovery
The remaining $3.9 billion a special International Eb- programs.”
pledged has been difficult
to track because of “scant
information” and a lack of
transparency, the group
said. “We’re finding it hard
to understand which do-
nors have given what mon-
ey, to whom and for what
purpose,” said Aboubacry
Tall, Oxfam’s regional di-
rector for West Africa.
Oxfam called on donors
and the governments of
Sierra Leone, Liberia and