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                                                                                                                                    Monday 1 February 2016

2 Virginia Tech students arrested in death of 13-year-old 

BLACKSBURG, Virginia (AP)      were found.                     This undated photo provided by the Blacksburg Police Depart-
— Two Virginia Tech en-        The girl had been missing       ment shows Virginia Tech student David Eisenhauer, left, and
gineering students have        since last week. Her family     Natalie Keepers, right, who were arrested in connection with the
been arrested in connec-       says she disappeared after      death of Nicole Madison Lovell. 
tion with the death of a       pushing a dresser in front
13-year-old girl whose dis-    of her bedroom door and                                                                             Associated Press
appearance last week           climbing out a window.
from her Virginia home         Lovell’s family members         and researchers had assist-   Sunday. A message left at
set off a frantic, four-day    did not immediately return      ed in the search for Lovell.  Keepers’ home in Laurel,
search.                        messages seeking com-           The school said in a state-   Maryland was not immedi-
Blacksburg Police say Da-      ment Sunday.                    ment Saturday that he has     ately returned. Officials at
vid Eisenhauer, 18, was                                        been suspended from the       the county jail where the
arrested Saturday and          Davy Draper, who said           university.                   two are being held would
charged with first-degree      he’s a close family friend      A number listed for Eisen-    not say whether either sus-
murder and abduction in        who knew Lovell most of         hauer’s parents was busy      pect has a lawyer.q
the death of Nicole Madi-      her life, said she had a liver
son Lovell, who disap-         transplant when she was
peared from her home           a child and had to take
Wednesday. Natalie Keep-       daily medication. But de-
ers, 19, of Laurel, Maryland,  spite her health problems,
was arrested Sunday and        Draper said Lovell was an
faces charges of improper      energetic and outspoken
disposal of a body and ac-     girl who got along with ev-
cessory after the fact in the  eryone.
commission of a felony.        “She was an awesome little
Both are being held with-      girl. She was an angel here
out bond at the Montgom-       on Earth and she’s an an-
ery County Jail.               gel now,” Draper said.
“Based on the evidence         Eisenhauer was as a stand-
collected to date, inves-      out track and field athlete
tigators have determined       in high school, who was
that Eisenhauer and Nicole     named Boys Indoor Track
were acquainted prior to       Performer of the Year by
her disappearance. Eisen-      the Baltimore Sun newspa-
hauer used this relation-      per in March. The Sun said
ship to his advantage to       Eisenhauer had moved to
abduct the 13-year-old         Columbia from Yakima,
and then kill her. Keepers     Washington state, for his ju-
helped Eisenhauer dispose      nior year.
of Nicole’s body,” Blacks-     Joe Keating, who said he
burg police said in a state-   was a co-captain along-
ment.                          side Eisenhauer on the Wil-
Virginia State Police lo-      de Lake High School track
cated Lovell’s remains Sat-    team, described him as a
urday afternoon in Surry       normal kid who seemed to
County, North Carolina,        enjoy being at school and
just over the Virginia bor-    never started any prob-
der. Hours later, police       lems. Keating said he’s
announced the arrest of        “appalled” by the thought
Eisenhauer, a freshman         that Eisenhauer could be
from Columbia, Maryland.       involved in Lovell’s death.
The Roanoke Times news-        “All of my friends that knew
paper quoted Blacksburg        him, that graduated with
Police Chief Anthony Wil-      him, as well as everyone
son as saying that Eisen-      on the team, we’re just in
hauer has not confessed        total shock about this en-
to involvement in Lovell’s     tire thing. We would never
death and did not give po-     have seen this coming,”
lice information that led to   Keating said.
the discovery of her body.     Virginia Tech said on its
Police initially charged       website that Eisenhauer
Eisenhauer with abduction;     was a freshman engineer-
he was charged with mur-       ing major at the school and
der after the girl’s remains   that hundreds of students
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