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U.S. NEWSMonday 1 February 2016
Sentencing set for ex-execs in West Virginia chemical spill
gency, telling residents in maximum,” said Rhonda in front of TV cameras.
Former U.S. Attorney Booth
a nine-county area served Mullins of Charleston. “They Goodwin, who resigned
last month to run in May’s
by the water company to didn’t have to live through West Virginia primary for
governor as a Democrat,
avoid using their tap water that.” said the spill served as “a
wake-up call” to the vul-
except for flushing toilets During the tap-water ban, nerability of tap water sys-
tems and cast “a spotlight
and putting out fires. Mullins said her daughter on the issue of our water
security here in this nation.”
Residents immediately brought her several gallons “We need to ask ourselves
if we’re any safer in terms
cleared store shelves of of bottled water daily for of our water infrastructure
than we were in January
bottled water, and sup- drinking, and Mullins took of 2014,” he said. “I think
it’s something that certainly
pliers sent in truckloads of water from a nearby creek not only tank owners need
to be concerned about,
water for residents to use and boiled it to wash dish- but the folks who provide
our lifeblood — our water.”
in the coming days. Many es. Her daughter lives out- Hundreds of people went
to emergency rooms com-
restaurants were forced to side the spill zone and took plaining of symptoms that
could be spill-related, rang-
close or cut back services Mullins’ dirty clothes home ing from nausea to dizzi-
ness. Many claimed illness-
temporarily. with her to do laundry. es even after their water
was deemed safe again.
The tap water advisory re- For more than a decade, Under a Freedom liquida-
tion plan approved by a
mained in place for up to officials had been aware of federal bankruptcy judge
in October, more than $2
10 days while homes and critical deficiencies at the million will be distributed to
residents and businesses af-
businesses systematically Freedom site, including a fected by the spill.
A federal class-action law-
flushed the chemical from cracked containment wall suit is set for trial in July, pit-
ting affected residents and
their lines. that let chemicals seep businesses against West
Virginia American Water,
Before the advisory was lift- through down a bank into its parent company and
chemical manufacturer
ed, Freedom filed for bank- the river, according to an Eastman Chemical. In a
related proposed settle-
ruptcy. FBI affidavit. But improve- ment, Southern would pay
$350,000 and Farrell would
The first to be sentenced ments to the wall weren’t pay $50,000.q
for negligent discharge of made.
a pollutant this week are Tis, Herzing and Farrell
Freedom plant manager owned Freedom until De-
Michael Burdette on Mon- cember 2013, when they
day and environmental sold it to Pennsylvania-
consultant Robert Reyn- based Chemstream Hold-
This Jan. 8, 2015 photo shows former Freedom Industries execu- olds on Wednesday. Each ings for $20 million. South-
tive Dennis Farrell leaving Federal court in Charleston W.Va.
faces up to a year in prison ern became president
Associated Press
and a minimum $2,500 fine. afterward, but he was in
JOHN RABY won’t ever be forgotten. The company faces up to charge of Freedom’s day-
Associated Press It began when a licorice
CHARLESTON, West Vir- odor was noticed along $900,000 in fines at a hear- to-day operations for years
ginia (AP) — Two years the Elk River in Charleston
after thousands of gallons the morning of Jan. 9, 2014. ing Thursday. beforehand.
of a coal-cleaning agent The smell was pinpointed to
leaked into the drinking a leak of the coal-cleaning Ex-Freedom officials William Prosecutors portrayed
water supply of 300,000 agent MCHM at a series of
West Virginians, the sen- Freedom Industries tanks Tis, Charles Herzing, Den- Southern as a wealthy busi-
tencings of six officials at less than 2 miles (3.2 kilome-
a chemical distributor this ters) upstream from West nis Farrell and, lastly, Gary nessman who cared little
month will bring to a close Virginia American Water’s
criminal cases in the spill. intake. Southern are to be sen- about safety. Southern ap-
For residents who never By nightfall, state officials
met those men, the saga declared a state of emer- tenced later this month. peared unsympathetic
Southern, Freedom’s presi- when he told reporters
dent, faces the harshest a day after the spill that
penalty: up to three years he had had a “long day”
in prison and $300,000 in and tried to leave a news
fines. conference multiple times
“I think every one of them outside the tank facility. He
should be sentenced to the also drank a bottle of water